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New Sheoth
(view on map)
SENSBliss01, SENSBliss02, SENSBliss03, SENSBliss04, SENSBliss05, SENSBlissEntrance, SENSBlissExit
Shops and Services
Bliss is vibrant and full of bright colors.
The Gate leading to Crucible

Bliss is the bright and cheery half of New Sheoth, in Mania, most of whose residents are utterly insane. Bliss is guarded by the Golden Saints and ruled by the Duke of Mania, Thadon.

The district comprises a central plaza, a main thoroughfare, a side street and the public gardens. The plaza consists of various shops and houses and contains a fountain sculpture depicting Sheogorath surrounded by mermaids. The main road in Bliss leads from the plaza to the gate to Crucible, while a side street is home to several residents of Bliss. In the northern part of the district are the public gardens, boasting flora native to Mania. Various walkways crisscross above Bliss, with one connecting to New Sheoth Palace.

Along with Crucible, Bliss does not have its own jail. Criminals who are arrested in the district are instead sent to Aichan, located north of The Fringe.

Related Quests


The public gardens
Amiable Fanriene's House
Amiable Fanriene
Big Head's House
Big Head
Books of Bliss
Sontaire Books (Books of Bliss)
Common Treasures
Tilse Areleth General (Common Treasures)
Orinthal's House
Rendil Drarara's House
Rendil Drarara
Sacellum Arden-Sul
The Choosy Beggar
Raven Biter Alchemist (The Choosy Beggar) Innkeeper
Sheer Meedish
The Missing Pauldron
Dumag gro-Bonk Blacksmith (The Missing Pauldron) Recharge Repairs
Tove the Unrestful's House
Tove the Unrestful
Thaedil's House


  • One flawless pearl can be found on the roof of Common Treasures.
  • Several gold coins can be found in the fountain by the main gate, and 3 gold coins can be found on the roof of The Missing Pauldron.
  • It is possible to complete the Shivering Isles main quest and become Lord Sheogorath without ever entering or discovering Bliss.


Map of Bliss
  1. Gate from New Sheoth
  2. The Choosy Beggar
  3. The Choosy Beggar
  4. Common Treasures
  5. Rendil Drarara's House Upstairs
  6. Rendil Drarara's House
  7. The Missing Pauldron
  8. The Missing Pauldron
  9. Amiable Fanriene's House
  10. Big Head's House
  11. Palace Grounds
  12. Orinthal's House
  13. Orinthal's House
  14. Books of Bliss
  15. Books of Bliss
  16. Tove the Unrestful's House
  17. Thaedil's House
  18. Sacellum Arden-Sul
  19. Crucible