Online:Windhelm Outlaws Refuge

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Outlaws Refuge:
Windhelm Outlaws Refuge
(view on map)
Ebonheart Pact
Nord nautical entrepreneurs—"sea raiders" to those they "do business" with—find a place in every northern port where they can exchange their ill-gotten cargo for gold. Local back-alley footpads also find the outlaws refuge convenient.
The outskirts entrance to the Windhelm Outlaws Refuge

Windhelm Outlaws Refuge is an outlaws refuge found beneath Windhelm. An access to the hideout can be gained through a trap door hidden behind the Anvil & Pauldron smithy. Another entrance is located on the outskirts to the south of the city, across the bridge.

The Windhelm Hideout

Inside, near the eastern entrance, a book, Enduring Nord Society, can be read. A vendetta journal, found at the booth of Lugdakh the Gutworm, judging by the dialogue, belongs to him.

Residents and Vendors


A map of Windhelm Outlaws Refuge

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