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Merchant Merchants are vendors who sell repair kits, potions for attribute restoration, lockpicks and bait.

Aldmeri Dominion

Zone Settlement Store/Location Merchant
Auridon Road between Dawnbreak and the Lover stone Caranande
Greenwater Cove Northwestern bridge Elodinar
East road of Greenwater Cove Erymil
Near Greenwater Wayshrine Errataale
Road south of Mathiisen Errannie
West of Silsailen Nadonil
Skywatch Hermit's Hoard Nilleth
Southern balcony of Skywatch Manor Miczen
Outside Toothmaul Gully Caerel
North of Torinaan Hendaril
Northeast of Torinaan Mangitaale
Vulkhel Guard Guard's Forge Eshaba
The Handy Haversack Vesteldore
Harborside Market Zibam
Vulkhel Guard Outlaws Refuge Hazaznaz
Grahtwood Brackenleaf Lower graht-oak node Lereluin
Cormount Orabess' Common Wares Orabess
Road between Cormount and Elden Root Sabarapa
Elden Root Elden Root Outlaws Refuge Beekaw
Practical Treasures Nagaddu
Road between Elden Root and Haven Rehan
The Gray Mire Outside northeastern gate Ingatalmo
Haven Menthorn's Supplies Menthorn [a]
Swimmer's Stuff Bad Swimmer [a]
West of Haven Anirwe
Karthdar Aranak's Amenities Aranak [b]
Redfur Trading Post Hearty Hoarvor Fanayell
Multa's's Miscellany Multa
Ragged Rajdah's Ragged Rajdah
Sarandel's Carnival Southeastern part of camp Soritirmo
Southpoint Eastern side of main plaza Natalo Varga [a]
Road east of Southpoint Orthalon
Greenshade Longhaven Fada-daro
Marbruk Marbruk Outlaws Refuge Mizareh
Zuzik's Fine Goods Zuzik
Road south from Marbruk Lenahawn
Moonhenge Wayshrine Shausa
Seaside Sanctuary Camp in eastern part Fonalor
Woodhearth Adaishir's Trustworthy Goods Adaishir
The Cat's Bazaar Zaheida
Road north from Woodhearth Carterril
Khenarthi's Roost Eagle's Strand Shipwreck Sundries Kadalura
Western tower Snarga
Mistral Canebrake Market Jurairia
East of Temple of the Crescent Moons Ranabi
Malabal Tor Baandari Trading Post Jainda's Needful Supplies Jainda
Road between Baandari Trading Post and Valeguard Tellanil
Velyn Harbor Velyn Harbor Outlaws Refuge Brugagikh
Vulkwasten Mystic Moons Imports Berriza
Reaper's March Arenthia Riverside General Goods Lamanu
Zetisha's Tack and Tackle Zetisha
Dune Crafty Mazduni's Caravan Mazduni-daro
The Shop-on-the-Steps Sabani
Sugar's Corner Shop Has-Sugar-In-Him
Rawl'kha Munyat's Many Things Raban
Rawl'kha Outlaws Refuge Daynila Hlas
The Stout Elf's Cart & Pastry Erathrin
S'ren-ja Central plaza Azdanten
Willowgrove Stall in western part Sarolion Sells-All

Daggerfall Covenant

Zone Settlement Store/Location Merchant
Alik'r Desert Bergama Morwha's Basket Nabeenim
Road between Bergama and Leki's Blade Jambi
Crossroads northeast of Bergama Wayshrine Darien
Kozanset Khaj-Walker's Market Mazalish
Sentinel Sand-Sifter's Mercantile Boussa
Sentinel Outlaws Refuge Abiznaz
(?) Fahima
Road south of Sentinel Jomer the Sharp
Sunken Road Lucille Coravel
Bangkorai Evermore Dockside Sundries Ahya
Evermore Outlaws Refuge Khorshina
Hallin's Stand Zeht's Grain Purse Ramana [a]
Kerbol's Hollow Farelle Falbert
Betnikh Stonetooth Fortress Bridgeside Market Meerana
Lagabul's Larder Lagabul
Glenumbra Aldcroft Bits & Pieces Ugduk gra-Bazgar
Beldama Wyrd Tree Near great trunk Benoit Gette [a]
Camlorn Central plaza Gronov [a]
Crosswych Gestor's Fine Goods Vincein Gestor
Daggerfall Daggerfall Outlaws Refuge Alphrennor
Daria's Sundries Daria Thenephan
Road leading to Deleyn's Mill Trader Khnanya
Road outside Glenumbra Moors Absolard
On the road west of Red Rook Camp Oodeg gro-Lumuf
Vale of the Guardians Southeastern part Initiate Delighre
Rivenspire Camp Tamrith Leseph Restane
Fell's Run Sabir's General Goods Sabir
Hoarfrost Downs Wort's Wares Wort the Weary
Road from Magdelena's Haunt to Old Kalgon's Keep Laelette Eniel
Northpoint Northern Lights Bazaar Marie Serielle
Northsalt Village Wharfside Market Grandeau Armene
Oldgate Oldgate Wayshrine Trader Lanbaar
Road from the Shadow stone to Valeguard Tower Morvan Treveur
Shornhelm Broken-Yoke Mercantile Ursuline Delrusc
Shornhelm Outlaws Refuge Finia Marcott
Trader's Rest Elseer Vayn
Camp north of Valeguard Tower Geon Reille
Camp southeast of Veawend Ede Kirk Ellioni
Stormhaven Alcaire Castle Alcaire Marketplace Rodynak Arnese
Between Dreughside and Cumberland's Watch Taqiyat the Thrifty
Koeglin Village Firas' First Stop Firas
Road leading east from Koeglin Village Malyna Jurelette
South of Pariah Abbey Mahbub
Southwest of Pariah Abbey Ohtarona
Shinji's Scarp Augier's Fine Wares Beaubel Augier
Ysabel Augier
On the road south of Shinji's Scarp Goorgul
Wayrest Market Square Mercantile Lea Douer
North Gate Novelties Loupel Menant
Wayrest Outlaws Refuge Vol Swift-Lift
Stros M'Kai Port Hunding Balsia's Bounty Balsia
Cheedal-Gah's Common Goods Cheedal-Gah

Ebonheart Pact

Zone Settlement Store/Location Merchant
Bal Foyen Dhalmora Patience Breeds Wealth Fetches-Glitter [c]
Deshaan Eidolon's Hollow Eidolon's Hollow Wayshrine Dithisi Girvu
Mournhold House Hlaalu Assured Wares Gelii Hlaalu
City Center Gunar the Red
Mournhold Outlaws Refuge Creeper
Narsis Peddler's Place Auda the Peddler
Quarantine Serk Southeast of Wayshrine Trades-with-Vigor
Shad Astula Docks Alvon
Tal'Deic Fortress Nelvani's Supply Tent Binayne Nelvani
On the road near the Vale of the Ghost Snake Apprentice Ithrini
Eastmarch Fort Amol Cabbage & Tambourine Oryla Heryon
Road between Fort Amol and Darkwater Crossing Yrning Earth-Turner‎
Fort Morvunskar Shelter near eastern gate Gjudir the Trader
Jorunn's Stand The Practical Traveler Geirilda
Road south of Jorunn's Stand Narfar War-Wolf
North of Thulvald's Logging Camp Gulfa Red-Beard
Windhelm Oaken-Hull's Emporium Rolunda Oaken-Hull
Windhelm Outlaws Refuge Lugdakh the Gutworm
The Rift Road north of Boulderfall Pass Walks-with-Bargains
Road near Eldbjorg's Hideaway Dratholar
Road between Fullhelm Fort and Riften Greca
Southeastern road from Honrich Tower Aluri
Ivarstead Pilgrim's Rest Inn Yngvid
Nimalten Frerbild's General Store Frerbild
South of Nimalten Balynor
Riften Artisan's Hall Shishiv
J'darzi's Fine Imports J'darzi
Riften Outlaws Refuge Skull-Brother Xandier
Shor's Stone The Tapped Vein Jazeez-Geel
(?) Anirione
Shadowfen Alten Corimont Ottaesa's Imports Ottaesa
Road north of Alten Corimont Nema-Pachat
Hissmir The Wayward Pilgrim Chalaree
Mud Tree Village Smithy Vagar Crag-Carver
Murkwater Dock camp Ushmeek
Stormhold Doubt Not These Prices Doubts-the-Moon [b]
Dusk-Scale [b]
Stormhold Outlaws Refuge Gourdeez
Road south of Stormhold Blue-Scale
Road west from Stormhold Rides-the-River
Xal Ithix Coin-Hoarder's Store Coin-Hoarder
(?) Abijoo-Anoo
Stonefalls Davon's Watch Davon's Watch Market District Hedstild
Davon's Watch Outlaws Refuge Stelvene Lothaire
Dhalmora Fine Goods Fetches-Glitter [c]
Outside Davon's Watch Murak-Lei
Ebonheart Indrano's Wonderful Wares Mendyn Indrano
The road east from Ebonheart Io-Io
Fort Virak Road stall, west of Zabamat Dolmen Bendyni Nelvani
Road north of Heimlyn Keep Wemeerit
Kragenmoor Grandmaster's Palace Aryvena Lathoril
Whisker-Twitch Trading Hut Kaasha
Lukiul Uxith (?) Beshnus
The road near Othrenis Lathisa Heryon
The road near Othrenis Wayshrine Mariia Marys
Above Softloam Cavern Zahshur
Road south of the Starved Plain Arendil Indrano


Settlement Store/Location Merchant
Aldmeri Dominion Territory Western Elsweyr Gate Mandolion
Ebonheart Pact Territory Southern Morrowind Gate Hjorga
Bruma Church Naire
East-northeast of Chalman Keep Wilminn's Winery Wilminn
Cheydinhal Vita Macer
Chorrol Pyn Virien
South of Chorrol Senadon
Cropsford (?) Azartah
North of Castle Black Boot Thalara's Winery Thalara
Vlastarus Watchtower Tavern Grabash


Settlement Store/Location Merchant
Haj Uxith Trading Post Trader Wanum-Neeus
The Hollow City Cicero's Food & General Goods Cicero Eudoxius [a]


Settlement Store/Location Merchant
Belkarth Belkarth Outlaws Refuge Grazubesha
Swift Carriage Mercantile Yasmine Cantillon
Trader's Delight Adele Barbe
Dragonstar Arena The Snatch and Grab Crooked Cadsu
Inside Dragonstar Arena Kizna
Elinhir Bienne Farm Market Alarice Bienne
Near Mountain Overlook Wayshrine Sixth Legion Surplus Antonia Gratas
Rahni'Za The Roving Trove Salamal al-Hallins
The Seeker's Archive Six-Whiskers Haggle Wagon Sabashur-dar
(?) Sergeant Armandine


Store Merchant
By The Three, Buy From Me Bivala Aralen [a]
Quality Auridon Imports Karnellas [a]


Assistant Merchants have nothing for sale, and unlike all other vendors they don't offer repair services.

^a  Appears at this location after related liberation/restoration quest.
^b  Presence of this NPC at this location is quest-dependent.
^c  Has two shops in different zones.