Online:Supernal Dreamers

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The Supernal Dreamers are a dangerous cult that worship the Daedric Prince Vaermina. They are found mainly in Stormhaven. They are the main antagonists of that zone's questline, where they attempt to wreak havoc by crippling the region's rulers with Vaermina's nightmares. The Supernal Dreamers can also be encountered at the Vaermina's Shrine in Cyrodiil.

Named Members
Caledonia Lentinus
Hark Sentulus
Generic Members
Supernal Charger
Supernal Dreamer
Supernal Frost Mage
Supernal Guardian
Supernal Healer
Supernal Recruit
Supernal Scamp
Supernal Storm Mage
Supernal Summoner

Related Quests

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