Online:Imperial Curiosity

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ON-qico-Normal.png Inform Commander Ahla about the presence of Imperials at the Hall of Heroes.
Zone: Bangkorai
Faction: Daggerfall Covenant
Quest Giver: Scout Yashamud at the Hall of Heroes
Location(s): Bangkorai Garrison
Reward: 67 Gold, Silver(?) Gold, Gold(?) Gold
XP Gain: 323 (Very Low)
Recommended Level: 42
Commander Ahla and her horse at Bangkorai Garrison

The Imperials in Southern Bangkorai have set up some sort of dig around an ancient Redguard ruin called the Hall of Heroes.

Quick Walkthrough

  1. Talk to Scout Yashamud at the Hall of Heroes.
  2. Find Commander Ahla at Bangkorai Garrison.

Detailed Walkthrough


Quest Stages

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Objective: Speak to Commander Ahla


Finishes Quest Journal Entry
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