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< NPCs(Redirecionado de Oblivion:Dremora Scout)

Este artigo é sobre the creature. Para the class, veja Dremora (class).

A Dremora seen in the E3 preview

Dremora are an aggressive humanoid species of Daedra who serve the Daedric Prince Mehrunes Dagon. They are commonly encountered throughout the planes of Oblivion. Physically, Dremora resemble large, dark reddish skinned humanoids, and they boast a natural Resistance to Magic. The Dremora that appear in the game are almost invariably male. There is only one instance of a female Dremora to be found anywhere, at Markynaz rank. (Though she may spawn in several places, so you may see her more than once.) They are intelligent, sentient beings and make capable warriors and mages. Dremora are treated as NPCs, and as such, their souls can only be trapped using Black Soul Gems. Also, every Dremora you take out will add to the "NPCs Killed" list. However, it will not count as a murder (whether for bounty or Dark Brotherhood purposes), even if the Dremora never knew of your presence.

All Dremora possess a leveled Resistance to Magic (between 25 and 50 points, depending on rank), two Destruction spells and a Mysticism spell. They are equipped with Dremora weapons and armor, the latter of which cannot be looted, though at the higher ranks, they are sometimes equipped with Daedric armors, which can be looted. Dremora mages will be equipped with a Staff and a set of Dremora Robes, as well as additional Alteration and Summon spells. Like the armor, Dremora Robes may not be looted. Dremora may carry an enchanted weapon, and upon their death will drop a Daedra Heart as well as random potions, scrolls, or gems. Dremora Valkynaz may also carry jewelry.

Dremora society is a class-based clan system that upholds values of oaths, pride, honor and loyalty, both to the clan and to Lord Mehrunes Dagon, whom they venerate as a god. Dremora culture appears to be male dominated, and focuses on training and preparing for battle and war. Dremora fall into one of seven different ranks, each more powerful and privileged than the rank below. These ranks are further distributed into melee, missile or mage classes. Dremora refer to their race as the 'Kyn' (the People) and to other Dremora as 'Kynaz' (of the Kyn). They consider themselves to be above other Daedra. More information can be found in the book Varieties of Daedra.

Four specific Dremora found in Mankar Camoran's Paradise are named: Kathutet, Amkaos, Orthe and Ranyu.


  • It is possible to charm Dremora to the point where they will not attack. They have very little dialogue, being limited to the greeting:
"Be quick about it, mortal."
  • With high enough Fame and Illusion skill, even Valkynaz can be charmed so as not to attack the player. It is also possible to yield to charmed Dremora. If they accept, they will say:
"Go, and live."
  • Under certain circumstances, approaching a Dremora will sometimes cause them to utter:
"Begone, mortal."
  • Dremora NPCs have no dialogue for the Persuasion mini-game, though they are still capable of making different facial expressions in reaction to each topic.
  • Interestingly enough, there is no 'Valkynaz' rank in the in-game Dremora faction; Dremora Valkynaz are actually assigned to the Markynaz rank. Most Dremora in the actual in-game faction are one rank lower than their name would indicate.
  • The word kyn is the Old Norse word for "family".[1].
  • Churl is from the Old English word ceorle, meaning "a non-servile peasant".[2]
  • Caitiff means either a captive/prisoner or a villain/coward/wretch, derived from old French caitif.[3]
  • Kynreeve can be translated somewhat into "Chief Magistrate of the Kyn", as reeve means a local official or a chief magistrate of an area.[4]
  • Through the Oblivion Construction Set, it is possible to play as a Dremora by clicking the "Playable" box in the race menu.
  • Dremora typically ignore other lesser Daedra (excluding those summoned through spells by their enemies), although they will engage most Golden Saints and Dark Seducers in combat during rare instances where the races actually meet, such as glitches that cause Golden Saints or Dark Seducers to follow the player into Cyrodiil.



  • The female Markynaz archer displays the "I have no greeting" text if you charm her and attempt to speak to her. In fact, she will not even grunt or shout in combat; she is completely mute. This is due to female Dremora having no assigned voice files.



Dremora Churls occupy the lowest echelon of Dremora society, and fulfill the role of expendable foot soldiers in Mehrunes Dagon's armies. They are typically armed with a Dremora Mace and they wear Dremora Churl Armor (no helmet), or Robes for Mages, which cannot be looted. These Dremora start appearing from player level 1, and are the weakest Dremora.

ID NLvl Carries Health Magicka Resist Magic Fire Resist Shock Resist Attacks Spells
Dremora Churl


Lvl-1 Max:3 20-44 162-170 20 33 -20
Dremora Churl *


Lvl-1 Max:3 20-44 162-170 20 33 -20
Dremora Churl


Lvl-1 Max:3 21-41 162-170 20 33 -20
Dremora Churl *


Lvl-1 Max:3 21-41 162-170 20 33 -20
Dremora Churl


Lvl-1 Max:3 18-40 162-170 20 33 -20

* This variety is only encountered during The Defense of Bruma.


Dremora Caitiffs are a low level rank of Dremora utilized by Mehrunes Dagon as berserkers and shock troops. They start appearing at player level 8 and are more powerful than Dremora Churls. These Dremora wear Dremora Caitiff Armor (50% chance they wear a helmet), or Robes for Mages, which cannot be looted. Dremora Caitiffs are summoned by the spell Summon Dremora.

ID NLvl Carries Health Magicka Resist Magic Fire Resist Shock Resist Attacks Spells
Dremora Caitiff


6 84 180 25 33 -20
Dremora Caitiff *


6 84 180 25 33 -20
Dremora Caitiff


6 74 180 25 33 -20
Dremora Caitiff *


6 74 180 25 33 -20
Dremora Caitiff


6 74 180 25 33 -20

* This variety is only encountered during The Defense of Bruma.


Dremora Kynvals are the most powerful of the rank and file Dremora that compose Mehrunes Dagon's armies. They are considered the equivalent of warrior-knights and show considerable potential in the ways of war. They start appearing at player level 11. These Dremora wear Dremora Kynval Armor (50% chance they wear a helmet), or Robes for Mages, which cannot be looted.

ID NLvl Carries Health Magicka Resist Magic Fire Resist Shock Resist Attacks Spells
Dremora Kynval


9 104 190 30 33 -20
Dremora Kynval *


9 104 190 30 33 -20
Dremora Kynval


9 88 190 30 33 -20
Dremora Kynval *


9 88 190 30 33 -20
Dremora Kynval


9 90 190 30 33 -20

* This variety is only encountered during The Defense of Bruma.


Dremora Kynreeves are the lowest officer rank held by a Dremora. They fulfill the role of a police or administrative officer in the forces of Mehrunes Dagon. Dremora Kynreeves start appearing at player level 14. These Dremora wear Dremora Kynreeve Armor (50% chance they wear a helmet), which cannot be looted. They also carry a shield.

ID NLvl Carries Health Magicka Resist Magic Fire Resist Shock Resist Attacks Spells
Dremora Kynreeve


12 124 200 35 33 -20
Dremora Kynreeve *


12 124 200 35 33 -20
Dremora Kynreeve


12 102 200 35 33 -20
Dremora Kynreeve *


12 102 200 35 33 -20
Dremora Kynreeve


12 106 200 35 33 -20

* This variety is only encountered during The Defense of Bruma.


Dremora Kynmarchers are the equivalent of lords or high officers in the armies of Mehrunes Dagon. They command both a unit of lower ranked Dremora and a fiefdom; a location or territory for which they are responsible. Dremora Kynmarchers start appearing at player level 17. These Dremora wear Dremora Kynmarcher Armor (50% chance they wear a helmet), which cannot be looted.

ID NLvl Carries Health Magicka Resist Magic Fire Resist Shock Resist Attacks Spells
Dremora Kynmarcher


15 145 212 40 33 -20
Dremora Kynmarcher *


15 145 212 40 33 -20
Dremora Kynmarcher


15 117 212 40 33 -20
Dremora Kynmarcher *


15 117 212 40 33 -20
Dremora Kynmarcher


15 123 212 40 33 -20

* This variety is only encountered during The Defense of Bruma.


Dremora Markynaz serve as the lords or grand dukes of Mehrunes Dagon. The Markynaz rule over lesser territories and are members of Mehrunes Dagon's Council of Lords, the Markyn. The Markynaz will start appearing at player level 21. The spell Summon Dremora Lord will summon a Dremora Markynaz that is always at level 19. Dremora Markynaz wear Dremora Markynaz Armor (including a helmet), which cannot be looted.

ID NLvl Carries Health Magicka Resist Magic Fire Resist Shock Resist Attacks Spells
Dremora Markynaz


Lvl-3 172+ 225-250 45 33 -20
Dremora Markynaz *


Lvl-3 172+ 225-250 45 33 -20
Dremora Markynaz


Lvl-3 136+ 225-250 45 33 -20
Dremora Markynaz *


Lvl-3 136+ 225-250 45 33 -20
Dremora Markynaz

000146C5 **

Lvl-3 144+ 225 - 250 45 33 -20

* This variety is only encountered during The Defense of Bruma.

** This particular variety is notable, as it is the only female Dremora to be found anywhere in the game. Since the race has no assigned voice for females, she will therefore be completely silent and exhibit the "I HAVE NO GREETING" bug when charmed and spoken to.


Dremora Valkynaz are the highest rank of Dremora and reside at the upper-most pinnacle of Dremora society. They serve as princes and army commanders and possess membership into the personal guard of Mehrunes Dagon, the Valkyn. Unlike their lesser cousins, Dremora Valkynaz will be equipped with a Daedric weapon and Daedric armor. The Valkynaz will start appearing at player level 22.

ID NLvl Carries Health Magicka Resist Magic Fire Resist Shock Resist Attacks Spells
Dremora Valkynaz


Lvl 192+ 250 50 33 -20
Dremora Valkynaz *


Lvl 192+ 250 50 33 -20
Dremora Valkynaz


Lvl 150+ 250 50 33 -20
Dremora Valkynaz *


Lvl 150+ 250 50 33 -20
Dremora Valkynaz


Lvl 160+ 235-250 50 33 -20

* This variety is only encountered during The Defense of Bruma.


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Other Dremora that do not fall into one of the above ranks are also present in both Oblivion and Cyrodiil. Most are variants of the main Dremora subtypes and will possess a rank in the Dremora faction similar to the above types.

Creature ID Location Drops Health Attacks
Dremora Archer 0001466D Kvatch keep 20
Dremora Archer 00014686 nowhere 0
Dremora Caitiff 000C8C6C Created by the "Summon Dremora" spell 84
Dremora Captain 0003ABAD Bruma during the Defense of Bruma quest 44
Dremora Captain 0003ABB4 Bruma during the Defense of Bruma quest 44
Dremora Captain 0003ABB5 Bruma during the Defense of Bruma quest 44
Dremora Churl 00090661 Imperial City Waterfront District during the Misdirection quest 44
Dremora Churl 000CD4D3 Kvatch keep and main plaza Dremora Mace (80%)
Enchanted Dremora Mace (20%)
Dremora Feydnaz 0000C57C Great Gate 59
Dremora Hatred Keeper 00014D5F Random Oblivion World 2, inside the Embers of Hatred 44
Dremora Hatred Keeper 00014D61 Random Oblivion World 2, inside the Embers of Hatred 40
Dremora Kynval 00097FBC Kvatch arena 100
Dremora Kynval 0004A2C2 Imperial City Elder Council Chambers at the end of the Main Quest 124
Dremora Kynval 0004894F Imperial City at the end of the Main Quest 124
Dremora Kynval 0000296A Imperial City at the end of the Main Quest 124
Dremora Kynval 00053FEA During the Attack on Fort Sutch quest 600
Dremora Lord 0003B3DC Bruma during the Defense of Bruma quest 84
Dremora Markynaz 000C8C92 Created by the "Summon Dremora Lord" spell 172
Dremora Scout 00014C59 Kvatch 18
Dremora Sigil Keeper 00093EF0 Kvatch Oblivion gate 20
Siege Crawler Sentry 0009C26A Great Gate 20
Sigil Keeper 0009504D Bruma Citadel during the Bruma Gate quest
Sigil Keeper 0009C226 Great Gate

Race-specific Dialogue

"Begone, mortal."
"Be quick about it, mortal."
"Go, and live." (accepting a yield)
"Back, nithing!"
"Beg, birthskin!"
"Bow to me!"
"Break and fall!"
"Break! Bleed!"
"Burst, bloodsack!"
"Crawl, craven!"
"Dark and deep!"
"Fail and fall!"
"Feed me, Lord!"
"Feel this!"
"Give way, caitiff!"
"Go down!"
"Heel, dog!"
"I banish you!"
"Join my trophies, nithing!"
"Kneel, churl!"
"Kyn and Valkyn!"
"On your belly, nikyn!"
"Open wide!"
"Prince and Power!"
"Regroup!" (fleeing combat)[verification needed]
"Shatter, weakling!"
"Weep, fettlekyn!"
"Yield, slave!"