Utilizadora:Helenaannevalentine/Sandbox 5

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Image Requests

Article: A Watery Grave (Oblivion) (Sandbox)

  • An image of First Mate Malvulis in front of the Marie Elena, caption: "You get near that ship, and my men will run you through." (perhaps with her weapon unsheathed to emphasize her point?)
  • An image of the two pirates talking shortly after you enter the crate and are smuggled into the ship itself, caption: "Bah! You mark my words, boy. That Dark Elf trollop is bad luck. The captain'll end up dead with her around. You'll see."
  • An image of Captain Tussaud sitting down at the table, caption: "What in blazes! You ain't one of me crew! Ye best start explainin' yerself, mate, if ye want to get off this ship alive!"

-- Helenaannevalentine(talk) 18:32, 18 October 2012 (GMT)

OB-qico-DarkBrotherhood.png You must kill the captain of the pirate vessel Marie Elena.
Quest Giver: Vicente Valtieri
Location(s): Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary
The Marie Elena, Waterfront District
Prerequisite Quest: A Knife in the Dark
Next Quest: Accidents Happen
Reward: Black Band
Fame/Infamy: Infamy +1
ID: Dark02Watery
"Board the ship and find its captain, Gaston Tussaud."

Quick Walkthrough

  1. Speak with Vicente Valtieri about your first contract.
  2. Travel to the ship The Marie Elena in the Waterfront District.
    • (Optional) Hide in one of the crates being loaded onto the ship.
  3. Make your way into the Captain's Cabin.
  4. Kill the captain of the ship, Gaston Tussaud.
  5. Return to Vicente in the Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary.

Detailed Walkthrough

Dead in the Water

Once you accept the contract for the quest, Vicente will explain you the situation: "Excellent. Here is what you must do. Go to the Waterfront District of the Imperial City. There you will find a ship named the Marie Elena. Board the ship and find its captain, Gaston Tussaud. He'll be in his cabin. Eliminate Tussaud in any manner you see fit. The pirates have been moving a lot of cargo onboard lately. You may be able to smuggle yourself on board in one of the packing crates. Oh, and one more thing. Get into the habit of asking your fellow family members about any current contract. Their insight may prove invaluable." Before you depart the Sanctuary, you can follow Vicente's advice and take the time to ask your fellow family members on their advice on your current contract.

The Marie Elena

When you arrive, you will find that the ship is currently docked in the Imperial City Waterfront District. When you first arrive, you will no doubt notice the pirates loading crates into the ship, which is being overseen by the First Mate Malvulis. If you choose to approach Malvulis, she will tell you: "Beautiful, isn't she? The Marie Elena. Damn fine ship, with a damn fine crew. I should know, I'm her first mate. Malvulis is the name. So believe me when I tell you we don't like it when people snoop around in our affairs. You get near that ship, and my men will run you through." If you approach her again, she will strictly warn you: "I hope I made myself clear the first time. If you get near that ship, you'll end up dead. Now get out of my face." To access the ship itself, there are many ways you can access it:

Boarding Party

Remembering Vicente's advice on the contract: "The pirates have been moving a lot of cargo onboard lately. You may be able to smuggle yourself on board in one of the packing crates." you can choose to sneak yourself into one of the crates being loaded onto the ship. If you approach the crates at the front of the ship, a message will appear: "You believe you could effectively hide in this crate and then be transported to the pirate ship Marie Elena. Do you wish to hide in the crate, or try to find your own way onboard the ship?" If you accept, you will find yourself inside the ship. Making your way up to the mid-deck and moving along the hallway, you will then hear two pirates onboard speaking to one another about Malvulis:

Imperial: "I'm telling ya, lad, it's bad luck. A woman onboard a pirate vessel! Back in my day, it never would've happened."
Redguard: "Oh, come now. How many times has Malvulis saved our necks, huh? Captain Tussaud keeps her on for a reason. She's a better sailor than any one of us."
Imperial: "Ho, there, laddie, now you're just bein' insultin'! She may be tougher than me, and meaner too, but a better sailor? It ain't even possible."
Redguard: "Oh, right, how could I forget. That time we were almost dashed upon those rocks, near the city of Firsthold. That was somebody else at the helm."
Imperial: "I told you a million times, that wasn't my fault! The wheel was covered with gull droppings! My hand slipped! Could've happened to anyone!"
Redguard: "Well, it's never happened to Malvulis, has it? You know why? 'Cause she could sail better than you in her sleep, you old fool!"
Imperial: "Bah! You mark my words, boy. That Dark Elf trollop is bad luck. The captain'll end up dead with her around. You'll see."
Redguard: "You'd better watch your tongue, old man! Captain Tussaud hears you talkin' like that, he'll cut it out! Now come on. We been gabbin' long enough."

Remembering Antoinetta's advice: "I've traveled by prison ship. It was cramped and dark. There was little room to move around, but plenty of shadowy nooks to hide in. Remember that." hide in the shadows and wait until the pirates have passed. Then continue making your way forward until you arrive at a ladder to the captain's cabin.

  • You can also follow Teinaava's advice: "The Marie Elena, you say? I've seen that ship. There's a unique balcony at the stern. My guess is it leads to the captain's cabin. Could be useful." by jumping onto the balcony at the back of the ship, and through the door leading into the captain's cabin has a very-hard lock. Tussaud will either be found sleeping in his bed or eating dinner in the chair directly in front of you.

A Captain's Final Words

Regardless of how you entered the captain's cabin, you can then choose to follow Gogron's advice: "So, your first contract. No chance for a bonus, huh? That's all right, you're better off! Who needs magic items when you've got raw skill? And the great thing about killing a target up close and personal is you can talk to 'em before you do it! You know, say something scary! For example, this one time I had a contract to kill a little Nord girl at her birthday party. She asked me if I was the jester! So I said to her."No, I am a messenger of death." You should have seen the look on her face! Ha ha ha ha! Anyway, she won't be seeing age six!" you can speak to the captain before you kill him. When you initiate conversation, he will exclaim: "What in blazes! You ain't one of me crew! Ye best start explainin' yerself, mate, if ye want to get off this ship alive!" Talking to him again, he will become hostile and attack you. Once you manage to kill Tussaud, two pirates will knock on the door shortly before busting it open, saying: "Captain! Captain Tussaud! Are you all right sir? We... We heard a clamor. Captain? We're coming in!" It is possible to sneak attack the two pirates if you hide in the shadowy nook next to the door where they enter, or you can choose to escape through the door leading onto the balcony.

The Pirate's Booty

Upon returning to the Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary, Vicente will congratulate you by saying:"So, the pirate has been eliminated. Excellent. No one will mourn his passing, and Sithis has been appeased." He will then give you a reward: the Black Band, a leveled ring that increases your light armor, security, and magical resistance. You can now accept the next quest from Vicente, and the quest Accidents Happen will now begin


  • Taking items from the crates and barrels lined up by the Marie Elena will cause the pirates to accuse you of theft, although they will take no action upon you.
  • Sneaking into the ship using the crate method takes much longer, merits no bonus, and doesn't really provide any good loot on the way. It isn't considered a crime to enter the captain's cabin directly.
  • You cannot kill the captain or smuggle yourself on board the ship until you have picked up the quest. The captain will not be present beforehand and activating the crates just gives you the typical loot screen.
  • Any pirate you do not kill, will, upon completion of this quest, remain looking for you in the Waterfront District in order to kill you.
  • This quest will be easier if you do it during the Waterfront invasion portion of Misdirection since there are more guards around than usual to attack the pirates.


  • There is a glitch in this quest that can cause you to permanently lose your current horse, whether owned or stolen. If you choose to get on board the ship by hiding inside the crate on the dock, and if you are riding a horse when you accept the "hide in crate" option, both you and your horse will be loaded into the ship's cargo hold. This dooms the horse to be trapped within the ship forever. The horse cannot be rescued using fast travel, even after you have left the ship, and will remain even after a cell reset.
  • Ficheiro:Pc22.png On PC, you can rescue the horse with the console command movetoqt which moves you and your horse to your current quest target. Make sure beforehand to select a quest with an outdoors target; if the target is indoors then your horse will be stuck there instead. Another way of rescuing your horse is to use the console command player.coc (insert target code here). Make sure your target code is an outside location, or else you will find you and your horse stuck inside another location. A third method is to open the command console, click the horse, close console, and once outside re-open the console and type moveto player. The horse should appear at your location.

Journal Entries

{{ Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|!|Welcome to the Family|Dark01KnifeFIN}}

{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=10|2=|3=I must accept a contract from Vicente Valtieri. }}{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=100|2=fin|3=I have accepted a contract from Vicente Valtieri. }}{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=!|2=A Watery Grave|3=Dark02Watery }}{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=10|2=|3=I must go to the Waterfront District in the Imperial City and gain access to the pirate ship Marie Elena, so I can kill Captain Gaston Tussaud. I may be able to smuggle myself onboard with the cargo, in one of the packing crates. }}{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=25|2=|3=Just as expected, the crate I hid in has been transported to the ship's hold. I must now find and kill the Captain, Gaston Tussaud. He's probably in his cabin, at the rear of the ship, on a higher deck. }}{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=26|2=|3=I have gained access to the Captain's cabin of the ship Marie Elena. I must now kill Gaston Tussaud. }}{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=30|2=|3=Gaston Tussaud is dead. I must now return to the Sanctuary and speak with Vicente Valtieri to receive my reward. }}{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=100|2=fin|3=I have spoken with Vicente Valtieri. }}

Finishes Quest Journal Entry
  • Not all Journal Entries may appear in your journal; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the quest is done.
  • Stages are not always in order of progress. This is usually the case with quests that have multiple possible outcomes or quests where certain tasks may be done in random order.
  • If an entry is marked as "Finishes Quest" it means the quest disappears from the Active Quest list, but you may still receive new entries for that quest.
  • Ficheiro:Pc22.png It is possible to use the console to advance through the quest by entering setstage Dark02Watery stage, where stage is the number of the stage you wish to complete. It is not possible to un-complete (i.e. go back) quest stages. See SetStage for more information.
Prev: A Knife in the Dark Up: Dark Brotherhood Next: Accidents Happen