Skyrim:Rockwallow Mine

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Rockwallow Mine
(view on map)
# of Zones 1
Important Treasure
Orsinium and the Orcs
Console Location Code(s)
In Stonehills
Rockwallow Mine and camp

Rockwallow Mine is a small iron ore mine owned by Thane Bryling of Solitude. The mine is run by the married couple, Sorli the Builder and Pactur.

The mine is located in Stonehills, directly east of Morthal.
Gestur Rockbreaker will gladly purchase any iron ore you have.


Rockwallow Mine Camp
Gestur Rockbreaker
Hjaalmarch Guard

Related Quests

Rockwallow Mine

Outside the mine is the Stonehills settlement, where all the mine workers rest and Sorli's House, Sorli lives with her spouse Pactur, and their son Sirgar. Upon entering the mine there is a short ice filled tunnel, with a central cave containing two wooden ramps, each leading up to platforms within reach of an iron ore vein, one directly in front of you to the east and the other to the southwest. The latter of these has a low table with a copy of the Heavy Armor skill book Orsinium and the Orcs on top. On the platform beside this is a bed roll. There are two short tunnels leading to dead ends, to the northeast and southeast both of these have an iron ore vein at the end of them. There are several pickaxes and shovels throughout the mine.