Online:Almalexia's Mercy

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Almalexia's Mercy is a veteran-rank item set found randomly in boxes bought from armory merchants in Cyrodiil. It cannot be crafted and does not drop from monsters.

Set pieces are Altmer style in light armor.


2 Items: Adds [X] Maximum Health
3 Items: Adds [X] Spell Resistance
4 Items: Adds [X] Spell Resistance
5 Items: (Almalexia's Mercy) 20% chance when taking damage to heal allies within 7 meters for [X]. This effect has a cooldown of 3 seconds.


For detailed set values, see the respective item pages by clicking on the links below.


  • Only veteran rank players can purchase the type of box that may contain this set's pieces from armory merchants. Non-veteran characters will only see boxes up to level 50 for sale. The elite gear vendor does not sell boxes, and so this set is only available from Veteran1 to Veteran14.