Oblivion Mod:Stirk/Polle Gold Mine

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Polle Gold Mine
# of Zones 6
Miners, Zombies
Important Treasure
Gold Veins
Console Location Code(s)
Tr07e001c05, Tr07i002Mine01, Tr07i002Mine06, Tr07i002Mine02, Tr07i002Mine03, Tr07i002Mine04 and Tr07i002Mine05
Southwestern coast of Stirk
Polle Gold Mine

Polle Gold Mine is a large mine inhabited by Miners and Zombies (quest-related). It contains six zones, Main Shaft, Second Shaft, Third Shaft, Upper Shaft, Lower Shaft and Abandoned Shaft.

Related Quests



Key to Maps
Polle Gold Mine Exterior
  • The exterior is located at coordinates: Tamriel -67, -6
  • The following plants can be found near the entrance: 4 Arrowroot plants

Zone 1: Main Shaft

Polle Gold Mine Main Shaft
The bonfire where you may meet Rogkuroth gro-Budok during the Strange Noises quest

Like most of the zones in the mine, this one is also relatively straightforward. It mainly consists of a large room, divided into two levels. Like the third zone, non-hostile miners will be working here, at certain times during the day. Brodey will be found close to the entrance, M'Hiiko is in the lower level of the shaft and Byrd is next to the corridor leading to the third shaft. Marks and Rogkuroth gro-Budok may also be found here, wandering around the lower area.

There are ten gold veins (green dots) in this shaft which might land you with some golden nuggets. Three are those being mined and the other seven are scattered throughout the main room. In particular, two can be found on the ceiling: one to the left when arriving into the room and one near the door D. An Acrobatics of 75 or higher is recommended to reach it.

From this zone you can enter both the second and the third shaft. For the former, simply follow the tunnel which departs from the lower area until you arrive at door C. To access the latter, reach the far right side of the room and follow the corridor to door D.



  • 10 Gold veins (green dots)
    • 7 standard veins (all non-respawning) (owned by Miners)
    • 3 Stirk veins (owned by Miners)



Doors and Gates:

  • There are three doors in/out of this zone

Zone 2: Second Shaft

Polle Gold Mine Second Shaft
The ingredients clustered at A

This shaft mainly serves as a connection between the main and third ones. You will enter from door C from the first zone and access the third via door E. No miners are working here, and this shaft's gold veins are therefore pristine. Five gold veins can be found scattered between the three major rooms, including one set in the ceiling. The only other notable feature is the pile of ingredients found at A.






Doors and Gates:

  • There are two doors in/out of this zone

Zone 3: Third Shaft

Polle Gold Mine Third Shaft
Sernas working away at the gold veins

This is the mine's central shaft and serves as a hub to reach most of the other levels. You can access this zone from the second shaft via door E or from the main shaft through door D. The latter door takes you to a higher level of this zone, where Winston can be found working on a gold vein.

The other two miners working here, Samalt and Sernas, plus eight more gold veins are found on the lower level. A cave-in trap (T) is found in the central passage. Once the related quests are active you will be able to access the abandoned shaft and the lower and upper shafts through doors C, G and F respectively.



  • 9 gold veins (green dots)
    • 6 standard veins (all non-respawning) (owned by Miners)
    • 3 Stirk Gold Veins (owned by Miners)
  • 2 Repair Hammers will always be found, scattered in the shaft


Doors and Gates:

Zone 4: Upper Shaft

Polle Gold Mine Upper Shaft

This zone can only be accessed from the third shaft during the Father in Trouble quest. It simply serves as a connection between the mine (door F) and Father Ambrogio's quarters in Stirk Chapel (door E). A gold vein can be found on the wall left when entering. When Stirk Chapel catches fire, the flames will spread to the shaft as well, effectively blocking the way.




  • 1 standard gold vein (non-respawning) (owned by Miners)
  • The following plants will always be found: 1 Cairn Bolete plant and 1 Wisp Stalk plant



Doors and Gates:

Zone 5: Lower Shaft

Polle Gold Mine Lower Shaft
The entrance to Vassa Tarnabye

When you initially access this zone during the Strange Noises quest, it will be quite small; further cave-ins will reveal two doors: E to the Ancient Ruin and F to Vassa Tarnabye. The latter will be blocked until you solve the gate puzzle in the Another Door quest.

Although the only occupant is a Zombie, the fight is quite challenging, given the close quarters and the darkness of the shaft. A gold vein is found on the right when entering and one more will appear after the second cave-in.



  • 2 standard gold veins (all non-respawning) (owned by Miners)
  • The following plants will always be found: 1 Cairn Bolete plant



Doors and Gates:

Zone 6: Abandoned Shaft

Polle Gold Mine Abandoned Shaft
Zeek and the collapse

You will only be able to access this zone from the main shaft once The Abandoned Miner quest is active. In the first room you will find Zeek (Q), strolling dangerously close to a large cave-in trap (T). His bones (B) are scattered all across the zone, see the related quest page for more information. The only other occupants are three rats, found the in eastern part of the shaft.




Doors and Gates:

  • There is only one door (at C) in/out of this zone, leading to the Third Shaft