Morrowind:Fire Petal

A UESPWiki – Sua fonte de The Elder Scrolls desde 1995
Value 2 Weight 0.1
Alchemy Effects
1st Resist Fire
2nd Drain Health Drain Health
3rd Spell Absorption Spell Absorption
4th Paralyze Paralyze
# Samples 58
Plant Fire Fern  % 80
# Plants 366
Fire Fern

"Fire petals have modest magical properties, and are collected from the fire fern plant that grows on Red Mountain, in Molag Mar, and on Azura's Coast."

Fire Petals are found on Fire Ferns, which grow primarily in the Ashlands and Molag Amur regions.

The following vendors keep a restocking supply:

Greatest number of plants:

  • Molag Amur Region, [15,-7] (13 plants)
  • Molag Amur Region, [4,-1] (11 plants)
  • Ghostgate, Tower of Dawn (10 plants)
  • Ashlands Region, [5,5] (9 plants)
  • Ghostgate, Tower of Dusk (9 plants)
  • Molag Amur Region, [2,-2] (9 plants)
  • Molag Amur Region, [8,1] (8 plants)
  • Ashlands Region, [5,4] (7 plants)
  • Ashlands Region, [7,15] (6 plants)
  • Maar Gan, Andus Tradehouse (6 plants)
  • Molag Amur Region, [10,4] (6 plants)
  • Molag Amur Region, [8,2] (6 plants)
  • Sheogorad Region, [-6,18] (6 plants)
  • Ald'ruhn, Ald Skar Inn (5 plants)
  • Ald'ruhn, The Rat in the Pot (5 plants)
  • Ashlands Region, [-3,5] (5 plants)
  • Ashlands Region, [4,16] (5 plants)
  • Ashlands Region, [4,4] (5 plants)
  • Ashlands Region, [-4,9] (5 plants)
  • Ashlands Region, [6,15] (5 plants)
  • Gnisis, Madach Tradehouse (5 plants)
  • Molag Amur Region, [5,-1] (5 plants)

Greatest number of loose samples: