Bloodmoon:Unique Items

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< Items(Redirecionado de Bloodmoon:Severed Nord Leg)

Unique items are specifically defined as those which there is only one of, but which use the same appearance as other generic items. This is opposed to Artifacts, which are defined as any exceptional items with a unique appearance.

  • Speed specifies how fast the weapon swings with higher values indicating a faster weapon.
  • Charge indicates the enchantment charge available on the item.



Item Weight Value Damage Enchantment
MW-icon-weapon-Ebony Arrow.png

Ebony Arrow of Slaying

0.2 10 132

Cast When Strikes
Damage Health Damage Health 5000 pts on Target

There are only 5 of these powerful arrows in the game, found in a "Hollow Treestump" propped up against the east wall of the Thirsk Mead Hall. Note that using one of those against an enemy with Reflect would result in a quick death for yourself.

Axe, 1-hand

Item Weight Health Value Speed Reach Chop Slash Thrust Enchantment Charge
BM-icon-weapon-Nordic Silver War Axe.png

Nordic Axe of Paralysis
BM nordic silver axe_spurius

32 2000 2000 1.25 1 8-42 8-28 3-8

Cast When Strikes
Paralyze Paralyze for 10s on Touch

A strong 1-handed axe, carried by a smuggler in the Gandrung Caverns, just northeast of Fort Frostmoth. You're sent to this cave early in the Main Quest.

Axe, 2-hand

Item Weight Health Value Speed Reach Chop Slash Thrust Enchantment Charge
MW-icon-weapon-Nordic Battle Axe.png

Blood Axe
bm reaver battle axe

30 1200 60 1.0 1.0 1-30 1-30 1-4

Cast When Strikes
Damage Strength Damage Strength 4 pts for 30s on Touch
Damage Health Damage Health 4 pts for 10s on Touch

An average weapon used by Reavers
BM-icon-weapon-Nordic Silver Battleaxe.png

Nordic Silver Battleaxe

30 2000 120 1.0 1.0 6-35 6-35 1-5

Cast When Strikes
Weakness to Frost 100 pts for 10s on Touch
Frost Damage Frost Damage 30-50 pts on Touch

You get it off of Tharsten Heart-Fang in the Inner Circle during Hircine's Hunt.
BM-icon-weapon-Nordic Silver Battleaxe.png

Nordic Silver Battleaxe

22 1400 800 2.0 1.4 25-45 20-30 1-5

Constant Effect
Fortify Attack Fortify Attack 10 pts on Self
Fortify Axe Fortify Axe 10 pts on Self
Resist Common Disease Resist Common Disease 75 pts on Self

Doesn't appear in the game

Blunt, 1-hand

Item Weight Health Value Speed Reach Chop Slash Thrust Enchant
BM-Icon-Nord leg.png

Severed Nord Leg
BM Nord Leg

5.0 30 6 1.3 1.0 1-15 1-10 1-2 7
You get this from the Udyrfrykte during the Mead Hall Massacre quest.

Blunt, 2-hand

Item Weight Health Value Speed Reach Chop Slash Thrust Enchantment Charge
MW-icon-weapon-Silver Staff.png

Haakon's Lucky Break

6.4 270 860 1.75 1.5 3-15 3-15 3-9

Cast When Used
Fortify Luck Fortify Luck 1-50 pts for 30s on Self

An interesting but weak weapon. The speed and weight of the weapon are abnormal for a staff, as is the enchantment. It is found on the bottom of Lake Fjalding under an opening in the ice on the west side of the center of the Lake. (map)
MW-icon-weapon-Steel Warhammer.png


32 9000 300 1 1 1-32 1-27 1-2

Cast When Strikes
Frost Damage Frost Damage 1-4 pts on Touch
Paralyze Paralyze for 10s on Touch

Kolfinna in Kolfinna's Dwelling will send you to Sigvatr the Strong to get satisfaction in the quest, A Wife's Retribution. You'll have to kill Sigvatr to get Rammekald.
MW-icon-weapon-Ebony Staff.png

Staff of Carnal Channeling

16 900 7000 2-16 3-16 1-10

Cast When Used
Summon Bonewalker Summon Bonewalker for 30s on Self
Damage Health Damage Health 1-5 pts for 30s on Self

On the Rogue Necromancer in Skygge, north of the bridge across the Isild River.

Long Blade, 1-hand

Item Weight Health Value Speed Reach Chop Slash Thrust Enchantment Charge
BM-icon-weapon-Nordic Silver Longsword.png


20.0 800 1000 1.35 1.0 12-25 15-20 12-20

Cast When Strikes
Frost Damage Frost Damage 10-30 pts on Target

An average named weapon that is found in the Bloodskal Barrow (north from Raven Rock, northeast from the Earth Stone).
BM-icon-weapon-Nordic Silver Longsword.png

BM nordic silver longsword_cft

20.0 800 1000 1.35 1.0 2-20 6-17 6-17

Cast When Used
Rally Humanoid 10-20 pts in 20ft for 120s on Target
Sanctuary Sanctuary 1-5 pts for 120s on Self
Fortify Personality Fortify Personality 1-5 pts for 120s on Self

A modest weapon with an interesting, if not too useful, enchantment. Received as a reward for the Mead Hall Massacre quest.
BM-icon-weapon-Nordic Silver Longsword.png

Nordic Silver Longsword
BM nordic_longsword_tracker

20.0 850 1200 1.35 1.0 5-30 5-25 5-25

Cast When Used
Frost Damage Frost Damage 15 pts on Touch

Found on the Skaal Trackers during Disrupt the Skaal Hunt. The sword has no charge, so the Frost Damage enchantment never works.
MW-icon-weapon-Iron Saber.png


15.0 700 220 1.4 1 2-20 1-18 2-6

Cast When Strikes
Demoralize Creature 1-10 pts for 30s on Target

Held by the Skeleton Pirate Captain in the Himmelhost Barrow, located on the southeastern corner of Solstheim.
MW-icon-weapon-Ebony Longsword.png


40.0 1600 5000 1.35 1.0 2-27 1-37 10-50

Cast When Strikes
Poison Poison 5 pts for 20s on Target
Chameleon Chameleon 200-100 pts for 20s on Target

An interesting and probably the most deadly weapon in Bloodmoon which can inflict up to 150 points of damage per strike (when including the poison damage over 20 seconds). Found in a hollow tree stump on the eastern end of the Thirsk Mead Hall east from Lake Fjalding.
MW-icon-weapon-Nordic Broadsword.png


15.0 800 225 1.5 1.0 1-20 1-20 1-20

Cast When Used
Frost Shield Frost Shield 3 pts for 10s on Self

A minor weapon, held by Ingmar, outside of Valbrandr Barrow, about halfway between Thirsk and Fort Frostmoth.
BM-Icon-Ice longsword.png

Stalhrim Longsword of Flame
BM ice longsword_FG_Unique

70.0 2500 65000 1.5 1.0 4-50 5-55 4-55

Cast When Strikes
Fire Damage Fire Damage 5-10 pts for 5s on Touch
Weakness to Fire 50 pts for 5s on Touch

A powerful weapon that is offset by its great weight. It can only be obtained as a reward for The Castle Karstaag main quest from Korst Wind-Eye in the Skaal Village.

Long Blade, 2-hand

Item Weight Health Value Speed Reach Chop Slash Thrust Enchantment Charge
BM-icon-weapon-Nordic Silver Claymore.png

nordic claymore_stormfang

30.0 1600 10000 1.25 1.0 1-30 1-25 1-18

Cast When Strikes
Shock Damage Shock Damage 1-25 pts on Touch

Held by Ulfgar the Unending in his dwelling by Brodir Grove. See the Betrayal at Brodir Grove quest for more information.

Short Blade

Item Weight Health Value Speed Reach Chop Slash Thrust Enchantment Charge
BM-Icon-IceM Spear.png

BM frostgore

10.0 300 100 1.0 1.0 1-10 1-15 13-24

Cast When Strikes
Frost Damage Frost Damage 10-30 pts for 3s on Target

An average named weapon that is found in the river in the Moesring Mountains area,
west of the Water Stone. (-215006, 190687)


Item Weight Health Value Speed Reach Chop Slash Thrust Enchantment Charge
MW-icon-weapon-Steel Spear.png

Spear of the Snow Prince
steel spear snow prince

14.0 500 2000 1.0 1.8 2-6 2-6 1-18

Cast When Used
Weakness to Frost 10 pts for 10s on Target
Frost Damage Frost Damage 1-5 pts on Target
Disintegrate Armor 10-30 pts on Target

Lying on an altar in the middle of Jolgeirr Barrow northwest from Brodir Grove. Found during the In Search of the Falmer quest.



Item Weight Health Value Rating Enchantment
BM-icon-armor-Wolf Boots.png

Paws of the Wolf-Runner

4.0 (Light) 105 1000 15

Constant Effect
Fortify Athletics Fortify Athletics 10 pts on Self
Fortify Speed Fortify Speed 10 pts on Self

Found on Skjoldr Wolf-Runner in the Thirsk Mead Hall during The Mead Hall Massacre quest.

NOTE: It is very important the boots are picked up before you complete the task, since once after the quest finishes, the boots are gone forever. Even using the Placeatpc console cheat will not bring the body back.


Item Weight Health Value Rating Enchantment Charge
BM-icon-armor-Bear Helmet.png

Helmet of Bearkind
BM Bear Helmet_ber

4.0 (Medium) 100 40 50

Cast When Used
Fortify Hand-to-hand Fortify Hand-to-hand 10-30 pts for 10s on Self
Fortify Agility Fortify Agility 10-30 pts for 10s on Self
Fortify Attack Fortify Attack 10-30 pts for 10s on Self

Worn by the Berserker Denmother in Gronn, southwest of Lake Fjalding.
BM-icon-armor-Bear Helmet.png

Helm of Bear Scent
BM Bear Helmet eddard

4.0 (Medium) 250 500 50

Constant Effect
Detect Animal in 150ft

Found in a chest in Eddard Barrow in the center of the island, northeast from Raven Rock in the northern end of Brodir Grove.
BM-icon-armor-Wolf Helmet.png

Helm of the Wolf's Heart
BM Wolf Helmet_heartfang

2.0 (Light) 300 500 20

Constant Effect
Fortify Agility Fortify Agility 5 pts on Self
Fortify Sneak Fortify Sneak 5 pts on Self

Received as a reward for solving the crime in the Skaal Village. See The Skaal Test of Wisdom quest for more information.


Item Weight Health Value Rating Enchant
MW-icon-armor-Daedric Pauldron.png

Daedric Right Pauldron

30.0 (Heavy) 800 24000 80 6
In the Tower of Castle Karstaag is the final, elusive piece of Daedric armor (if you also have Tribunal), for those unwilling to kill Divayth Fyr for his set. Located on the roof of the actual castle, it is hidden in the cracks of the floor, directly across from the door and right next to the Riekling.

Ancient Steel Armor

Most of the Ancient Steel Armor is found in Jolgeirr Barrow, while the helm is found in the ice cave Frykte. It appears to be a set of armor that once belonged to an elven leader known only as The Snow Prince. Its appearance is identical to standard Steel Armor, but it has better armor rating. Note that the Ancient Steel Tower Shield is available only via the console, as it does not appear in game.

Heavy Armor Name ID Weight Health Value Rating Enchant
Ancient Steel Helm Ancient Steel Helm steel_helm_ancient 5.0 75 60 16 25
Ancient Steel Cuirass Ancient Steel Cuirass steel_cuirass_ancient 30.0 225 150 16 20
Ancient Steel Pauldron Ancient Steel Left Pauldron
Ancient Steel Right Pauldron
10.0 75 48 16 2
Ancient Steel Gauntlet Ancient Steel Left Gauntlet
Ancient Steel Right Gauntlet
5.0 37 28 16 20
Ancient Steel Greaves Ancient Steel Greaves steel_greaves_ancient 18.0 75 88 16 2.5
Ancient Steel Boots Ancient Steel Boots steel_boots_ancient 20.0 75 40 16 8.8
Ancient Steel Tower Shield Ancient Steel Tower Shield steel_towershield_ancient 20.0 180 100 19 75



Item Weight Value Enchantment Charge
MW-icon-jewelry-Exquisite Amulet 01.png

Hunter's Amulet of Speed

1.0 15000

Constant Effect
Fortify Speed Fortify Speed 10 pts on Self
Fortify Acrobatics Fortify Acrobatics 15 pts on Self
Fortify Athletics Fortify Athletics 15 pts on Self

This amulet can only be obtained if you defeat the speed form of Hircine at the end of the main quest. See the Hircine's Hunt quest for more information.
MW-icon-jewelry-Exquisite Amulet 01.png

Hunter's Amulet of Strength

1.0 15000

Constant Effect
Fortify Strength Fortify Strength 10 pts on Self
Fortify Attack Fortify Attack 15 pts on Self

This amulet can only be obtained if you defeat the strength form of Hircine at the end of the main quest. See the Hircine's Hunt quest for more information.


Item Weight Value Enchantment
BM-Icon-glove MoragTong.png


1.0 2

Constant Effect
Fortify Sneak Fortify Sneak 20 pts on Self

Found in a "Hollow Treestump" propped up against the east wall of the Thirsk Mead Hall (which has a bunch of other good equipment in it as well).
BM-Icon-glove MoragTong.png


1.0 2

Constant Effect
Fortify Security Fortify Security 20 pts on Self

Found in a "Hollow Treestump" propped up against the east wall of the Thirsk Mead Hall (which has a bunch of other good equipment in it as well).


Item Weight Value Enchantment
MW-icon-jewelry-Extravagant Ring 02.png

Aesliip's Ring

0.1 2500

Constant Effect
Fortify Willpower Fortify Willpower 10 pts on Self
Fortify Magicka Fortify Magicka 75 pts on Self

Received from the Draugr Lord Aesliip during The Skaal Test of Strength quest.
MW-icon-jewelry-Expensive Ring 02.png

Ring of Raven Eye

0.1 3000

Constant Effect
Fortify Marksman Fortify Marksman 20 pts on Self
Night Eye Night Eye 20 pts on Self

Found in a "Hollow Treestump" propped up against the east wall of the Thirsk Mead Hall (which has a bunch of other good equipment in it as well).
MW-icon-jewelry-Exquisite Ring 01.png

BlueDev's Ring of Viewing

0.1 240 Equip to view the Werewolf cut scenes.
Found in the mouth of a stuffed Cliffracer in Skaal, Great Hall, after the Main Quest.


Item Weight Value Enchantment
BM-Icon-Common Nordic01 Robe.png


3.00 20

Constant Effect
Chameleon Chameleon 50 pts on Self
Frost Damage Frost Damage 5-10 pts on Self
Weakness to Frost 5-10 pts on Self
Drain Health Drain Health 5-10 pts on Self

Found on the corpse of Fryssa in Benkongerike, a cavern just east of Castle Karstaag, near the shore. Seems she suffered the same fate as Tarhiel, the Icarian Bosmer mage. Similar to the Mantle of Woe, the negative effects may be resisted by combining a Resist Magicka effect and a Resist Frost effect (Nords need only Resist Magicka since they're already immune to Frost) while equipping the robe, making this perhaps the best robe for anyone using the Sneak skill.
MW-icon-clothing-Extravagant Robe 01.png

Mantle of Woe
mantle of woe

3.00 10000

Constant Effect
Drain Personality Drain Personality 100 pts on Self
Weakness to Normal Weapons Weakness to Normal Weapons 20 pts on Self
Fortify Maximum Magicka Fortify Maximum Magicka 50 pts on Self
Sun Damage Sun Damage 20 pts on Self
Fortify Conjuration Fortify Conjuration 50 pts on Self

Found on the aspiring necromancer Tymvaul in the ice-cavern of Rimhull, just south-southwest of Skaal Village. The cavern can also be accessed via the locked well behind Tymvaul's father's house in the village. See the Tymvaul in the Well quest for more information.

The Drain Attribute and Weakness to Normal Weapons effects can be resisted with Resist Magicka, but Sun Damage cannot be resisted. Wearing enchanted items with Constant Effect Restore Health counters the effects of wearing this robe during the day. Healing 20 points of health per second is sufficient for the strongest sunlight.

The Sun Damage caused by this robe will stack along with any Sun Damage you receive as a vampire.

The Fortify Maximum Magicka effect granted by the robe is cumulative (stacks) with the base modifier (1x) as well as any other modifiers your PC has. Because of this maximum magicka can be raised quite high - though such a character would be 100% vulnerable to magicka, an Altmer born under the sign of the Apprentice wearing the robe would have 900 max magicka with 100 intelligence (which of course can also be boosted with artifacts like the Mentor's Ring or the Necromancer's Amulet).


Item Weight Value Light Time
MW-icon-light-Travel Lantern 01.png
The Watchman's Eye
5.0 500 512 500
Found attached to the mast of an abandoned ship just north of the Skaal Village.

It has more than double the range of any other light in the game.