Bloodmoon:Tymvaul in the Well

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Lassnr! Tymvaul has fallen in the well!
Quest Giver: Lassnr in his house in the Skaal Village
Location(s): Rimhull
Reward: Mantle of Woe, 5 Snow Bear Pelts
Disposition: +50 (Lassnr)
ID: BM_Tymvaul
Difficulty: Medium
Tymvaul, wearing the Mantle of Woe

Quick Walkthrough

  1. Talk to Lassnr in the Skaal Village and receive a well key.
  2. Follow the tunnel in the well and enter Rimhull.
  3. Find Tymvaul and decide how to handle the situation.
  4. Return to Lassnr.

Detailed Walkthrough

A Worried Father

Inside his house in the Skaal Village, Lassnr will ask you to find his son, Tymvaul, who recently fell into the well. The caves beneath the well, Rimhull, were searched with no luck but he hopes you will be able to find him alive. Agree to help and you'll receive a well key to give you access to the well and Lassnr mentions that there is probably another entrance to the caves if you can find it.

A Passage in the Well

The well is just behind Lassnr's house to the west and there is another entrance to Rimhull a little to the south of that entrance, down the hill and close to the river. If you enter by the well entrance you'll find yourself underwater on the other side, but it's a short swim to exit the water. The cave is populated with a number of undead, mostly skeletons, which are not too tough if you can fight them one at a time.

Decisions, Decisions...

Shortly after entering, you'll find Tymvaul, wearing a purple robe and definitely not happy to see you. He chatters something about the Mantle of Woe. It seems Tymvaul has heard legends about the magical robe and ventured into Rimhull in order to find it. You are given four choices in how to handle the matter: say that he is evil and should die, ask him to take off the robe, say that he is too weak to have the robe and he should die, or ask if you can join him. If you choose the second one, this seems to convince Tymvaul to give you the robe. He decides to leave the Island to study magicka and return someday to make his father proud (all the other options cause him to attack).

Return with the news to Lassnr, who thanks you profusely and gives you five snow bear pelts. You also get to keep the very interesting magical robe.


  • It seems Tymvaul was doing some experiments in the dark arts before he entered the well. In Lassnr's house, you'll find a basket of skulls, some interesting books on necromancy and other dark subjects, as well as some very rare ingredients: ghoul heart, human flesh, and wolfsbane petals (this is the only place to find wolfsbane other than a single plant atop Hvitkald Peak).
  • If you kill Tymvaul, and then tell Lassnr the truth about his demise, it will anger him to the point where he will attack you. But if you lie to Lassnr, you'll get only two snow bear pelts.

Quest Stages

These Codes can be used along with the Journal Console Command and Quest ID given within the chart to update the quest to a certain point.

{{ Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|!|Tymvaul in the Well|BM_Tymvaul}}

{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=10|2=|3=While in the Skaal Village I met a sad old man named Lassnr, whose son Tymvaul fell into the well while getting water. The bottom of the well leads to an ancient series of ice caves known as Rimhull, and Lassnr is convinced that Tymvaul is still alive down there and waiting for rescue. }}{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=20|2=|3=Lassnr pleaded with me to try and locate his son, Tymvaul, who he believes is trapped in the Rimhull Ice Caves at the bottom of the well. I refused. Tymvaul is probably dead, and even if he isn't, the matter is none of my concern. }}{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=30|2=|3=After listening to Lassnr's heart-breaking tale, I have agreed to venture into the Rimhull ice caves in search of his son, Tymvaul. Lassnr has given me the key to his well, which is the quickest way into Rimhull. But he also believes there must be another, more direct entrance somewhere outside the village. When I find Tymvaul, alive or dead, I'm to return to Lassnr and report my findings. }}{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=40|2=|3=I've located Tymvaul, and he's very much alive. He's also quite mad, thanks to the ancient magical robes he discovered in Rimhull. It seems Tymvaul JUMPED into the well in search of the robes' dark power. }}{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=50|2=|3=I convinced Tymvaul to give me the Mantle of Woe. He will leave Solstheim and study magic somewhere, and return some day to make his father proud. I should return to the Skaal Village and give Lassnr this good news. }}{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=60|2=|3=I have killed Tymvaul. I should return to Lassnr and give him the bad news. I could always lie about what happened.... }}{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=100|2=fin|3=I returned to the Skaal Village and told Lassnr what happened to his son, Tymvaul. }}{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=110|2=fin|3=I have slain Lassnr. }}

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