Utilizador:The Nerevarine/Sandbox
- 1 Edit preps
- 2 Quest Artifacts
- 2.1 Castle of the Worm
- 2.1.1 Conversations
- Prophet
- Abnur Tharn
- Abnur Tharn
- Lyris
- Svaritra
- Helena
- Famazar
- Gahznar
- Sir Cadwell
- Sir Cadwell
- Sir Cadwell
- Abnur Tharn
- Abnur Tharn
- Abnur Tharn
- Abnur Tharn
- Sir Cadwell
- Abnur Tharn
- Prophet
- 2.1.2 Journal
- 2.1.1 Conversations
- 2.1 Castle of the Worm
Edit preps
- Worksheet 1 currently for Online:Cast Adrift
- Worksheet 2 currently for Online:Storm on the Horizon
- User:The Nerevarine/Sandbox/Scrap of Storgh's Journal
- User:The Nerevarine/Sandbox/The Blacksap's Hold
- User:The Nerevarine/Sandbox/Azabesh
- User:The Nerevarine/Sandbox/Enthonor
- User:The Nerevarine/Sandbox/Rondrin
- User:The Nerevarine/Sandbox/Eyes of Azura
- User:The Nerevarine/Sandbox/Afwa
- User:The Nerevarine/Sandbox/Irrai
- User:The Nerevarine/Sandbox/Tholor the Dreg
- User:The Nerevarine/Sandbox/Vastarie
Quest Artifacts
When trying out my logger and log-to-wikitext-transformation, i ended up with some only partial complete dialogue and journal entry flows. Here they are, free to use for everyone who wants them as it may take a while until i try out a second caracter to run those quests again.
Castle of the Worm
- Common Journal entry: I must find a way into the Castle of the Worm. There will be many dangers ahead, so I must make sure I am prepared.
- Quest Giver: The Prophet
- XP:2790
The Dialogue where the prophet's projection appears wayside to give the quest was not recorded.
- We have an unexpected guest, Vestige.
- What's Tharn doing here?
- My attempts to use the Orb of Discourse to locate Sai Sahan did not meet with success, so I decided to try a more direct approach.
- I used it as it was intended, and contacted Abnur Tharn.
- Is he being cooperative?
- He admits that he knows Sai Sahan's location, but he will not reveal it. He demands to speak with you, directly.
- Let's hear what he has to say.
Abnur Tharn
- We meet again, Vestige. I wish to speak with you on a matter of some urgency.
- What's this about?
- Mannimarco and his vile master have dark and terrible plans for this world. If you wish to stop them, you need to find the Amulet of Kings.
- But to find the amulet, you must first locate Sai Sahan.
- And you know where he is?
- Of course I do. And I might be willing to share that information ... for a price.
- I'm listening.
- If Mannimarco learns that we've spoken, he'll have me executed. I'm a danger to him. I know too much.
- Therefore I, Abnur Tharn, Chancellor of the Elder Council, Overlord of Nibenay, formally request asylum.
- Asylum? Are you joking?
- Do I look to be in a mirthful mood?
- There comes a point when even a patriot's loyalty is stretched too far, when the things he has done ... and has seen done ... become too much to bear.
- Will you come to us?
- Would that I could. As it happens, I find myself to be somewhat of a prisoner, in dire need of rescue.
- My proposal is this: If you retrieve me from Mannimarco's fortress and grant me asylum, I will give you Sai Sahan's location in return.
- How can I be sure this isn't a trick?
- You can't. And you'd be a fool to trust me completely.
- But the facts remain, you need me if you wish to find Sai Sahan, and I must keep my head if I am to ensure the continuance of the Empire. Neither of us has a choice.
- I can see your point.
Enter the portal to Coldharbour
Abnur Tharn
- You appear to have arrived in the Wretched Squalor, a shanty town of soul shriven outside Mannimarco's castle.
- How do we get inside?
- As luck would have it, Mannimarco is away on some errand for the Daedric Prince. The castle garrison is not on alert, so you should only encounter a token defense.
- The main gate is sealed, but there are undoubtedly other routes one might take.
- Such as?
- You're the hero, aren't you? Improvise.
- We'll find a way in.
- Improvise, he says. I can't believe we're risking our lives to rescue that skeeving horker.
- Any suggestions?
- Subtlety and stealth. Let's not bring the entire castle guard down on our heads.
- And didn't he say this was a town of soul shriven? Maybe we can find one who knows his way around.
- We'd better get started, then.
- Try to be inconspicuous. We just got free of this place. The last thing we need is to get recaptured.
After that you can talk to some of the soul shriven until you find the one who gives you the hint you need:
- Who ... what do you want? Why are you bothering me?
- You're not real! You can't be! The only real people here are the Worms!
- Relax, I just want a way into the castle.
- Go away or I'll call the guards! They'll ... they'll ...
- They'll probably take me, too. Just go! Leave me alone!
- The Worm Cult does not descriminate. They murder everyone, equally.
- You're not one of the Worm Cultists. What do you want?
- Do you know a way into the castle?
- Why do you think I'd know? Because I'm an Imperial? We're all the same in this place. We're nothing but scum!
- Leave me alone!
- Famazar's people have a saying, "May your roads lead you to warm sands."
- How in the sight of two moons did Famazar end up here? He thinks he must have taken a wrong turn somewhere.
- Famazar wishes he had his wares. Even Worms need new clothes, yes?
- Kill all the Worms, I say! Mount their heads on spikes!
- I'll butcher these Worms and stack their corpses so high, Malacath himself couldn't see over them!
- Easy now. I need a way into the castle. Do you know of one?
- That's easy. All you've got to do is get captured, killed, and stuffed into a soul gem like yesterday's laundry!
- If you're serious, Cadwell can probably get you in. Might be too late though. They just chased him into the guardhouse.
Sir Cadwell
- I say, jolly good timing. Lyris, enchanted, as always. And you�you're looking fit for someone so ... how can I put it? Deficient in the soul department?
- Sir Cadwell? What are you doing here?
- Wherever the forces of evil prey upon the innocent, wherever souls are stolen and bodies shriven, wherever a people cry out for justice, there goest I!
- I mean, this whole eternal servitude business is rather nasty, don't you agree?
- We need to find a way into the castle.
- Dibella's garters, why? Lovely grounds, no question. But it's positively brimming with angry cultists carrying rather large weapons!
- We need to rescue Abnur Tharn. It's complicated.
- I see, I see. A rescue, is it? Well, that's a different kettle of fish, isn't it? Hmm.
- There is a cistern that drains into the waterway. The door is locked, but that's not stopped me before. Why don't you meet me there and we'll see what's what?
- Thank you, Sir Cadwell.
Go to the castle's cistern.
Sir Cadwell
- You keep up nicely! I can't abide dawdlers.
- What's next?
- This whole bloody castle sits on top of an ocean of unstable Oblivion-whatsit. The Daedra use pipes to control the flow of it all, and it comes out as steam.
- Go on.
- Well, most of the doors in here are sealed with pressure from that steam. It's all rather complicated, but in a nutshell, if I can tamper with the pipes, we can open the doors to the inner keep, and you can slip inside.
- What do you need from us?
- I can handle the tinkering, but you'll have to keep the beasties off of me. It will be quite the romp!
- Are you game?
- I'm game. Let's go.
Escort Sir Cadwell on his way from pipe to pipe and guard him repairing them until he is done and wants to talk to you again.
Sir Cadwell
- There you are! Quick as you please. There's even time for tea.
- Thanks.
- A pleasure. Think nothing of it. The merest trifle. Truly.
- You'll find this Tharn fellow at the top of the Tower of Bones. You'll need to make your way through the keep's heart to get to it, but it's not terribly far.
- What is he doing up there?
- I understand The King of Worms has set him to the task of inspecting the soul gems that find their way into the castle ... which is to say, well ... all of them. You'll see crates of the things scattered about the premises.
- Why don't you come with us? We could use another hand.
- Indeed? Well, I might just take you up on that.
- But safety first! I'll stay here for the nonce and make sure nothing comes to bugger up our little adventure from behind.
- Thanks, Cadwell.
Fight your way further.
Abnur Tharn
- There you are. I was beginning to think you were captured.
- We've a bit of a problem, I'm afraid.
- What's the problem?
- The door at the top of the tower has sealed with a warded barrier. I've seen the Worms use similar sorceries before. It will sear you to ash if you touch it.
- How do we get through it?
- Here's a thought. The flesh atronachs that patrol the castle halls are assembled in a laboratory very close to the warded door.
- If you created your own atronach, it would be bound to obey you. You could force it to smash through the barrier.
- How do you build a flesh atronach?
- It's a simple process. A child of five could do it. Unfortunately, we don't have a child of five, so I'll be forced to walk you through it.
- You'll need some good-sized chunks of flesh. Take them to the laboratory, and I'll contact you there.
- We're on our way.
Collect the flesh pieces and meet AT's projection in the Laboratory.
Abnur Tharn
- Put everything in the circle and we'll begin.
Put the flesh pieces into the circle and then read from the book nearby. Watch the Flesh Astronach to bash the door and then advance further to meet AT in person.
Abnur Tharn
- So, we meet in person at long last. You looked taller in your projection.
- I'm here to get you out, per our arrangement.
- And not a moment too soon. If I had to inspect one more bloody soul gem, I'd have thrown myself from the tower.
- Why should we trust you, Tharn?
- A fair question. I know things. Things that can help you. Here's a bit to whet your appetite.
- Mannimarco isn't doing any of this to serve Molag Bal. His ultimate plan is to out-scheme the God of Schemes … and to replace him.
- What? How?
- The Amulet of Kings is the key to everything. Why do you think he kidnapped Sai Sahan? He's torturing him. Trying to get him to reveal the Amulet's hiding place.
- He's trying to find the Amulet of Kings before we do.
- Precisely. With the Amulet at his command, Mannimarco believes he can trap Molag Bal's essence and absorb his power. He seeks to become a god himself!
- That sounds bad. What else can you tell me?
- I'd love to discuss this further, but this is hardly the place. Get me to a safe haven and I will tell you the rest. That was our agreement, was it not? Now, let's ...
- Wait. Did you feel that?
- Feel what?
Fight Mannimarco's minions and then, when AT put up a distraction, slay him.
Abnur Tharn
- He will not remain discorporated for long. His consciousness will be adrift for a few moments, but that is all.
- Why did you help me?
- Because Mannimarco has delusions of godhood. He cares nothing for the Empire, he seeks only power.
I've never done battle with him before. He's far more powerful than I imagined. Ah, well. Too late for regrets. In for a bean, in for a beanstalk.
- What now?
- First things first. We need to get out of here alive.
- What do you suggest?
- We certainly can't go back the way you came in. I'd imagine they're swarming the grounds already.
There's a refuse chute further down the path. It's a bit of a drop, but we'll probably survive.
- Let's go.
You encounter a locked gate blocking your way, but do not feel depair as Sir Cadwell is here. He unlocks it for you.
Sir Cadwell
- Arkay preserve us, you're as battered and bruised as a peach in a sack of rocks! Bit of the old derring-do, was it?
- No matter. You'll be needing an escape route, no doubt?
- Great timing, Cadwell.
- It's what I do, quite honestly.
- We should probably hurry it up. The entire castle is as bristly as a sack of sewing needles after all that noise.
- Why don't you come with us?
- Come with you? You mean, leave Coldharbour? I don't know. It's been a very long time since I've seen the world I left behind.
- Do you think it wise?
- You should come along. It might be good for you.
- Missing option due to bug in logger
If you encourage him to come along:
- Well, that's settled, then. And after all, you do need someone to lead you out of here.
- Onward!
- Let's go!
Proceed on your way until you reach the chute, jump in and embrace the joys of a free fall. Then proceed and leave Coldharbor through another portal the prophet opened for you.
Abnur Tharn
- My estates, my titles, my own life ... it's all forfeit now. All in the name of preserving the Empire.
- I swear by all the gods, Mannimarco will pay dearly for this.
- Are you all right?
- Of course. I am Abnur Tharn. It will take more than a few brainless cultists to rattle these old bones.
- Now then, where were we?
- You were going to tell us where Sai Sahan is.
- Ah. Yes. Ahem.
- Truth be told, I don't know the precise location, but I do know that he is Mannimarco's prisoner, and that the King of Worms is trying to pry the location of the Amulet from him.
- You don't know where he is?
- Now, now, before you lose your temper, let me clarify. I don't know precisely where he is, but I can find out. I'll just need a little time.
- You tricked us.
After that Lyris beats him down (Why are allways the gals allowed all the fun, why not me. Everytime i have to do all the work. I also want to beat AT... *grumblebrumble*). There is a small disussion about if the Prophet should reveal some detail information to you or not, after what the Prophet reveeals to you, that he is the one who caused all the mess, Emperor Varen Aquilarios.
- You are angry. It is to be expected.
- You're the Emperor?
- I was once, but no more. My name is Varen Aquilarios.
- Why didn't you tell me? Why the deception?
- In truth, I feared you'd kill me where I stood if you knew who I was. You certainly wouldn't have allied with us so readily.
- I caused this. All of this. If Molag Bal destroys this world, the blame will be mine, and mine alone.
- How can I trust you now? Or Lyris?
- You must not blame Lyris. She did as I instructed. She is my sworn protector, but she is also your ally.
- You have my solemn promise, Vestige. When this is over, if you still judge me harshly, you can end my life. I will offer no resistance.
- So, what now?
- We must find Sai Sahan. Everything depends on that.
- What should I do?
Rest of dialogue missing due to either shortcommings of the API or my failure to understand it
{{ Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|!|Sandbox}}
{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=|2=I have arrived at the Harborage, and should speak with the Prophet.
}}{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=|2=I should speak with the projection of Abnur Tharn.
}}{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=|2=The Prophet has opened the way to Coldharbour and the Castle of the Worm. It is time to set out.
}}{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=|2=The Prophet has opened the way to Coldharbour and the Castle of the Worm. It is time to set out.
}}{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=|2=Abnur is here at my arrival point. I should talk with him.
}}{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=|2=Lyris wants to have a word with me.
}}{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=|2=We need to find a way into the Castle of the Worm. Lyris suggested we find someone who can help. I can talk to slaves in the town to get information on how to enter the castle safely.
}}{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=|2=We need to find a way into the Castle of the Worm. Lyris suggested we find someone who can help. One of the slaves mentioned that Sir Cadwell, one of the Soul Shriven I met in my escape from Coldharbour, is here. I should find him.
}}{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=|2=We need to find a way into the Castle of the Worm. Lyris suggested we find someone who can help. One of the slaves mentioned that Sir Cadwell, one of the Soul Shriven I met in my escape from Coldharbour, is here. I should find him.
}}{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=|2=I found Cadwell, one of the Soul Shriven that helped me escape the Slave Pits. I should speak with him.
}}{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=|2=I must go to the castle cistern and meet Cadwell.
}}{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=|2=Lyris and I have entered the castle cistern. Cadwell is waiting for us, and I should speak to him.
}}{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=|2=Cadwell will need to work on the steam pipes so we can advance through the Castle's underworks. I should follow along and look after him.
}}{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=|2=Cadwell has finished tinkering with the pipes. I should finish up with him before heading into the keep.
}}{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=|2=I should make my way up into the keep.
}}{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=|2=It appears that Abnur Tharn is in the castle somewhere. I should keep an eye out for him as I search for my soul.
}}{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=|2=Abnur Tharn's projection is here. I should speak to him.
}}{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=|2=I need to find usable parts from the atronachs and corpses in the tower.
}}{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=|2=I've found serviceable atronach parts. I can now assemble the creature at the tower summit.
}}{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=|2=I can now invoke the ritual from the book on the pedestal.
}}{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=|2=I need to wait for the flesh atronach to complete its task.
}}{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=|2=I need to get to Abnur Tharn before the Worm Cult catches on.
}}{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=|2=Abnur Tharn is nearby. I should speak with him.
}}{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=|2=Abnur Tharn is nearby. I should speak with him.
}}{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=|2=Mannimarco has arrived to stop Abnur Tharn from giving me more information. I must defeat the necromancer.
}}{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=|2=Abnur Tharn clawed his way out of the pit of darkness and his magic allowed me to strike down Mannimarco's projected form. I should speak to Abnur again.
}}{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=|2=We must escape the castle before Mannimarco can reform and set his entire castle guard upon us.
}}{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=|2=Cadwell is here and rendered assistance one last time. I need to talk to him.
}}{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=|2=Cadwell has unlocked the door and we can continue our escape.
}}{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=|2=We've fallen into a pit beneath the castle. The Prophet should be waiting for us.
}}{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=|2=We've reached the Prophet's portal. I should return to the Harborage.
}}{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=|2=I should talk to Abnur and finish up with him.
}}{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=|2=Lyris is having some kind of confrontation with Abnur.
}}{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=|2=The Prophet and I need to have words.
}}{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=|2=I need to finish up with the Prophet in the Harborage. }}
Finishes Quest | Journal Entry |