TES Background
I've actually been hanging around the wiki since Oblivion but only recently decided to finally become a part of it and it is my go to resource for help when playing Elder Scrolls or if I want to brush up on the Lore or News surrounding the games.
I started with Oblivion back in 2006 and played the absolute heck out of it, most of my memories are from there. 2 years later I got my hands on Morrowind and found I had a tough time getting used to 2002 graphics so it went back on the shelf for a while, then skip to 2009 with rumors of a new game on the horizon, I sit down and play it for real and find it was one of the best games I ever played and what started me into really diving into the lore of Elder Scrolls. Then Skyrim arrives and I play the heck out of that too and Elder Scrolls Online which I am playing right now (equally praising and condemning).
The other games in the series I haven't had a chance to play though I have done my best to read up on and watch everything related to elder scrolls lore. I hope to rectify this in the future.
First View of Blackreach.
Overlooking Reachwind Eyrie.
Solitude Docks.