Tribunal:Generic Magic Items

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< Items(Redirecionado de Tribunal:Black Dart)

Generic items have common, simple enchantments often shared by multiple different items.

Magic Weapons

Note: The "Charge/Cost=Uses" values shown on this page do not take into account your Enchant skill, Intelligence or Luck, all of which will affect the charge cost of using enchanted items. The values given here assume that you have 0 in each, which is of course impossible, since all skills start with at least 5 points (usually more depending on class/specialty) and all attributes start with at least 30 points. Additionally, since enchanted items will regenerate their charge over time, it is possible you will get more uses if you don't drain them all at once and allow the items to recharge.



Name Weight Value Speed Damage Enchantment
MW-icon-weapon-Ebony Arrow.png

PoisonGrip Arrow
ebony arrow_sadri

0.2 10 1.0 15-30 Poison Poison 1-5 pts. for 50 secs. in 20 ft.
Paralyze Paralyze for 20 sec. in 20 ft.

Throwing Weapons

Name Weight Value Speed Damage Enchantment
MW-icon-weapon-Steel Dart.png

Black Dart
black dart

0.2 6 1.0 2-5 Poison Poison 10 pts. for 120 sec.
MW-icon-weapon-Steel Dart.png

Bleeder Dart
bleeder dart

0.2 6 1.0 2-5 Damage Health Damage Health 5 pts. for 120 sec.
MW-icon-weapon-Steel Dart.png

Carmine Dart
carmine dart

0.2 6 1.0 2-5 Poison Poison 10 pts. for 30 sec.
Damage Fatigue Damage Fatigue 20 pts for 30 sec.
TR-icon-weapon-Dwarven Dart.png

Dwarven Shock Dart

0.2 20 1.5 20-50 Shock Damage Shock Damage 5−15 pts in 15 ft for 2 sec.
MW-icon-weapon-Steel Dart.png

Fine Black Dart
fine black dart

0.2 6 1.0 1-10 Poison Poison 10 pts. for 120 sec.
MW-icon-weapon-Steel Dart.png

Fine Bleeder Dart
fine bleeder dart

0.2 6 1.0 1-13 Damage Health Damage Health 5 pts. for 120 sec.
MW-icon-weapon-Steel Dart.png

Fine Carmine Dart
fine carmine dart

0.2 6 1.0 3-7 Poison Poison 10 pts. for 30 sec.
Damage Fatigue Damage Fatigue 20 pts for 30 sec.
MW-icon-weapon-Silver Dart.png

Her Dart
her dart

0.2 6 1.0 2-5 Dispel Dispel 50 pts. in 1 ft.
Fire Damage Fire Damage 5 pts. for 5 sec. in 1 ft.
Frost Damage Frost Damage 5 pts. for 5 sec. in 1 ft.
Poison Poison 5 pts. for 5 sec. in 1 ft.
Shock Damage Shock Damage 5 pts. for 5 sec. in 1 ft.
Blind Blind 50 pts. for 10 sec. in 1 ft.
Damage Attribute Damage Attribute (Strength) 5 pts. for 1 sec. in 1 ft.

Long Blades, One-Hand

Item Base Item Weight Health Value Damage Spd. Rch. Enchantment Charge/
TR-icon-weapon-Ebony Scimitar.png

Her Ebony Scimitar
Ebony Scimitar_her

Ebony Scimitar 40.0 3000 25,000 C:2-27
1.35 1.0 Cast When Strikes
Frost Damage Frost Damage 15 pts
Absorb Strength Absorb Strength 10 pts for 50 secs in 1 ft
Damage Strength Damage Strength 5 pts in 1 ft
Damage Fatigue Damage Fatigue 5 pts in 1 ft
660/66 = 10

Short Blade

Item Base Item Weight Health Value Damage Spd. Rch. Enchantment Charge/
TR-icon-weapon-Adamantium Shortsword.png
Adamantium Jinkblade of Wounds
Adamantium Shortsword 20.0 900 1,500 C:7-15
2.00 1.0 Cast When Strikes
Paralyze Paralyze for 5 secs
Poison Poison 3 pts for 5 secs
90/45 = 2