Skyrim:Fortify Sneak

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SR-icon-spell-Magic Hat.png Fortify Sneak
School Restoration
Type Defensive
ID 0003eb22
Base Cost 0.5
Base Mag 4
Base Dur 60
ID 0007a103
Base Cost 40
Items Neck, Arms, Finger, Feet
(Click on any item for details)
Built-In Potions

Alchemy description: You are <mag>% harder to detect for <dur> seconds.
Enchanting description: Sneaking is <mag>% better.
Fortify Sneak decreases the chance of being detected while sneaking.


The following alchemy ingredients can be used to create a potion of Fortify Sneak:


The following items use this effect. You can learn how to enchant custom items with Fortify Sneak if you find one of the following items and disenchant it:

  • All varieties of Boots, Necklaces, and Rings of Sneaking
    • Includes the enchantments of Minor Sneaking, of Major Sneaking, of Extreme Sneaking, of Eminent Sneaking, and of Peerless Sneaking.

Artifacts and unique items that use the effect but cannot be disenchanted include:

Linwe's Boots can technically be disenchanted, allowing you to learn a special version of Fortify Sneak named Shadowstrength. However, Shadowstrength cannot be used to enchant any items because no enchanting slots are enabled for the effect.



  • If you are enchanting for profit, Fortify Sneak provides the most lucrative enchantment that can be applied to apparel.


  • The enchantment version of this effect increases the likelihood of being detected, rather than decreasing it.

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