Online:Turning of the Trees

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ON-qico-Normal.png Help the Wyrd Sisters set up a ward to protect Deleyn's Mill.
Zone: Glenumbra
Faction: Daggerfall Covenant
Objective: Deleyn's Mill — Save the village of Deleyn's Mill.
Quest Giver: Babineaux Redain in Daggerfall;
Bernard Redain near Deleyn's Mill
Location(s): Deleyn's Mill
Previous Quest: Bloodthorn Assassins
Next Quest: Ash and Reprieve
Reward: Wyress Sash
93 Gold, Silver(?) Gold, Gold302 Gold
XP Gain: (?) XP, Silver(?) VP, Gold9121 VP
Recommended Level: 5
Follow the Wyrd Tree torchbug

The forest itself seems to have turned against the village of Deleyn's Mill and the villagers are in danger. I should see if I can help.

Quick Walkthrough

  1. Talk to Babineaux Redain and/or Bernard Redain.
  2. Find Wyress Helene.
  3. Collect the Essence of Aetherius for the Wyrd Ward.
  4. Meet Helene inside the mill.

Detailed Walkthrough

Nature Problems

To start the quest go through the Daggerfall gates directly east from the Mages Guild and follow the path until you come across a man named Bernard Redain speak to him. He'll tell you about a Deleyn's Mill and how monsters have overrun the mill. Agree to help him then cross the stone bridge and head southeast till you come to the mill. At the mill continue east and talk to Wyress Helene who is on a small island surrounded by water. She gives you a Torchbug and tells you to let it guide you to the essence of Atherius. Activate the torchbug and follow it to three different spots. Now go back and talk to Helene then follow her. Talk to her again in the mill for your reward.


Quest Stages

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Objective: Talk to Bernard Redain


Objective: Talk to Wyress Helene


Objective: Collect the Essence of Aetherius for the Wyrd Ward


Objective: Talk to Wyress Helene


Objective: Talk to Wyress Helene


Finishes Quest Journal Entry
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