Online:Thane Jeggi's Drinking Hole

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Striking Locale:
Thane Jeggi's Drinking Hole
(view on map)
Ebonheart Pact
Level (?)
Discovery Discovery(?) XP
Completion None
Giant's RunEastmarch
Northwest of Mistwatch
Thane Jeggi's Drinking Hole

Thane Jeggi's Drinking Hole is a small camp located on the river east of Cradlecrush in western Eastmarch. It consists of a small hut next to a campfire, along with two tents. There are two crates, a barrel, two baskets and two backpacks, as well as a sack and a bottle.

It is named after Thane Jeggi Gap-Tooth. Vastaag Cold-Raven mentions the place in dialogue.

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