Online:Shademist Moors

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Quest Hub:
Shademist Moors
(view on map)
Aldmeri Dominion
Level 27
Discovery 276 XP
Completion Objective
1837 XP
Skyshards 1
Drowned CoastGreenshade
Southeast of Woodhearth
The cursed disease of vampirism comes in many different forms, and it's said there are more than a hundred different vampire clans in Tamriel. There are at least four clans in Valenwood, including the Keerilth, who can escape vampire hunters by transforming into mist.

The Shademist Moors are swamps in southwestern Greenshade, southeast of Woodhearth. The settlement of Longhaven can be found to the north of the moors, and the cave called Shademist Enclave can be found to the southeast.

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A map of Shademist Enclave
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