Online:Restoring Aura

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Restoring Aura
Line Restoring Light
Line Rank 20 Cost 487 Magicka
Cast Time Instant Duration 15 seconds
Target Area
Radius 12 meters
Radiant Aura
Has increased radius.
Has no cost. Consume essence of corpses to restore health and stamina.
Restoring Aura: Duration: [12 / 13 / 14 / 15] seconds
Champion the cause of divine glory to earn the gods' favor. While slotted, you gain Minor Fortitude, Minor Endurance, and Minor Intellect, increasing Health, Stamina, and Magicka Regeneration by 10%. Activate to share your blessings with nearby allies, granting them Major Fortitude and Major Endurance, increasing their Health and Stamina Regeneration by 20% for [12 / 13 /14 / 15] seconds.
Radiant Aura: Radius: 18 meters
Champion the cause of divine glory to earn the gods' favor. While slotted, you gain Minor Fortitude, Minor Endurance, and Minor Intellect, increasing Health, Stamina, and Magicka Regeneration by 10%. Activate to share your blessings with nearby allies, granting them Major Fortitude and Major Endurance, increasing their Health and Stamina Regeneration by 20% for 15 seconds. [
verification needed — What increases with skill rank in this morph?]
Repentance: Cost: 0 Magicka, Target: Self
Champion the cause of divine glory to earn the gods' favor. While slotted, you gain Minor Fortitude, Minor Endurance, and Minor Intellect, increasing Health, Stamina, and Magicka Regeneration by 10%. Activate to consecrate the souls of the fallen, restoring [100 / 102 / 104 / 106] Health and [100 / 102 / 104 / 106] Stamina to nearby allies for each corpse in the area.

Restoring Aura increases the attribute recovery rate of the caster for as long as it is in the ability bar. When activated, it boosts the health and stamina regeneration of nearby allies.

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