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May need to be updated following changes in Update 7.
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Line Siphoning
Line Rank 4 Cost 450 Magicka
Cast Time 1.2 sec Duration 30 seconds
Target Enemy
Range 28 meters
Prolonged Suffering
Damage over time lasts for longer.
Malefic Wreath
Deals area damage when effect ends.
Agony: Shackle an enemy in torment, stunning them for 30 seconds and dealing [70 / 74 / 78 / 72] Magic Damage over 5 seconds when the effect ends. Stun is broken if the enemy takes damage. This may only apply to one target at a time.
Prolonged Suffering: Shackle an enemy in torment, stunning them for 30 seconds and dealing [118 / 124 / 130 / 142] Magic Damage over 7 seconds when the effect ends. Stun is broken if the enemy takes damage. This may only apply to one target at a time.
Malefic Wreath: Shackle an enemy in torment, stunning them for 30 seconds and damaging all nearby enemies when the effect ends for [66 / 67 / 68 / 69] Magic Damage plus 5% for each second the target was stunned. Stun is broken if the enemy takes damage. This may only apply to one target at a time.

Agony stuns an enemy and deals magic damage when the effect end. The stun is canceled if the enemy takes damage.

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