Online:Teleport Strike

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Teleport Strike
Line Assassination
Line Rank 4 Cost 562 Magicka
Cast Time Instant Duration 0 seconds
Target Enemy
Range 22 meters
Lotus Fan
After teleporting, Deals damage and snares enemies in the area.
Ability now scales off Weapon Damage and Max Stamina. Next attack against the target deals extra damage.
Teleport Strike: Flash through the shadows and ambush enemy for [79 / 80 / 82 / 84] Magic Damage, stunning them for 2 seconds. If the target is a player, they are immobilized for 1 second instead of being stunned.
Lotus Fan: Flash through shadows to the target and unleash a fan of knives, dealing [33 / 34 / 36 / 37] Magic Damage to all nearby enemies and 66 Magic Damage more over time. Affected enemies also have their movement slowed by [60 / 63 / 66 / 70]% for 6 seconds.
Ambush: Cost: 562 Stamina
Flash through the shadows and ambush enemy for [84 / 86 / 88 / 89] Physical Damage, stunning them for 1.5 seconds. Also grants you Empower, increasing damage of your next attack by 20%. If the target is a player, they are immobilized for 1 second instead of being stunned.

Teleport Strike deals magic damage to an ambushed enemy, who is also stunned or immobilized.

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