Oblivion:Ulmug gro-Cromgog

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Ulmug gro-Cromgog
(RefID: )
Location Fort Sutch
Race Orc Gender Male
Level 5 Class Warrior
RefID BaseID
Other Information
Health 60 Magicka 75
Respons. 20 Aggress. 70
Faction(s) Dark07Mercenaries
Ulmug gro-Cromgog

Ulmug gro-Cromgog is an Orc warrior and mercenary, currently guarding his leader, Roderick, who lies in a state of near-death in Fort Sutch, northeast of Anvil. Little do Ulmug and his compatriots know, their efforts will prove futile, as somebody has hired the Dark Brotherhood to take Roderick out for good.

When you enter the fort for the first time during the quest, you will always overhear Ulmug and fellow mercenary Neesha having a conversation in the big central room of the fort. Afterwards, they will accompany each other towards Roderick's sickbed, where they will split up.

Ulmug patrols the northeastern part of the fort and represents your final obstacle before you can open up the medicine cabinet and exchange Roderick's vital medicine with poison. His movements are random, but he mostly sticks to the northern walls and takes only a few sporadic strolls around the dining area in the middle. He will do so twenty-four hours a day, without eating or sleeping, and will, like the other mercenaries in the fort, attack you on sight.

He wears an almost complete set of heavy armor (cuirass, boots, gauntlets, and greaves) and wields a battle axe, all of which are the best possible quality for your level. He carries around the gate key to the fort and a small amount of gold.

Should Ulmug survive the quest, he will stay inside Fort Sutch indefinitely, as hostile as ever.

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