Morrowind Mod:Tamriel Rebuilt/Trainers

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The numbers on this page represent the highest value which your skill may be at in order to receive training. The trainers can thus raise your skill one point higher than what is listed, with the exception of the Master Trainers, since no skill may be trained above 100. The table is sorted alphabetically, but clicking on the icon at the top of any column will resort the table. So, for example, to see the Armorer trainers, click on the Armorer column.

Trainer Location MW-icon-skill-Acrobatics.jpg MW-icon-skill-Alchemy.jpg MW-icon-skill-Alteration.jpg MW-icon-skill-Armorer.jpg MW-icon-skill-Athletics.jpg MW-icon-skill-Axe.jpg MW-icon-skill-Block.jpg MW-icon-skill-Blunt Weapon.jpg MW-icon-skill-Conjuration.jpg MW-icon-skill-Destruction.jpg MW-icon-skill-Enchant.jpg MW-icon-skill-Hand-to-hand.jpg MW-icon-skill-Heavy Armor.jpg MW-icon-skill-Illusion.jpg MW-icon-skill-Light Armor.jpg MW-icon-skill-Long Blade.jpg MW-icon-skill-Marksman.jpg MW-icon-skill-Medium Armor.jpg MW-icon-skill-Mercantile.jpg MW-icon-skill-Mysticism.jpg MW-icon-skill-Restoration.jpg MW-icon-skill-Security.jpg MW-icon-skill-Short Blade.jpg MW-icon-skill-Sneak.jpg MW-icon-skill-Spear.jpg MW-icon-skill-Speechcraft.jpg MW-icon-skill-Unarmored.jpg
Absolon Firewatch 71 71 71
Adalerine Port Telvannis 68 68 68
Ademnal Lleryn Firewatch 56 62 52
Adosi Venith Adurin-Ouaka 50 46 50
Adrieldan Firewatch 69 78 78
Aeli Danym Tel Ouada 64 54 60
Ajahni Bal Oyra 79 80 85
Alammu Llethri Tel Mothrivra 55 50 60
Andoro Llemu Baldrahn 58 58 58
Aren Sinn Tel Muthada 56 62 52
Avoni Othrelas Telvanni Library 66 60 66
Barmena Lletrith Kemel-Ze 60 64 54
Cocius Matius Firewatch 56 61 66
Darnell Firewatch 91 100 95
Demetrius Muntian Otori 38 40 38
Drelatha Nidresa Ranyon-ruhn 70 65 70
Dro'Ba Firewatch 76 66 66
Eloa Marie Helnim 42 42 42
Fanla Vinkis Tel Ouada 68 74 64
Feliwan Helnim 40 40 43
Felres Nerlenis Port Telvannis 43 48 38
Filden Dansud. Egg Mine 48 52 52
Finds-Men Helnim 44 44 44
Garnos Otheril Alt Bosara 90 84 74
Garus Helnim 46 41 51
Girevos Irena Marog 46 51 41
Goler Mervas Helnim 58 63 53
Greedy Hofmund Helnim 53 53 53
Haran Llevara Helnim 54 58 48
Hartise Helnim 70 80 70
Hermea Artea Helnim 42 52 42
Himnatis Llothanis 74 70 80
Hiramas Merthu Kemel-Ze 50 49 54
Hjotir Hjotir's Rock House 62 62 56
Ignar the Butcher Yashazmus 78 78 73
Imenas Llothril Kemel-Ze 46 51 41
Imperial Agent Ravalas Cavern 44 40 50
Jathenard Bal Oyra 65 65 65
Kamlen Helnim 44 48 48
Lielle Veris Helnim 42 42 42
Lirielle Helnim 46 56 51
Llerav Mernam Marog 48 52 42
Llerthas Maril Marisanibal 49 44 49
Llethran Narad Helnim 54 58 48
Lloryn Llaram Gah Sadrith 53 63 58
Lorbul gro-Shadbu Verulas Pass 68 58 68
Malpen Hers Firewatch 39 58 58
Maral Berantus 46 51 41
Marcel Artaud Firewatch 59 54 54
Marthil Llarthas Boethian Mountains 46 51 41
Nala Niab Firewatch 54 54 54
Nevusa Lakasyn Ranyon-ruhn 62 67 62
Norusi Fathyron Hlermu 52 47 52
Nurain Brenim Firewatch 61 61 66
Odrothi Indus Seitur 62 58 50
Olroth Madri Bal Oyra 48 52 42
Peladia Varousha Helnim 52 52 56
Pliton Sialius Verulas Pass 50 46 56
Pontius Golicus Bal Oyra 80 48 52
Ravis Irival Darnim 58 53 58
Selthrin Jerdan Marisanibal 54 58 48
Shaga gra-Grazgob Windmoth 84 78 78
Shanath Teran Boethian Mountains 61 56 61
Shargon Selvilo Pansaranit 42 46 36
Shin-Sei Molagreahd 65 50 55
Siri Namartyon 47 52 57
Solos Darethi Lan Orethan Outpost 76 76 76
Sul Bal Oyra 42 42 42
Tadave Ralen Verulas Pass 64 64 69
Tammacey Hadipasu 49 49 59
Tereemeet Norem 44 44 44
Thadasou Guaram Tel Ouada 64 59 64
Tibera Rone Bal Oyra 64 68 74
Timeo Callonus Firewatch 86 91 96
Tiron Naren Helnim 54 58 48
Tomonar Adunji 52 52 62
Trela Varesi Hla Bulor 43 43 43
Ulenus Sarayn Boethian Mountains 44 40 44
Unea Miris Athrilmallilas 61 66 56
Vara Solius Helnim 50 46 56
Verin Merul V.-B. Egg Mine 60 64 54
Veros Cammler Port Telvannis 61 56 61
Zurog gro-Dak V.-B. Egg Mine 60 50 60