Morrowind:The Citadels of the Sixth House
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Quick Walkthrough
- Enter the Ghostgate (east of Caldera and Ald'ruhn), get a map and explore the area.
- (Optional) Assault the seven Citadels of the Sixth House and kill the seven Ash Vampires, taking the magic items that each carries.
- Enter the Citadel of Odrosal, defeat Dagoth Odros to retrieve Keening.
- Enter the Citadel of Vemynal, defeat Dagoth Vemyn to retrieve Sunder.
- With Wraithguard, Keening, and Sunder, enter Dagoth Ur in the crater of Red Mountain, to confront Dagoth Ur in the Facility Cavern.
- Attack the Heart of Lorkhan with Wraithguard, Sunder, and Keening to destroy it and Dagoth Ur.
- Return to the Facility Caverns to meet Azura, view a cut scene, and receive your reward.
Detailed Walkthrough
Citadels of the Sixth House (Optional)
While you do not have to assault these Citadels to complete the quest, you will obtain several powerful artifacts by doing so.
Exploring the Red Mountain
In your recent meeting with Vivec, he outlined a five-step plan to eliminate Dagoth Ur. The first step is begun by entering Ghostgate. Scout the region, become familiar with it, and gather required resources. The Ghostgate is the only way to get past the Ghostfence, except for the long way through Kogoruhn or levitation. The Buoyant Armigers can provide a map of the area.
Once you become familiar with the region and its monsters, it's time to assault the citadels of the Sixth House and kill the seven ash vampires, kin of Dagoth Ur.
Assault on the ruins of Kogoruhn
The ash vampire Dagoth Uthol may have already been encountered in the ruins of Kogoruhn, Charma's Breath, while completing The Path of the Incarnate. He holds the Belt of Heartfire. If you haven't yet killed Uthol, you'll need to now. If you have, you will never get the first journal stage.
You can enter Kogoruhn the way you entered previously, or from a closer entrance inside the Ghostfence. Uthol can be considered the easiest of the seven ash vampires.
Assault on Citadel Endusal
The Ash Vampire Dagoth Endus is in Citadel Endusal. He holds the Amulet of Heartrime. Endusal can be found north and a little west of the Ghostgate. It is rather small and the path to Dagoth Endus is fairly direct. Don't forget to take the amulet.
Assault on Citadel Tureynulal
The Ash Vampire Dagoth Tureynul can be found at Citadel Tureynulal, far northeast within the Ghostfence, just northeast of Dagoth Ur's Citadel. He holds the Amulet of Heartthrum. There are several sections to the ruins, but Tureynul is in the main chamber, so exploration of the rest of the citadel is optional - although you may have already been sent here by a late Tribunal Temple quest, in search of the Cleaver of St. Felms.
Assault on the caverns of Mamaea
The toughest Ash Vampire, Dagoth Araynys, is the only one which is not accessible from within the Ghostfence. Araynys wears the Soul Ring and can be found in Mamaea, located east of Berandas. The stronghold can be tricky to find, but it's on your paper map just southeast of Gnisis, across the road from some Daedric ruins. There's not too much to find in Mamaea's first section, Sanctum of Awakening. The next Sanctum of Black Hope holds the Dagoth in the northernmost chamber, but little else. The last Shrine of Pitted Dreams contains some loot in the bell chamber, including the Daedric Face of Inspiration and the Fang of Haynekhtnamet. The only monster around that challenges you at this point is Araynys himself (ash slaves, ash zombies and Dreamers are also encountered, but should not be much of a problem). While you're at it, rescue Hannat Zainsubani if you haven't done so already - his father is the Ashlander you met earlier in Ald-ruhn, who pointed you towards the Urshilaku Tribe in the first place.
Assault on Citadel Dagoth
The Ash Vampire Dagoth Gilvoth is encountered during your Assault On Dagoth Ur.
Acquiring Keening
Odrosal Citadel
Once you've talked to Vivec about the plan to defeat Dagoth Ur, the location of the Keening Artifact should be marked on your in-game map. The Citadel of Odrosal is just southeast of Dagoth Ur in the center of the island (named as the Dwemer Training Academy).
Dagoth Odros
The Ash Vampire Dagoth Odros is in the main chamber to the north and has the Amulet of Heartfire, which you should take, as well as the key to the tower. The Tower is inside of the main chamber. The short sword artifact Keening is found in the tower. Overall, the citadel is small and doesn't hold too much other than some gems and Dwarven weapons.
Acquiring Sunder
Vemynal Citadel
Once you've talked to Vivec about the plan to defeat Dagoth Ur, the location of the Sunder Artifact should be marked on your in-game map. It is hidden in Vemynal, northwest of Dagoth Ur in the center of the island.
Dagoth Vemyn
The Outer and Inner Fortresses don't contain much beyond a few Dwemer items and a couple of minor Dagoths. In the Hall of Torque is a named skeleton, Beldoh the Undying who carries the Blood Feat Shield. The ash vampire Dagoth Vemyn is downstairs in the central chamber. Take Sunder and the Amulet of Heartheal from his corpse.
Assault on Dagoth Ur

Preparing for the Assault
In order to assault Dagoth Ur in the center of Red Mountain, you need to have obtained three Dwemer artifacts already:
- Wraithguard – Gauntlet given to you by Vivec.
- Keening – Short blade obtained during the Assault on Citadel Odrosal.
- Sunder – Warhammer obtained during the Assault on Citadel Vemynal.
During the assaults on the citadels, you may have also obtained a few Heart items from the seven ash vampires. These artifacts are not required to beat Dagoth Ur, but they can be of great use against his magic attacks. The items in question are:
- Belt of Heartfire
- Amulet of Heartthrum
- Amulet of Heartrime
- Amulet of Heartheal
- Amulet of Heartfire
- Soul Ring
- Blood Ring
Dagoth Ur's Citadel
The citadel is best approached from the north, but be careful not to fall into the lava when going down into the crater (levitate or slow fall helps here). The Outer Facilities entrance is blocked by a spherical door; look for a nearby hand crank (on a pipe just south of the door). There's nothing much to find in the Outer Facilities section, though you do hear the voice of Dagoth Ur beckoning you further. The Lower Facility holds Dagoth Gilvoth in the third chamber, who holds the Blood Ring. Expect to encounter a variety of creatures including several lesser Dagoths, Ash Slaves, Bonelords, Lame Corpruses, and Greater Bonewalkers.
Meeting Dagoth Ur
Dagoth Ur is found just inside the Facility Cavern, though he will not attack you right away (in fact, he says it is up to you to take the first blow, although he may still attack you before you do anything). Talk with Dagoth Ur for a bit until you've learned all you want. Buff up with enchantments as desired and then start the fight. There's no secret tactic to killing him the first time; just hit/cast hard and he should fall shortly. Well, you don't actually kill him; he just disappears, leaving the Heart Ring before the doors to Akulakhan.
Destroying Akulakhan
Before you enter Akulakhan you should heal up and equip Wraithguard, then Sunder. You will be attacked by Dagoth Ur and his minions once you enter. Instead of fighting them, your goal is to destroy the Heart of Lorkhan in the center of the great Dwemer robot Akulakhan. It is possible to get Dagoth Ur out of the way by luring him off the cliff into the lava with Levitate. Using Levitate or Slowfall to jump off the ledge to reach the heart is a good idea. You must strike the Heart once with Sunder, and five times with Keening to destroy it, and Dagoth Ur as well. Note that Dagoth Ur will teleport behind you after you strike the heart with Keening. Once you do this, run back across the bridge and watch the destruction of Akulakhan, thus ending Dagoth Ur's reign of terror.
Reward from Azura
Follow the ledge back around to the top (or fly up) and open the door to the Facility Caverns using the crank on the pipes in front of it. Once you enter you will meet Azura and a cutscene will begin, outlining your accomplishments. You will also receive the Ring of Azura, a nice magic ring, so be sure to pick it up (the ring disappears if you leave the area without it). When you pick up the ring, a powerful spell called Hand of Azura will be cast on you. This spell is a powerful 100 pts Restore Attributes spell (all but Personality and Intelligence). This blessing was probably added to restore your attributes from Dagoth Ur's spells. Once you exit you should be greeted to a nice clear sky. No more blight, no more ash storms, although some creatures might still be affected. With the Heart of Lorkhan severed, any remaining Ash Vampires will perish in their lairs; pick up any of their artifacts you like. Minor Dagoth are not affected by this though, but Sleepers in towns will awake from their nightmare.
Congratulations! You have finished Morrowind's Main Quest!
- Remember, assaulting the seven Citadels of the Sixth House is optional. However, you can obtain some very good items during this quest.
- When assaulting Dagoth Araynys in Mamaea, it is possible to obtain the unique dagger Fang of Haynekhtnamet from a trough in the lowest section of the caves. The trough, located next to a Sixth House priestess named Zula, also contains a Daedric Face of Inspiration and a pair of Ebony Boots.
- Sunder and Keening can be acquired at any time during the game.
- The quest A Lucky Coin can be done fairly quickly by visiting Ghostgate, on your way to Red Mountain. You'll receive a nice new power, a 20 pts. Luck boost for 120 seconds, as reward.
- You can use the lever on the pipe and the AI that moves Dagoth backwards if you get too close to trap him in the doorway. He will not teleport behind you when he is trapped, making the encounter a lot easier.
- It is possible to complete this quest before any other part of the main quest, as Keening and Sunder are available as soon as you start the game. However, it is very difficult, as without Wraithguard you will take massive amounts of damage while wielding the two weapons.
- Once you have completed this quest, using the conversation topic 'Nerevarine' with NPCs will net you a 10-point disposition bonus. This can be repeated as long as their disposition is less than 60.
- Killing the Ash Vampires does not weaken Dagoth Ur like it is supposed to, as scripts cannot modify stats on NPCs or creatures that have not been loaded in-game. You could visit the first form of Dagoth Ur before killing the Ash Vampires, so the script would work properly on him. The second incarnation is never affected, but after the Heart of Lorkhan is destroyed his health drops to 200 and his magicka to 0.
- Several journal entries from C0_Act_C do not show up in your journal, because the ashvampire script does not set them. This does not cause any problems, as this specific journal index is not used anywhere else in the game.
- When you kill the first incarnation of Dagoth Ur, his dead body stays accessible for a short while. If you quickly access his corpse and dispose of it, the door to the cavern will not open, since the script is attached to him (he doesn't carry anything, so don't bother).
- Both the second Dagoth Ur incarnation and the Heart of Lorkhan are not really immortal. Scripts reset their health every frame. If you manage to inflict enough damage with one blow (super human powers or weapons), they will die. In case of the heart this would break the script. The main quest would never be completed.
- The heart animations are run without proper parameters, so any hit animation will be delayed until the previous animation has run to its end. You can still hit the heart as fast as you wish and destroy it. You don't need to wait for the animations to display the damage.
- When you get your journal update after the destruction of the Heart of Lorkhan, teleport is enabled again. That is too early and you must not make use of that. Leave the chamber through the door you came in and meet Azura in the next room to complete the quest and receive her ring. Pick up the ring before you leave, or it will be gone.
- UMP has moved the command to enable teleporting from the endgame script into Azura's script, so you can not teleport before you've spoken to her. But there is an invisible teleport_enabler object in that room, which enables teleporting as soon as you enter, which is still too early. Just stay until Azura has given you her ring and everything is ok. ?
- After the destruction of the Heart of Lorkhan all Ash Vampires die. This is done in two places: the endgame script and the ashvampire script. Scripts can modify stats on NPCs or creatures that have been loaded before, so you need to be careful. If you have been to an Ash Vampire's cell without killing him, he will die from the endgame script and his body (and any valuables) may vanish before you get back to him. Ash Vampires you have not visited before will simply drop dead as soon as you enter their cell. Make sure to get their stuff since the bodies will vanish eventually.
- Even after completing the Main Quest, some people may send you to speak to Archcanon Tholer Saryoni in Vivec to fulfill your destiny. The message occurs once you have visited the Cavern of the Incarnate, reached level 20+, and gained 50+ reputation, and is used only once per actor.
- PC Only This bug is fixed by the Morrowind Patch Project.
Quest Stages
These Codes can be used along with the Journal
Console Command and Quest ID given within the chart to update the quest to a certain point.
{{ Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|!|The Citadels of the Sixth House|C0_Act_C_Expo}}
{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=1|2=fin|3=Buoyant Armigers at Ghostgate told me that all their intelligence is old. No one has ventured far inside the fence for years. They gave me a map showing the locations of the citadels of the various ash vampires. Sixth House creatures have become more numerous and powerful, and the most powerful can conjure powerful daedra. There are no safe refuges or services inside the fence; I must return to Ghostgate to rest and heal. }}{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=!|2=|3=C0_Act_C }}{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=1|2=|3=In the ruins of Kogoruhn, I have slain Dagoth Uthol the Ash Vampire, chief lieutenant of the Sixth House and kin to Dagoth Ur. }}{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=2|2=|3=In Citadel Vemynal, I have slain Dagoth Vemyn the Ash Vampire, chief lieutenant of the Sixth House and kin to Dagoth Ur. }}{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=3|2=|3=In Citadel Endusal, I have slain Dagoth Endus the Ash Vampire, chief lieutenant of the Sixth House and kin to Dagoth Ur. }}{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=4|2=|3=In Citadel Odrosal, I have slain Dagoth Odros the Ash Vampire, chief lieutenant of the Sixth House and kin to Dagoth Ur. }}{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=5|2=|3=In Citadel Tureynulal, I have slain Dagoth Tureynul the Ash Vampire, chief lieutenant of the Sixth House and kin to Dagoth Ur. }}{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=6|2=|3=In Citadel Dagoth, I have slain Dagoth Gilvoth the Ash Vampire, chief lieutenant of the Sixth House and kin to Dagoth Ur. }}{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=7|2=|3=In Citadel Dagoth, I have slain Dagoth Araynys the Ash Vampire, chief lieutenant of the Sixth House and kin to Dagoth Ur. }}{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=10|2=fin|3=In Citadel Odrosal I discovered the artifact blade Keening, one of the enchanted tools created by the Dwemer Craftlord Kagrenac. }}{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=15|2=fin|3=In Citadel Vemynal I discovered the artifact hammer Sunder, one of the enchanted tools created by the Dwemer Craftlord Kagrenac. }}{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=20|2=fin|3=In Citadel Vemynal I discovered an enchanted hammer called Sunder. It appears to be one of the enchanted tools created by the Dwemer Craftlord Kagrenac. But I can handle it without injury when I don't have Wraithguard equipped, and that seems very wrong. }}{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=!|2=|3=C2_Sunder }}{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=1|2=fin|3=Dagoth Endus gave me a bottle of ancient Dagoth brandy. }}{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=!|2=|3=C3_DestroyDagoth }}{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=5|2=|3=I found Dagoth Ur, and spoke with him. He asked me questions, and let me answer questions in return. And when all the questions had been asked and answered, there was nothing left to say. The time for words is past. Now only deeds can resolve this matter between Dagoth Ur and I. }}{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=10|2=|3=I found Dagoth Ur, and fought with him, and defeated him, but I did not destroy him. He seems to have escaped in a spirit form, perhaps to return and restore from the Heart's power. I must pursue him, and find and destroy the enchantments on the Heart of Lorkhan. }}{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=20|2=|3=I found the Heart of Lorkhan within the giant artifact Akulakhan. I struck the Heart with Sunder, then struck it again and again with Keening until the enchantment was destroyed. Severed from the sustaining power of the Heart, Dagoth Ur was destroyed. But the disturbance triggered an earthquake, and I had to flee for my life. }}{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=50|2=fin|3=As I fled from the destruction of the Chamber of Akulakhan, I encountered the presence of the Daedra Lord Azura. She told me I had achieved my destiny and was free. The prophecies are fulfilled, and the Blight gone. But now I am Hortator and Nerevarine, Protector of Morrowind, and must defend the people from monsters and villains. She gave me a ring as a token of thanks and blessing. }}
Index | Finishes Quest | Journal Entry |
- Notes
- Not all Journal Entries may appear in your journal; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the quest is done.
- Stages are not always in order of progress. This is usually the case with quests that have multiple possible outcomes or quests where certain tasks may be done in random order.
- C0_Act_C stage 20 seems to be referring to the Fake Sunder object from the construction set. Dagoth Ur also has a voiceover regarding the fake copy of sunder as well that is never used.
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