Morrowind:Dagoth Ur (god)
Dagoth Ur (dagoth_ur_1) | |||
Location | Dagoth Ur, Facility Cavern | ||
Species | N/A | Soul | Petty (0) |
Level | 35 | Type | Special Creatures |
Attacks | |||
Abilities | |||
Other Information | |||
Health | 300 | Magicka | 300 |
Alarm | 0 | Fight | 40 |
Dagoth Ur (dagoth_ur_2) | |||
Location | Dagoth Ur, Facility Cavern | ||
Species | N/A | Soul | Petty (0) |
Level | 35 | Type | Special Creatures |
Attacks | |||
Abilities | |||
Other Information | |||
Health | 1000 (200) |
Magicka | 1000 (0) |
Alarm | 0 | Fight | 100 |
Dagoth Ur, também conhecido como Voryn Dagoth e o Sharmat, foi o imortal Lorde Alto Conselheiro da Casa Dagoth, que residiu embaixo da Montanha Vermelha com seu povo, os Vampiro das Cinzas, e legiões de monstros com Corprus. Quando mortal, Lorde Voryn Dagoth era um dos poucos que sabiam da existência do Coração de Lorkhan, junto a Vivec; Almalexia; Sotha Sil; e seu líder, Lorde Indoril Nerevar. Dagoth alegou que o sumo sacerdote Dwemer, Kagrenac, estava extraindo poder do Coração usando ferramentas específicas, para criar um deus mecânico, o Numidium, que seria usado contra os Chimer. Após Azura confirmar o relato de Dagoth, medidas foram tomadas para impedir os Dwemer, começando uma guerra que culminou no desaparecimento dos Dwemer e a transformação dos Chimer nos Dunmer.
Seguindo a derrota dos Dwemer, as Ferramentas de Kagrenac, o Artesão Mestre foram apropriadas pelos Chimer, e Lorde Nerevar tinha o fardo de decidir o que fazer com elas. A princípio, Dagoth pediu a sua destruição imediata, fosse as Ferramentas ou Coração em si, o que levou Nerevar a acreditar que ele podia ser de confiança para proteger-las, enquanto Nerevar consultava seus conselheiros, o Tribunal de Vivec, Almalexia e Sotha Sil (e a padroeira daédrica dos Dunmer, Azura).
Infelizmente, quando Nerevar e o Tribunal retornaram à Montanha Vermelha, concluindo que as Ferramentas de Kagrenac deveriam ser preservadas, porém jamais usadas, Dagoth recusou-se a abrir mão delas, sustentando que ela fora confiado a proteger-las. Desconhecido por eles na época, Dagoth havia feito experimentos com as Ferramentas no Coração, durante a ausência de Nerevar, e de alguma forma conseguiu roubar parte de sua essência divina e poder. Ele se auto-declarou Dagoth Ur, e foi para sempre conhecido por esse nome (é possível que Nerevar pode ter inevntado o nome). Nerevar e os guardas do Tribunal derrotaram Dagoth Ur, que foi repelido e alegadamente ter sido assassinado. Sua Casa deixou de existir; os remanescentes foram ou assassinados, ou juntaram-se as demais Grandes Casas(embora tenha sido reformulada mais tarde). Entretanto, Nerevar foi mortalmente ferido e faleceu logo depois.
Algumas fontes alegam que Nerevar morreu pelas mãos do Tribunal, que o assassinou quando deixou a Montanha Vermelha para consultá-los, foram eles que lutaram com Dagoth Ur pelas Ferramentas, e Dagoth lutou para vingar a morte de Nerevar. Essas declarações foram veementemente negadas pelo Templo do Tribunal, assim como Vivec; e mesmo a versão de Dagoth Ur contradiz isso, já que o próprio admite ter duelado com Nerevar embaixo da Montanha. De qualquer forma, o Tribunal não obedeceu o último desejo de Nerevar: anos depois, quando Sotha Sil estudou seus secredos, o Tribunal regressou a Montanha Vermelha e usou as Ferramentas de Kagrenac para roubar poderes divinos para si mesmos. Dagoth Ur também conseguiu forjar uma conexão ao Coração, de alguma forma: ele permaneceu vivo e imortal, embora sem corpo e dado como falecido. Os intentos do Tribunal se provaram desastrosos, apesar de suas grandes e heroicas façanhas em seu estado divino. Em 2E 882, quando o Tribunal viajou à Montanha Vermelha para renovar sua conexão ao Coração em um ritual para banhar-se, eles encontraram Dagoth Ur outra vez, ressuscitado em uma nova encarnação, e com poder divino ao nível dos deles. Incapazes de adentrar a Câmara Cardíaca da Montanha Vermelha, eles foram forçados a se render. Dagoth Ur tinha controle exclusivo do Coração a esse ponto, e ficava mais forte enquanto o Tribunal ficava mais fraco.
Sucessos subsequentes permitiram Dagoth Ur expandir ainda mais sua esfera de influência: primeiro a cidadelas Dwemer, e depois ainda mais por diferentes meios de espalhar doenças da Mangra. Em 3E 417, veio o pior golpe: em parte de um plano mal orientado para recapturar as cidadelas Dwemer, Almalexia e Sotha Sil perderam os artefatos Sunder e Keening, duas das Ferramentas de Kagrenac, e tiveram que ser resgatados por Vivec. Eventualmente, o Tribunal foi forçado a deixar suas vidas e devotar-se a maior parte do tempo mantendo a Barreira Fantasma mágica que eles ergueram, para evitar a esfera de influência de Dagoth Ur de se espalhar. Mesmo isso foi apenas um sucesso parcial; criaturas infectadas com Mangra podiam voar sobre ela, e havia uma passagem abaixo do chão para a Fortaleza Dunmer perdida de Kogoruhn, o reduto da Casa Dagoth em vida, por onde outras criaturas adoentadas e infectadas com Corprus poderiam escapar a Montanha Vermelha.
Agora possuindo apenas uma das ferramentas de Kagrenac, a manopla Wraithguard, o Tribunal não podia - sequer ousou - passar os limites de sua própria Barreira Fantasma para recuperar as demais. Enquanto Sotha Sil e Almalexia absteram-se do mundo, Vivec permaneceu sozinho mantendo a Barreira Fantasma, uma tarefa que exigia tanto de suas energias que ele não poderia sequer sair de seu Palácio, o os Ordinators de seu Templo saíram de seu controle e se tornaram ainda mais fanáticos e rígidos enquanto a fé dos Dunmer vacilava. Enquanto isso, Dagoth Ur se preparou para construir Akulakhan, o Segundo Numidium, um deus-máquina de bronze que usaria para conquistar toda Tamriel. For more information, see the main Lore article.
Related Quests
Main Quest
- The Citadels of the Sixth House: Find the Ash Vampires to collect powerful artifacts and make your assault on Dagoth Ur himself.
- Sleepers Awake: Save several people from Dagoth Ur's spell.
Para manter o padrão de qualidade do nosso site, este artigo ou seção pode precisar de limpeza. O usuário que colocou isto aqui teve a seguinte preocupação: Dialogue must be checked, and needs a better presentation/layout, especially the "final questions" part. Para deixar uma mensagem sobre a limpeza deste artigo, por favor adicione-a na página de discussão do mesmo. |
- Voice:
- "Come, Nerevar. Friend or traitor, come. Come and look upon the Heart, and Akulakhan. And bring Wraithguard... I have need of it."
- "Come to the Heart Chamber. I wait for you there, where we last met, countless ages ago."
- "Come to me, through fire and war. I welcome you."
- "Welcome, Moon-and-Star. I have prepared a place for you."
- "Come. Bring Wraithguard to the Heart Chamber. Together let us free the cursed false gods."
- "Welcome, Nerevar. Together we shall speak for the Law and the Land, and shall drive the mongrel dogs of the Empire from Morrowind."
- "Is this how you honor the Sixth House, and the tribe unmourned? Come to me openly, and not by stealth."
- "Dagoth Ur welcomes you, Nerevar, my old friend. But to this place where destiny is made. Why have you come unprepared?"
- "Welcome, Moon-and-Star, to this place where destiny is made."
- "What a fool you are. I'm a god. How can you kill a god? What a grand and intoxicating innocence. How could you be so naive? There is no escape. No Recall or Intervention can work in this place. Come. Lay down your weapons. It is not too late for my mercy."
- Heart Hit #2:
- "What are you doing?"
- Heart Hit #3:
- Heart Hit#4:
- "FOOL!"
- Heart Hit #5:
- "STOP!"
- Heart Hit #6:
- "This is the end. The bitter, bitter end."
- Greetings:
- If you have not yet all three tools of Kagrenac:
- "Strange. This outcome I did not foresee. That you would come unprepared."
- "Until I see you better prepared, we have nothing to discuss."
- If you do have the three tools (Wraithguard, Keening, and Sunder):
- "It began here. It will end here. Have you any parting words? Or would you prefer to skip the speeches, and get to our business. [sic] You are the challenger here, after all. So to you goes the courtesy of the first blow."
- "Have you something more to say?"
- come unprepared:
- If you have not yet all three tools of Kagrenac:
- "This is the place of destiny. And destiny may only be shaped by the holder of Kagrenac's Tools. I do not know what you think to accomplish. But raise your hand against me, and I shall destroy you."
- If you do have the three tools:
- "I am glad that this time you did not come unprepared."
- final questions:
- The first time the topic is broached, a long conversation ensues:
"My first question is: Are you really Nerevar reborn?" By the grace of gods and fate, I am Nerevar reborn. I'm a loyal servant of the Emperor. I am a self-willed hero, and I make my own fate. I know no more than you do. "That is bitter. The gods and fates are cruel. I served you faithfully once, Lord Nerevar, and you repaid me with death. I hope this time it will be you who pays for your faithfullness." "Then I salute you for your faithful service to your lord. And I curse you and your Emperors as my enemies, for your stealing and spoiling Morrowind and degrading the Dunmer race. Your death and humiliation will give me special pleasure." "You are bold. I honor your independence. You are one to teach the gods their limits. I hope the bards will praise the glory of your death in song." "What a world.... Perhaps we shall never know. But as I have sympathy for you, and the melancholy fate of all mortals, I shall weep for your death." "My second question is: if you win, what do you plan to do with the power from the Heart? Will you make yourself a god, and establish a thearchy? Or will you complete Akulakhan, and dispute control of Tamriel with the Septims? Or will you share the Heart with your followers, as I have, and breed a new race of divine immortals?" Make myself a god. Complete Akulakhan. Share the Heart. I have my own, secret plan for the Heart. "You will follow the model of the Tribunal? That is a dull and unenterprising ambition. See what the Tribunal have done. They've sacrificed the honor and dignity of the Dunmer race, and handed over our ancient land to the mongrel dogs of the Empire. You may mean well, but you lack vision. You are not worthy of the Heart." "A noble ambition. And anyone who should make war upon the Septims should be my friend. A pity we cannot trust one another as allies." "You have a noble spirit. I share the power I have from the Heart to help free mortals from their ancient fears of the gods. Who knows what we might be capable of once we no longer fear death? Your goal is worthy, and I honor you for it." "Well. Perhaps there may be surprises in store for me yet. Or perhaps you obscure your plans on principle. Or perhaps you are an instinctive bluffer. No matter." "My final question is: If I had offered to let you join me, would you have surrendered Wraithguard, Sunder, and Keening to me to seal your oath?" No, I would never join you. No, I would never surrender the tools. Yes, perhaps, with the right guarantees. Yes, if I had a cunning plan. "Thank you for the forthright response. And now, if you have any questions, ask them. Otherwise, you are the challenger. I await your first blow." "An interesting response. You might have been willing to join me, but never to surrender the tools. Very interesting. I'm glad I didn't try to bargain with you. And now, if you have any questions, ask them. Otherwise, you are the challenger. I await your first blow." "Since it hardly matters, let me assure you... there are no guarantees that would help you once I had my hands on those tools. Pity I didn't try to bargain with you. It might have made things so much easier. But now we'll never know. Pity. But now, if you have any questions, ask them. Otherwise, you are the challenger. I await your first blow." "Yes, of course. I doubt that any cunning plan would have been of much use once I had the tools in hand. But now we'll never know. Pity. But now, if you have any questions, ask them. Otherwise, you are the challenger. I await your first blow." Ask questions End the dialog and prepare to attack. "What are your questions?" What is your plan for the Heart? "I will continue to draw divine power from the Heart and distribute it to my kin and followers. I will continue to broadcast divine power upon the blight winds, so that it will touch each soul in Vvardenfell, and then more broadly, across the waters to the rest of Morrowind and Tamriel. In time, every mortal in Tamriel shall feel the liberating contact with the divine." What is your plan for the Sixth House? "The Sixth House will serve as the elite cadre of our movement. As cultists evolve through various stages of enlightenment, they will become, as suits their abilities, either holy warriors or priests. Their duty is to prepare themselves for service; their joy and liberation is to enter even-more-deeply into the profound enlightenment of the divine dreamworld." What is your plan for the Dunmer? "I will free the Dunmer from the Imperial yoke, and cast down the false gods of the Temple. I will lead them out of their ancient superstitions, and gift them with intimate knowledge of the divine. Then, perhaps, when Morrowind is once again restored to its ancient glories, it will be time to consider whether the Dunmer should cultivate ambitions of empire." How do you justify your crimes? "If, by my crimes, you mean the inevitable suffering and destruction caused by war, then I accept the burden of leadership. The Sixth House cannot be restored without war. Enlightenment cannot grow back without the risk of upsetting the tradition-bound and complacent herd. And the Mongrel armies of the Empire cannot be expelled from Morrowind without bloodshed. As I have charity and compassion, I grieve. But our mission is just and noble." What happened to the Dwemer? "I have no idea what happened to the Dwemer, I have been denied the opportunity to study Wraithguard, and I am not sure how much of Kagrenac's lore was invented in his tools, and how much in his own sorcery and mastery. I have long studied Kagrenac, and have come to admire his wisdom and craft. Someday, after the campaigns of the Sixth House are secure, I hope to have time to dedicate to this mystery." Why are you building Akulakhan? "Akulakhan will serve three purposes. First, it will be the champion of my armies, liberating first Vvardenfell, then Morrowind, and then, perhaps the rest of Tamriel. Second, it will serve as a sower and cultivator of the divine substance derived from the Heart. Three, it will serve as the prominent banner and symbol of our cause -- to defy the Empire, to liberate mortals from ancient superstitions, and to glorify our crusade against the gods." I'm finished talking, Defend yourself. "Very well. If you are impatient to begin. Go ahead. You are the challenger. To you goes the first blow."
- "I believe we've said all there is to be said. Now only deeds can resolve this matter."
- 'our business:' "You are the challenger here, after all. So to you goes the courtesy of the first blow. I'm waiting...."
- parting words:
- If you have the "jury-rigged" version of Wraithguard:
- "Now that you have come to me here, there can be but one result. Many times I have rehearsed speeches offering to share this place with you. 'If you dare to defy the gods, take my hand.' 'To seal the oath of alliance, you shall give me Wraithguard.' 'You have ability. Special gifts you don't even understand. Serve me, and I can help you master those gifts.'"
- If you have the normal version of Wraithguard:
- "Now that you have come to me here, there can be but one result. Many times I have considered offering to share this place with you. I considered offering to accept your oath of service. You might try to buy my trust by giving me Wraithguard, Keening, and Sunder. I thought we might once again be friends... comrades... brothers in arms."
- Continue
- "But I have won this place and power by right of conquest. By right of daring and enterprise. I will not risk it to cunning and deceit. I offer you no deals. If you are my enemy, I cannot trust you. And even if you are not my enemy, I cannot let you live.
- Continue
- It will all be decided here. I believe I will prevail. But I cannot be sure, and I am vain enough that, should I fall, I would wish to be remembered in my own words. So, if you have final questions you would ask, ask them now. I have final questions I would ask you, if you would answer."
Combat Dialogue
This is dialogue he may say when hit in Akulakhan's Chamber after you have "defeated" him the first time:
Upon Being Hit | |
"Oh. Please, Nerevar! Spare me!" | "Hah-hah-hah-hah. Oh, dear me. Forgive me, but I am enjoying this." |
"I surrender! I surrender! Hah-hah-hah-hah-hah!" | "Omnipotent. Omniscient. Sovereign. Immutable. How sweet it is to be a god!" |
"Farewell, sweet Nerevar. Better luck on your next incarnation." | "Persistent, aren't you." |
"This is getting tiresome." | "STUpid...." |
"You are a stubborn thing, Nerevar." | "This is taking too long." |
"Come on!" | "Damn this thing…" |