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(Redirecionado de Morrowind:Sanies Lupinus)

This is a complete list of the diseases you can catch in Morrowind. Yellow Entries appear only in Tribunal, and Blue only in Bloodmoon.

Common Diseases

These are the most common diseases in Morrowind. They can all be cured with the Cure Common Disease effect, or you can protect yourself with the Resist Common Disease or Resist Magicka effects. Some races are naturally resistant to diseases. Altmer, Argonians, Bosmer and Redguards each have 75% resistance. You can achieve 100% resistance after a point in the Main Quest.

Note: The numbers listed for effects are the maximum a disease can damage you; the minimum is always 10.

Name Effect Catch From Description
Ataxia Drain Strength & Agility 10 Diseased Alit
Plague BearBM
Ataxia is a mild common disease affecting the victim's strength and dexterity. Symptoms include generalized pain and muscle stiffness. It may be contracted from slaughterfish.
Brown Rot Drain Strength & Personality 10 Bonewalkers
Worm Lord
Wraith of Sul-Senipul
Brown rot is a mild common disease affecting the victim's strength and behavior. Symptoms include necrosis and sleeplessness. It may be contracted from the bonewalker, skeleton, greater bonewalker, or bonelord.
Chills Drain Intelligence, Agility & Willpower 30 Fedris Tharen Chills is an extremely dangerous common disease affecting the victim's mind and coordination. Symptoms include clumsiness and mental confusion. It may be contracted from the bonewalker, skeleton, greater bonewalker, or bonelord.
Collywobbles Drain Strength, Endurance & Speed 10 Diseased Shalk Collywobbles is a serious common disease affecting a victim's strength, endurance, and mobility. Symptoms include uncontrollable shaking and chronic weariness. It may be contracted from the fiery shalk.
Crimson PlagueTR Drain Fatigue 100,
Drain Acrobatics & Athletics 20,
Drain Strength & Endurance 10
Infected RatTR
Shunari Eye-FlyTR
Athelyn MalasTR
Dampworm Drain Speed 30 (nothing) [1] Dampworm is a serious common disease affecting a victim's mobility. Symptoms include uncontrollable muscle spasms and twitching. It may be contracted from the nix-hound.
Droops Drain Strength 30 Diseased Kwama Worker
Diseased Scrib
Assantus Hansar
Droops is a serious common disease that affects a victim's strength. Symptoms include weak and flaccid muscle tissues. It may be contracted from all forms and stages of kwama.
Greenspore Drain Personality 20 Din
Greenspore is a serious common disease affecting a victim's behavior. Symptoms include irritability and violent outbursts, and may include mild dementia. It may be contracted from slaughterfish.
Helljoint Drain Speed & Agility 10 Diseased Cliff Racer Helljoint is a mild common disease affecting a victim's mobility and dexterity. Symptoms include persistent irritation and inflammation of joints. It may be contracted from the girdle-tailed cliff racer.
Rattles Drain Willpower & Agility 10 (nothing) [1] Rattles is a mild common diseased affecting a victim's willpower and dexterity. Symptoms include muscle spasms and listlessness. It may be contracted from the nix-hound.
Rockjoint Drain Agility 40 (nothing) [1] Rockjoint is an acute common disease affecting a victim's manual dexterity. Symptoms include painful swelling and immobility of all joints. It may be contracted from the domesticated guar or dusky alit.
RotboneTR Drain Fatigue 3 Diseased DurzogTR
Rust Chancre Drain Personality & Speed 10 (nothing) [1] Rust chancre is a mild common disease affecting a victim's mobility and behavior. Symptoms include swelling and rash, and painful muscle spasms. It may be contracted from the waste rat.
Serpiginous Dementia Drain Intelligence, Personality & Willpower 10 (nothing) [1] Serpiginous dementia is a serious common disease affecting the victim's mind and behavior. Symptoms include hallucinations and an itchy and unsightly scaly skin condition resembling snake scales.
Swamp Fever Drain Strength & Endurance 20 Diseased Mudcrab
Swamp fever is a mild common disease affecting the victim's strength and behavior. It may be contracted from the mudcrab. The symptoms include high body temperature and delirium, but there are no easily visible signs.
Porphyric Hemophilia [2] Restore Fatigue 1, Vampirism Vampires
Sanies LupinusBM Drain Fatigue 1, Werewolf WerewolvesBM
Witbane Drain Agility 40 Diseased Rat Witbane is an acute common disease affecting a victim's memory and thought processes. Symptoms include loss of memory and disorientation. It may be contracted from the rat.
Witchwither Paralyze Hisin Deep-Raed
Wither Drain Strength & Endurance 10 Dreamers Wither is a mild common disease that affects a victim's strength and endurance. Symptoms include loss of energy and shortness of breath. It may be contracted from dreugh.
Yellow Tick Drain Strength & Speed 10 Diseased Kagouti
Plague WolfBM
Yellow tick is a mild common disease affecting a victim's strength and mobility. Symptoms include dark, bruise-like swelling, sensitive to touch. It may be contracted from the least kagouti.
  1. ^ a b c d e Although the in-game description of these diseases state that they can be contracted from various animals, this is actually false.
  2. ^ Porphyric Hemophilia comes in three variations: Quarra, Berne, and Aundae.

Blight Diseases

There are also other diseases called Blight Diseases in Morrowind. These are more serious, and slightly harder to cure. You will probably need a Cure Blight Disease spell if you venture into the Ashlands, Molag Amur, or Red Mountain areas, where these diseases are prevalent. The use of Resist Blight Disease or Resist Magicka effects to protect yourself from catching them in the first place is recommended.

Note: As with the common diseases the values are the maximum it can affect you. The minimum is 20 for all blight diseases.

Name Effect Catch From Description
Ash Woe Blight Drain Intelligence & Willpower 40 Ascended Sleeper
Ash Ghoul
Ash Slave
Blighted Shalk
Numerous Dagoths
Ash-woe is an acute blight disease affecting a victim's will and thought processes. It may be contracted from corprus beasts or other blighted creatures.
Ash-chancre Drain Personality 40 Ascended Sleeper
Blighted Cliff Racer
Blighted Kwama
Blighted Scrib
Bulfim gra-Shugarz
Ash-chancre is an acute blight disease affecting a victim's behavior. It may be contracted from corprus beasts or other blight monsters.
Black-Heart Blight Drain Strength & Endurance 40 Ascended Sleeper
Blighted Alit
Blighted Nix Hound
Blighted Rat
Lame Corprus
Black-heart is an acute blight disease affecting a victim's strength and endurance. It may be contracted from corprus beasts or other blight monsters.
Chanthrax Blight Drain Agility & Speed 40 Ascended Sleeper
Blighted Kagouti
Kwama Warriors in

Shurdan-Raplay Egg Mine

Chanthrax is an acute blight disease affecting a victim's dexterity and mobility. It may be contracted from corprus beasts or other blight monsters.

Corprus Disease

Worst of all the afflictions is the dreaded Corprus disease, also known as The Divine Disease. While technically a type of blight disease, it has no known cure, although Divayth Fyr in Tel Fyr spends his days researching one in the Corprusarium.

There are only two ways to get this disease: during the Sixth House Base mission during the Main Quest (this is completely unavoidable) and during the Disease Carrier quest in the Tribunal Temple quest line (this is a game breaking bug). Corprus is sometimes called the "divine disease" by followers of Dagoth Ur, and it is not truly a disease at all, but the physical effects of the deity's power on mortal flesh. Corprus metastases are often eaten by the inflicted, negating any need for other food. It may play some role in the creation of Ash Creatures.

Name Effect Catch From Description
Corprus Corprus
Drain Intelligence, Willpower, Personality & Speed 1
Fortify Strength & Endurance 1,
Resist Common Disease 100%,
Resist Blight Disease 100%,
Resist Corprus Disease 100%
Dagoth Gares (Main Quest)
Tanusea Veloth (Disease Carrier)
Corprus is a deadly disease profoundly affecting a victim's mind and body. Symptoms include dementia, violent behavior, and distorted, disfiguring skin growths. It may be contracted from corprus beasts or other blight monsters.