Morrowind:Corprus Cure

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Find a way to cure the dreaded Corprus disease.
Quest Giver: Caius Cosades in Balmora
Location(s): Tel Fyr
Prerequisite Quest: Sixth House Base
Next Quest: Mehra Milo and the Lost Prophecies
Reward: Removal of Negative Corprus Effects
Disposition: 100 (Divayth Fyr)
ID: A2_3_CorprusCure, A2_3_Corprus_Vistha, A2_3_CorprusKiller, A2_3_CorprusSafe
Required Items: Levitate/Jump
Suggested Items: Open (100), Invisibility/Chameleon
Difficulty: Low
Divayth Fyr has been researching a cure

Quick Walkthrough

  1. Return to Caius in Balmora and talk with him to learn of a possible Corprus cure.
  2. Travel to Tel Fyr, give Divayth Fyr the artifact, and talk with him.
  3. Retrieve the Dwemer Boots of Flying from Yagrum Bagarn deep within the Corprusarium.
  4. Receive the cure from Divayth.

Detailed Walkthrough

Finding Divayth Fyr

During the last quest to destroy the Sixth House base near Gnaar Mok, you contracted the apparently incurable Corprus disease. While you have Corprus, the disposition of anyone you talk to will drop significantly, so it's a good idea to return to Caius as soon as possible. Back in Balmora, Caius is shocked to hear of your condition, but believes there may be a cure. Apparently, Fast Eddie, a local Telvanni expert, says that a Telvanni Wizard, Divayth Fyr, runs a Corprusarium deep beneath his tower in Tel Fyr, dedicated to the study of Corprus disease, and may be able to help you. Apparently, Fyr is a collector of Dwemer artifacts, and Caius provides you with a Dwemer Coherer to help raise Divayth's disposition. You will also receive some gold to pay for the cure, and a few levitation potions for use in the tower. The artifact weighs 40 pounds, so be sure you're able to carry that much.

Tel Fyr is on an island in the eastern archipelago of Vvardenfell, in the Azura's Coast Region. You can get it marked by a scout in the Fighters Guild in Sadrith Mora, if you have not already learned of its location. The fastest way would be to take a Guild Guide over to Sadrith Mora or, alternatively, you can take a boat to Sadrith Mora from Ebonheart.

Meet with Divayth Fyr

Once inside Tel Fyr, Onyx Hall, you should talk to Beyte Fyr, a Dunmer woman, across from the entrance to find out that Divayth is in his study, accessible by the main fly well. The fly well is upstairs in the Hall of Fyr, inside and to the right of the entrance. If you need more Levitation or Invisibility potions, you can steal them from a shelf in the bedroom on the main floor of the Hall of Fyr. Levitate up and find Divayth, dressed in Daedric armor and standing in front of a purple crystal. Give him the Dwemer artifact and ask him about the corprus disease. You may have to additionally raise his Disposition by persuasion in order to get him to talk to you. Divayth has plenty to say about the disease, but mention that you may fulfill the Nerevarine Prophecies and he will quickly offer you an experimental and possibly fatal cure for Corprus. However, before he agrees to give you the cure, he will ask you to fetch a pair of enchanted boots from Yagrum Bagarn below in the Corprusarium and return them to Fyr. On the face of it, this is a menial chore, but Fyr's real intention is for you to see the place in which you will spend the rest of your life if the cure doesn't work.

If you have angered Divayth previously by killing some of the members of the Corprusarium, you may be able to persuade him to assist you, either with conversation, or magic, but if you have killed the warden, he and his daughters will attack you when you talk to them. Sometimes Divayth is extremely mad about what you have done, and presents you with no conversation options except "Goodbye". You can fix this by entering SetJournalIndex A2_3_CorprusKiller 30.

The Corprusarium

Yagrum Bagarn

The Corprusarium is downstairs, through the Onyx Hall. Before you enter, you will encounter the warden Vistha-Kai who will tell you not to harm the inmates, though they certainly have no qualms about hurting you. This is a good place for Invisibility or Chameleon if you have it, or a good Sneak skill. Fortunately, once you enter the Corprusarium Bowels, the inmates you encounter will not be hostile towards you. Yagrum is in the central cave, and is hard to miss. He will give you the Dwemer Boots of Flying and has some interesting comments on the disappearance of the Dwemer. There is also a trick in getting the Corprus inmates outside the bowels not to attack you. Find the guarskin drum and give it to Uupse Fyr next to Yagrum, and she will play a rhythm to soothe the inmates. Any guarskin drum will do, but unless you have brought one with you the nearest one is in the Corprusarium.

The Cure?

Return to Divayth, give him the boots, and accept the potion.

It turns out that the potion doesn't actually cure you, but just removes the negative effects of the disease. Therefore, you have the complete disease resistance that Corprus gives, but no loss of attributes. Note that the 1000 gold Caius gave you wasn't needed, meaning you're a bit richer too. You can return to Caius in Balmora for the next stage of the quest.

If you return to Fyr at a later point in the game, he will tell you that the potion doesn't seem to work on the rest of his cases and that he killed two of his most desperate patients while testing it. Apparently you are an exceptional case, though as you may have found out, the Nerevarine is supposedly protected from this death by prophecy.


  • Fyr has some unused dialogue regarding corprus disease, which consists of him telling you that your case is hopeless and you should prepare to be interred in the Corprusarium. The trigger for this dialogue is contracting corprus disease before contracting it from Dagoth Gares. Barring a certain bug, there is in fact only one way to contract corprus disease in the entire game, and that is via a scripted event which occurs when Dagoth Gares dies. Since the condition for this dialogue can therefore never be met, it cannot be seen in-game. But it indicates that at some point in the game's development the developers may have intended the player to be able to catch corprus in other ways.
  • During the dialogue with Fyr when you take the potion, a script runs which gives you 100% Resistance to common disease, blight disease and corprus disease, and removes the other corprus effects. However, after you end conversation with Fyr, he will cast an entirely superfluous spell of Cure Blight Disease on you.


  • If you have given a Dwemer Coherer to Divayth Fyr before Caius sends you, the Main Quest skips ahead when you talk to Caius. If you are on PC and have at least one expansion, you can fix it with SetJournalIndex A2_3_CorprusCure 0.
  • Sometimes, the positive and negative effects of the disease do not disappear when you are "cured" when talking to Divayth and taking the potion, although the icons disappear from your spell effects list. Thus, you are left with your altered attributes until you apply the appropriate restore effects (potions, spells, etc.).
  • If you have more than one Dwemer Boots of Flying in your inventory, Divayth Fyr may not accept the item when you mention potion to him after you have obtained it from Yagrum Bagarn.
    • Solve this by dropping all but one of the copies on floor and talk to him again.
  • Uupse Fyr does not tell you about the guarskin drum unless your disposition with her is at least 50. But she will accept it anyway because it checks the wrong quest id to see if she told you about it.
    • PC Only This issue has been addressed by the Morrowind Patch Project; The patch corrects this behavior, so she does not accept the drum unless she told you about it.

Quest Stages

{{ Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|!|Corprus Cure|A2_3_CorprusCure}}

{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=1|2=|3=The Spymaster promoted me to Traveler rank, but is very worried about my Corprus disease. My best chance of a cure is Divayth Fyr, an ancient Telvanni wizard who runs a Corprusarium for victims of the disease. With the Dwemer artifact and 1000 gold Caius gave me, I'll go to Tel Fyr and persuade Divayth Fyr to cure my corprus disease. I must hurry back to the Spymaster when I'm cured, because Caius knows how to get the lost prophecies Nibani Maesa asked for. }}{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=5|2=|3=Caius says Tel Fyr, Divayth Fyr's tower, is southwest of Sadrith Mora, on an island on the southwestern edge of Zafirbel Bay. There's no boat service, so I must water-walk or swim from Sadrith Mora. Use the guild guide at the Mages Guild to reach Sadrith Mora. Then, at Wolverine Hall, Fighters Guild, ask the scout Sondryn Irathi for detailed directions to Tel Fyr. Caius gave me levitation potions, since Telvanni wizards don't use stairs. }}{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=10|2=|3=I showed Divayth Fyr the Dwemer artifact the Spymaster gave me, but I didn't give it to him. }}{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=12|2=|3=I showed Divayth Fyr the Dwemer artifact the Spymaster gave me, but I didn't give it to him. He seemed annoyed with me. }}{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=15|2=|3=I gave Divayth Fyr the Dwemer artifact the Spymaster gave me. It seems to have made a good impression on him. }}{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=20|2=|3=Divayth Fyr says that the corprus disease makes you immune to other diseases, and that the Nerevarine prophecies say the Nerevarine will be immune to disease. Can it just be a coincidence? }}{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=25|2=|3=Divayth Fyr has offered to give me a potion that may cure me of corprus disease. It might also kill me, but, as he says, I haven't a better choice. All I have to do is go down into the Corprusarium, find a corprus victim named Yagrum Bagarn, collect a pair of boots from him, then return to Divayth Fyr, and he'll give me the potion. }}{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=28|2=|3=I have been warned by Vistha-Kai, Warden of the Corprusarium, not to harm the inmates of the Corprusarium. }}{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=30|2=|3=I have killed one of the inmates of the Corprusarium. }}{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=32|2=|3=I have killed one of the residents of Tel Fyr. I doubt this will make me popular with the wizard Divayth Fyr. }}{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=40|2=|3=Yagrum Bagarn gave me the Dwemer boots Divayth Fyr asked for. Now, when I deliver these boots to Divayth Fyr, he will give me the potion that I hope will cure my corprus disease. }}{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=46|2=|3=I gave Divayth Fyr the Dwemer boots from Yagrum Bagarn, and he offered to give me the potion, but only if I'd take it right there, before his eyes, so he could closely observe its effects. Those are his conditions. He said to come back when I'm ready to take the potion. }}{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=50|2=yes|3=I gave Divayth Fyr the Dwemer boots from Yagrum Bagarn, and he gave me the potion. It didn't cure me. But it did remove all apparent signs of the disease. Divayth Fyr said he didn't actually WANT to cure me. He just wanted to remove the harmful features of the disease while preserving its virtues. It worked. And now Divayth Fyr is eager to test the potion on subjects in the Corprusarium. But I must hurry back to report to the Spymaster, and search for the lost prophecies. }}

Index Finishes Quest Journal Entry

{{ Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|!|Corprus Cure|A2_3_Corprus_Vistha}}

{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=1|2=|3=I have been warned by Vistha-Kai, Warden of the Corprusarium, not to harm the inmates of the Corprusarium. }}

Index Finishes Quest Journal Entry

{{ Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|!|Corprus Cure|A2_3_CorprusKiller}}

{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=10|2=|3=I have killed one of the inmates of the Corprusarium. }}{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=20|2=|3=I have killed one of the residents of Tel Fyr. I doubt this will make me popular with the wizard Divayth Fyr. }}{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=30|2=|3=I have killed one of the inmates of the Corprusarium. Divayth Fyr says he cannot forget what I've done, but he will forgive me. }}

Index Finishes Quest Journal Entry

{{ Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|!|Corprus Cure|A2_3_CorprusSafe}}

{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=10|2=|3=Uupse Fyr said that if I would find a guarskin drum and bring it to her, she could play the drum to calm the corprus victims. She says the victims wander away with the drum sometimes, so I'll have to search for it. }}{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=100|2=|3=I brought Uupse Fyr a guarskin drum so she could play some rhythms to soothe the corprus victims. }}

Index Finishes Quest Journal Entry

Prev: Sixth House Base Up: Main Quest Next: Mehra Milo and the Lost Prophecies