Lore:Flora B

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< Flora(Redirecionado de Lore:Black Lichen)
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A Ripened Belladonna plant

Belladonna are the yellow-green shrubs that grow in the warmer regions of Solstheim.

Found in:

Harvested Ingredient:

Belladonna Berries


A Bergamot Plant

A tall, thin plant with a dark pink flower bloom, found growing in the Nibenay Valley and northernmost part of the Great Forest in Cyrodiil.

Found in:

Harvested Ingredient:

Bergamot Seeds


Bittergreen Pod

A vine that usually appears in thickets. It is abundant in the West Gash region of Vvardenfell. Bittergreen is a safe and nourishing food when it is boiled but is highly toxic if eaten raw.

Found in:

Harvested Ingredient:

Bittergreen Petals

Black Anther Plant

A Black Anther Flower

Black Anther is a flowering plant that grows on the Ascadian Isles and Azura's Coast regions of Vvardenfell.

Found in:

Harvested Ingredient:

Black Anther

Black Lichen

Black Lichen

Black lichen is a somewhat rare, primitive plant that survives well in harsh conditions and grows on rocks.

Found in:

Harvested Ingredient:

Black Lichen

Blackberry Bush

A Wild Blackberry Bush

A short berry producing shrub found on farms across Cyrodiil, and wild in the province's West Weald region.

Found in:

Harvested Ingredient:


Bleeding Crown

Bleeding Crown Mushrooms

A short, red-capped mushroom found growing in the caves of Skyrim.

Found in:

Harvested Ingredient:

Bleeding Crown

Blessed Thistle

A Blessed Thistle plant

A plant with many spade-shaped green leaves growing from a central stem that can be found growing across Tamriel.

Found in:

Harvested Ingredient:

Blessed Thistle

Blister Pod

Three Blister Pod Mushrooms

A short, grey-colored knobbly fungi found growing in the Dementia side of the Shivering Isles.

Found in:

Harvested Ingredient:

Blister Pod Cap


A Blisterwort Mushroom Cluster

A brown-capped mushroom found growing in the caves of Skyrim.

Found in:

Harvested Ingredient:




Bloatspore is a spore-producing fungus that grows in dark, damp locations.

Found in:

Harvested Ingredient:



A Bloodgrass Plant in Oblivion

A tall, red-colored reed commonly found in the Planes of Oblivion.

Found in:

Harvested Ingredient:


Bloodthorn Vines

Bloodthorn Vines

Bloodthorn Vines are giant, writhing, thorned vines associated with dark Reach magic. They are used by the Bloodthorn Cult and the Boneshaper Clan. The plant is not native to the Reach, but is cultivated well by the Reachmen. The Boneshapers use the vines in an unusual number of rituals, from lacing or growing them through the skeletons of their living sacrifices to shaping them into rough effigies before battle in mockery of life. Despite the use of the dead in several rituals, the Boneshapers forbid the practice of necromancy. On the other hand, the Bloodthorn Cult used the vines for a much more malevolent purpose, spreading them to corrupt the land and planting the seeds in the corpses of the dead to raise them as zombies. These vine-covered zombies lived in a painful state of undeath. The cult's leader, Angof the Gravesinger, suffered from a similar existence to the zombies after making a pact with Molag Bal, although he seemed to think that it could be reversed. During the cult's campaign in 2E 582, the vines were spread throughout Glenumbra and Betony.

Found in:

Bog Beacon

A Few Bog Beacon Plants

A medium-sized fungi with a round, yellowish cap commonly found in the Blackwood region of Cyrodiil.

Found in:

Harvested Ingredient:

Bog Beacon Asco Cap


A Bugloss plant

A large plant with purple-blue flowers that can be found growing across Tamriel.

Found in:

Harvested Ingredient:


Bungler's Bane

Bungler's Bane Mushroom

Bungler's Bane is a mottled brown-and-orange shelf fungus collected from the trunks of trees in Vvardenfell's Bitter Coast region.

Found in:

Harvested Ingredient:

Bungler's Bane