
A UESPWiki – Sua fonte de The Elder Scrolls desde 1995

Stuff about me

  • I like the word "stuff" (it's so all inclusive!)
  • I contribute mainly/only on Thursday, Friday and every other Saturday, Sunday
  • I think there should be an Oblivion for the WII
  • I only contribute to Oblivion pages although I own both Morrowind and Oblivion.
  • I left for a long time but I finally remembered my password. lol. So now I'm back to help out occasionally...

Stuff I Need to do in the Future

Major Projects

  • Revamp Oblivion:Useful Spells
  • Expand Oblivion:Necromancy
  • Write more articles!!
  • Never let any Oblivion articles stay pegged for cleanup for over a month. (except the ones I know nothing about of course) :P

Minor Projects

  • Become less of a noob :P (Never a bad idea for anyone :) )
  • Put the stats of my other Characters below.
  • Think of some words that are a noun a verb and an adjective.
    • Words other contributors smarter than I am figured out. :)







Stuff I have Done in the Past

My Oblivion Characters

Name: Pappasmurf

Race: Blue-Haired, Blue-Skinned Altmer (very rare!!!)

Class: Mage

Birthsign: Mage

Level: 39

Description: Even as a child Pappasmurf was gifted at Illusion magic; duping his parents into buying him sweetrolls, getting the hottest elven chicks to go out with him even though he was blue ect. As he grew up however he discovered an affinity for mysticisim and alteration as well. Now he is a master in all the major magics and spends his time governing the mages guild and wandering around the countryside admiring the amazing graphics of my Xbox 360.

Name: John (Not very imaginitive is it?)

Race: Bosmer/Vampire

Class Assasin

Birthsign: The Shadow

Level: 24

Description: The loss of his mother when he was but a child is believed to be what caused him to be on the carrer path he is on, despite his race's more energetic and life-loving reputation. He acheived listener of the Black Hand when he was twelve, and on a mission given to him by the Night Mother herself, he became leader of the Mages Guild in order to use them for the Black Hand. He is currently working on manipulating the Fighters Guild through working his way up the ranks, hoping to become leader for the glory of the Night Mother.

Name: Waldo

Race: Kajiit

Class: Thief

Birthsign: The Shadow

Level: 4 (But I need to sleep badly)

Description: Who's that jumping with catlike grace? Who's that flaunting about in his Deciver's Finery? And where is he anyway?? IT'S WALDO!! The super Kajiit! A thief, much like robin hood, who steals from the rich and the needy! His 100 alchemy skill is put to good use making invisibility potions as he has not yet fought a battle he could win. And while he seems like he would belong in the Thieves Guild he refuses to join, as he has a personal vendetta against the Grey Fox. (The insensitive jerk stole his teddy bear when he was little. >:[ )