UESPWiki:Archive/CP Fan Art

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Idea, just an Idea Guys...

I have seen the "Concept Art" page for Morrowind once before. I had an idea, only an idea, that we should create a "TES Fan Art" page. It could be listed under the default of "Tamriel" I am thinking. We would let anyone contribute. Is this a possibility? Maybe we can take a vote. Please leave feeback. Thank You. --Playjex 14:21, 28 January 2008 (EST)

If anything, it'd belong in the General namespace, along with the Fan Fiction. However, I'm not sure how wise it would be to start allowing that kind of content on the site, as it has the potential to mushroom into something huge, and it takes away from the real focus of the site, which is encyclopedic content. Personally, I don't think the Fan Fiction belongs on the site either, but at least it's just text and doesn't take up a whole lot of room. (It does have Daveh's personal blessing, or I'd have proposed the whole section for deletion long ago - no offense to any of the writers who contributed, I just don't feel that this site is the place for that sort of thing.) There are plenty of other sites for fan art/fan fiction, and if you want to upload some of your stuff to one of the many sites that are designed for this sort of thing and post a link to it from your User page or something, you're more than welcome to. --TheRealLurlock Talk 14:34, 28 January 2008 (EST)
I'd be against that. The concept art is one thing - it can be interesting to see how the game ideas developed - but fan art is non-encyclopedic in the extreme. I considered putting Somercy's nice picture of me on my user page but didn't even do it there precisely for this reason. I suppose if others want to upload fan art and put it on their user pages that'd be fine, but I'd be against linking it anywhere into the main pages. –RpehTCE 14:35, 28 January 2008 (EST)
I agree. This kind of thing belongs on the forums, if not some other site altogether. --Eshetalk14:42, 28 January 2008 (EST)
With a wide range of free options like photobucket that offer ample storage space and bandwidth, I can't really see the logic in using our bandwidth and disk space to support fan art, unless it is for user pages. Now, this is a double stand, as we do allow fan fiction, but writing is much smaller than pictures. Now, in the future we may revisit this, especially if we start hosting plug-ins, something Daveh has said he wants to do. --Ratwar 15:06, 28 January 2008 (EST)
I agree. I don't think there is a section for fanart on the forums though. You might want to run it by the people there. However, with how slow the site can be... I'm not sure if it will be very popular. Especially with the dial-up gremlins (me). --Timmeh Talk 17:54, 28 January 2008 (EST)
This is an encyclopaedia. Our goal is to inform. Official images do this perfectly. Fan art does not. There are plently of websites that offer fan art and, if all else fails, you can just hit "Fan Art" on a Google image search. Why do we need this kind of thing here? --HMSVictory 11:36, 29 January 2008 (EST)
I apologize for putting out a bad idea HMS? As I recently said and look at the title up there ^ "Idea, just an idea..." It was just a thought. I do not mean to make a conflict of any sort, I am just here to give ideas, edit, have fun, and help others. I apologize to any who thought the same, but as I mentioned, it was only an idea. Have fun everyone, and all who left feedback, have a great day! --Playjex 15:01, 29 January 2008 (EST)
Just trying to make it clear that Fan Art has no place here. Sorry if I came across rather Draconian! --HMSVictory 11:35, 2 February 2008 (EST)
Haha, dude relax I was only kidding. Draconian? --Playjex 12:07, 2 February 2008 (EST)
Oh, I thought you would have recognised that. Draco was an ancient Greek ruler who executed citizens for the most menial of crimes. Today, the word, "Draconian" is used to describe something overly strict, such as an extremely demanding teacher in a school (I can't really think of a better example at the moment). --HMSVictory 06:12, 3 February 2008 (EST)

I'd just like to point out that the UESP is not just an encyclopedia, it is a fan site, and our goals as a fan site are to provide for the fans. That is our main goal. Our wiki structure is here to provide services to the fans of the Elder Scrolls series. Among those, providing information in an easy to read fashion is probably our biggest single service, but if there was a large need for a site to host fan art, I'm sure we'd step up to the plate. --Ratwar 15:35, 4 February 2008 (EST)

I don't know what made Ratwar say this. I have always thought of UESP as an Elder Scrolls encyclopaedia. --Mankar CamoranTCE 06:34, 5 February 2008 (EST)
Mankar, if were were simply an encyclopedia, we wouldn't have a forum, and we wouldn't be investigating avenues of hosting mods on the site. The UESP itself existed for quite awhile before it became a wiki. We are a fan site with an encyclopedia section. --Ratwar 00:31, 6 February 2008 (EST)
I was actually referring to this section alone when I said "UESP". I ignored the forums completely! Thanks for correcting me. This concept doesn't belong here, I think. --Mankar CamoranTCE 08:50, 6 February 2008 (EST)

I think that this really isn't a problem, since that because the page is buried under a chain of links that makes it impossible to find unless you know where it is, indirectly protecting it against the problems in the Gripes page. --Twentyfists 21:57, 7 March 2008 (EST)