Tribunal:Spell Merchants

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Those who sell their spells for money fall into many categories, based vaguely upon their areas of expertise. They include Mages, Sorcerers, and Spellmakers among others. Often these merchants will teach you a spell in exchange for gold, whether or not you are anywhere near ready to use it. To see a list of all spells in the game, see Spells.

Merchant House/Location Alteration Conjuration Destruction Illusion Mysticism Restoration Services
Crito Olcinius Mournhold, Royal Palace: Imperial Cult Services 1Yes5 1Yes8 1Yes4 1Yes10 Spellmaker, Merchant, Priest Service
Laurina Maria Mournhold, Royal Palace: Imperial Cult Services 1Yes1 1Yes8 1Yes1 1Yes8 Spellmaker, Merchant, Healer Service
Mehra Helas Mournhold, Temple Courtyard 1Yes1 1Yes1 1Yes1 1Yes3 1Yes6 Spellmaker, Merchant, Healer Service
Nerile Andaren Mournhold, Temple Courtyard: Hall of Ministry 1Yes7 1Yes1 1Yes5 1Yes14 Merchant, Healer Service
Galsa Andrano Mournhold, Temple Courtyard: Infirmary 1Yes3 18px12 Merchant, Healer Service
Jeanne Andre Mournhold Great Bazaar Magic Shop 1Yes1 1Yes4 1Yes8 1Yes5 1Yes2 Spellmaker, Mage Service