Online:The Wyrd Sisters

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ON-qico-Normal.png Meet with Wyress Ileana and investigate the corruption in Daenia.
Zone: Glenumbra
Faction: Daggerfall Covenant
Quest Giver: Wyress Helene at Deleyn's Mill
Location(s): Vale of the Guardians
Prerequisite Quest: The Wyrd Tree's Roots
Next Quest: Seeking the Guardians
Reward: 24 Gold, Silver(?) Gold, Gold75 Gold
XP Gain: (?) XP, Silver(?) VP, Gold6080 VP
Recommended Level: 6
Wyress Ileana and two Initiates are praying in the Vale of the Guardians

Wyress Helene discovered that Reach magic has somehow corrupted the forest and silenced the elemental guardians.

Quick Walkthrough

  1. Talk to Wyress Helene at Deleyn's Mill.
  2. Talk to Wyress Ileana in the Vale of the Guardians.

Detailed Walkthrough

Talk to Wyress Helene inside the mill at Deleyn's Mill. She asks you to meet with Wyress Ileana who's on the road north of the mill. Leave the mill and head north through the forest, when you get to the road talk to Ileana who's nearby. She will give you a reward.

Quest Stages

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