Online:The Road to Rivenspire

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ON-qico-Normal.png Head to Rivenspire on the order of High King Emeric and assess the situation between the noble houses.
Zone: Rivenspire
Faction: Daggerfall Covenant
Quest Giver: High King Emeric in Wayrest
Location(s): Stormhaven
Prerequisite Quest: Vaermina's Gambit
Next Quest: Shornhelm Divided
Reward: 100 Gold, Silver(?) Gold, Gold151 Gold
XP Gain: 1456
Recommended Level: 24
High King Emeric wants the guillotine to be destroyed

A bloody conflict has erupted between the noble houses of Rivenspire and High King Emeric has asked me to go there on his authority and attempt to restore order.

Quick Walkthrough

  1. Talk to High King Emeric.
  2. Talk to Captain Ernele.
  3. Talk to Darien Gautier at Oldgate.

Detailed Walkthrough

Quest Stages

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Objective: Talk to Captain Ernele


Objective: Go to Rivenspire


Finishes Quest Journal Entry
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