Online:The Aquifer

A UESPWiki – Sua fonte de The Elder Scrolls desde 1995
The Aquifer
Aldmeri Dominion
Level 16
Discoverable No
Long CoastGrahtwood
The port city of Haven, on the border with Elsweyr, has changed hands many times. During the late First Era it was governed by the Reman Empire. More recently it has become a sort of High Elf colony. The Altmer replaced the Imperial buildings with their own—but they kept the Imperial sewer system.
Ficheiro:ON-place-The Aquifier.jpg
The entrance to the Aquifer

The Aquifer is the Imperial sewer system of the port of Haven. The entrance to the sewers can be found on the southwestern shore of Haven. The sewers lead to a gatehouse found inside the Haven Fort. The Aquifer is only accessible during the quest Unsafe Haven.

Related Quests


A map of the Aquifer
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