Online:Soul Gems

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< Items(Redirecionado de Online:Petty Soul Gem)
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A pile of soul gems

Soul Gems have two uses in Elder Scrolls Online. They may be used to recharge enchanted weapons, and they may also be used to revive either yourself or other players.

Soul gems may be found in loot or purchased from vendors, and they may be either empty or full. If a soul gem is empty, you will need to fill it before it can be used. You can do this by casting the soul trap spell (from the Soul Magic skill line) on an enemy of the appropriate level before killing them. You must kill the enemy before the soul trap effect, apparent as a white glow around the target, wears off. There are also certain abilities that allow you to capture souls without the use of soul trap.

To recharge a weapon, select it in the Inventory menu, and the "Recharge" option will appear. Press the key/button associated with it ('R' by default; you may also right-click and select "Recharge" from the drop-down menu), and you will be shown a list of viable soul gems to choose from. Select one and click "Recharge", and you will regain charge on the weapon. In order to charge a weapon, you must have a soul gem of appropriate level; for example, a petty soul gem for weapons at item level 9 and below.

To revive a fallen player, simply activate their corpse (indicated by a plus sign), and if you have a viable soul gem, you'll be asked if you wish to revive that player. If you and the other player both agree to it, they will be revived on the spot and the soul gem will be destroyed. Soul gems you are able to use correspond to the other player's level; see the table below. Additionally, you can revive yourself with a soul gem if you are killed. You'll be given the option when you die of reviving with a soul gem or reviving at the nearest wayshrine. In either case, the revived player will be in an ethereal form for a short time, unable to attack or be attacked in any way. This can allow them to get out of danger or regroup in a safe spot before the ghostly effect wears off.

Soul Gem Level
ON-icon-soul gem-Petty.png Petty Soul Gem 1-9
ON-icon-soul gem-Minor.png Minor Soul Gem 10-19
ON-icon-soul gem-Lesser.png Lesser Soul Gem 20-29
ON-icon-soul gem-Common.png Common Soul Gem 30-39
ON-icon-soul gem-Greater.png Greater Soul Gem 40-49
ON-icon-soul gem-Grand.png Grand Soul Gem 50+
ON-icon-soul gem-Crown.png Crown Soul GemCrown Store Any

Soul Reservoirs

While attempting a Trial or a veteran Dragonstar Arena run, your group will be given a limited number of respawns. When this Soul Reservior runs out and all players are dead, the attempt fails.