
A UESPWiki – Sua fonte de The Elder Scrolls desde 1995
Home Settlement Belkarth
Location Crossroads Tavern
Race Redguard Gender Female
Level Veteran11 Health 30984

Naifa is a Redguard patron of the Crossroads Tavern, the inn located in the town of Belkarth. When spoken to, she will comment upon the troubling times in Craglorn:

"Such terrible times these are. At least we are safe here in Belkarth.
I heard that Elinhir did not fare so well. In fact, I hear that the entire Eastern [sic] portion of Craglorn is overrun with atronachs."
How did that happen?
"It is a classic case of buying a cat to catch a mouse. The mages of Elinhir summoned the atronachs to ward off the invasion from Coldharbour.
But when the work was done, the atronachs remained—and turned on them."
Any idea why?
"I do not know. But I've heard of strange sightings near one of the broken Dark Anchor dolmens.
You might look there, if you're curious. Of course, that calls to mind another common expression involving cats."

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