Online:Guildhall (Baandari Trading Post)

A UESPWiki – Sua fonte de The Elder Scrolls desde 1995
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Aldmeri Dominion
Malabal Tor
Baandari Trading Post
The Baandari Trading Post Guildhall

This Guildhall is a guildhall housing both the Fighters Guild and the Mages Guild branches. It is located at the Baandari Trading Post in Malabal Tor. Even though it has two entrance doors, it is a one-room building shared by members of both guilds. Fighters guild occupies the left-hand side of the building, while mages reside on the right. A skill book on Provisioning, Baandari Mutton Stew, can be found here.

Related Quests

Residents and Vendors

*Appears here only during the related quest.

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