Online:Daughter of Seamount

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ON-qico-Normal.png Help a young Orc learn her place.
Zone: Betnikh
Quest Giver: Hunt-Wife Lurgush
Location(s): Stonetooth Fortress
Reward: Seamount Bow
49 Gold, Silver(?) Gold, Gold151 Gold
XP Gain: 337 XP, Silver(?) VP, Gold6080 VP
Recommended Level: 6
Lokra wants to see the world

The hunt-wife of the Seamount clan thinks the chief's daughter is not mindful of her duties to the clan. She believes I could help sort things out.

Quick Walkthrough

  1. Speak to Hunt-Wife Lurgush.
  2. Speak to Lokra near the docks.
  3. Speak with Glurala the Wise and Hearth-Wife Sholg.
  4. Decide if Lokra should stay or leave.

Detailed Walkthrough


Lokra watches the scenery after arriving in Daggerfall

To start this quest talk to Hunt-Wife Lurgush who can be found near the stables just north of Stonetooth Wayshrine across the wooden bridge. She wants you to convince Lokra not to leave and that she'll be near the docks. Go to the docks where you disembarked at and talk to Lokra. She doesn't want to leave without her mother and grandmothers blessing so agree to talk to them. Speak with Glurala the Wise next to Stonetooth wayshrine and then go find Hearth-Wife Sholg inside of Stonetooth Fortress. Now go back to Lokra on the docks and you can tell her to leave or make her stay. Regardless of your choice, she will be convinced, thank you for the advice, and give you a Seamount Bow and some gold.

Quest Stages

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Objective: Talk to Lokra


Objective: Talk to Glurala


Objective: Talk to Sholg


Objective: Advise Lokra
Complete one: Encourage Lokra to Leave or Encourage Lokra to Stay


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