Online:Beyond the Call

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ON-qico-Normal.png Discover what the Dark Witnesses have been cultivating in Northglen.
Zone: Bangkorai
Faction: Daggerfall Covenant
Objective: Northglen — Stop the Reachmen from mounting their attack on Evermore.
Quest Giver: Captain Eugien Gaercroft
Location(s): Northglen
Previous Quest: Leading the Stand
Next Quest: Destroying the Dark Witnesses
Reward: Cuirass of the Defender
313 Gold, Silver(?) Gold, Gold(?) Gold
Recommended Level: 37
Wyress Delphique attempts to remove the evil seeds

Reachmen attacked Northglen. They must be stopped before they can attack the city of Evermore.

Quick Walkthrough

  1. Talk to Captain Gaercroft.
  2. Search for the missing scouts.
  3. Find the Wyrd camp.
  4. Destroy the Reachmen's markers.
  5. Find and kill Duraeg.
  6. Destroy the seeds.
  7. Return to Captain Gaercroft.

Detailed Walkthrough

Quest Stages

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Objective: Search the Chapel


Objective: Talk to Hatmi


Objective: Find the Wyrd Camp


Objective: Talk to Wyress Asteria


Objective: Talk to Wyress Delphique


Objective: Watch Delphique's Experiment


Hidden Objective: Destroy the Markers


Objective: Locate Duraeg


Objective: Defeat Duraeg


Objective: Talk to Isabeth Gaercroft


Hidden Objective: Destroy Seed Stores


Objective: Use Elgenie's Poultice


Objective: Return to the Evermore Camp


Objective: Witness the Reunion


Objective: Wait for Isabeth Gaercroft to Deliver her Decision


Objective: Talk to Captain Eugien Gaercroft


Finishes Quest Journal Entry
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