Morrowind Mod:Animation Groups
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Animation group values are hardcoded into the Morrowind application and are used in the PlayGroup and LoopGroup script functions. The following table lists all the known groups as extracted from the most recent Morrowind.exe file with Tribunal installed. At some point, either an expansion or patch, the opcode values of the animation groups changed. It is assumed that older scripts using animation groups compiled in the original Construction Set will not work correctly with a newer version of the game (unconfirmed, but likely unless there is a hidden mechanism to convert the old opcodes to new and vice-versa).
Animation | New Opcode | Original Opcode |
Attack1 | 0x83 | |
Attack2 | 0x84 | |
Attack3 | 0x85 | |
Block Hit | 0xA2 | |
Block Start | 0x9A | |
Block Stop | 0xAA | |
BowAndArrow | 0x8B | 0x83 |
Chop Hit | 0x145 | |
Chop Large Follow Start | 0x16D | |
Chop Large Follow Stop | 0x175 | |
Chop Max Attack | 0x135 | |
Chop Medium Follow Start | 0x15D | |
Chop Medium Follow Stop | 0x165 | |
Chop Min Attack | 0x12D | |
Chop Min Hit | 0x13D | |
Chop Small Follow Start | 0x14D | |
Chop Small Follow Stop | 0x155 | |
Chop Start | 0x125 | |
Crossbow | 0x8A | 0x82 |
Death1 | 0x1B | 0x18 |
Death2 | 0x1C | 0x19 |
Death3 | 0x1D | 0x1A |
Death4 | 0x1E | 0x1B |
Death5 | 0x1F | 0x1C |
DeathKnockDown | 0x20 | 0x1D |
DeathKnockOut | 0x21 | 0x1E |
Equip Attach | 0xA3 | |
Equip Start | 0x99 | |
Equip Stop | 0xA9 | |
HandToHand | 0x89 | 0x81 |
Hit1 | 0x13 | 0x13 |
Hit2 | 0x14 | 0x14 |
Hit3 | 0x15 | 0x16 |
Hit4 | 0x16 | 0x15 |
Hit5 | 0x17 | 0x17 |
idle | 0x00 | 0x00 |
idle1h | 0x0A | 0x0A |
idle2 | 0x01 | 0x01 |
idle2c | 0x0B | 0x0B |
idle2w | 0x0C | 0x0C |
idle3 | 0x02 | 0x02 |
idle4 | 0x03 | 0x03 |
idle5 | 0x04 | 0x04 |
idle6 | 0x05 | 0x05 |
idle7 | 0x06 | 0x06 |
idle8 | 0x07 | 0x07 |
idle9 | 0x08 | 0x08 |
idleCrossBow | 0x0F | 0x0F |
idlehh | 0x09 | 0x09 |
idleSneak | 0x10 | 0x10 |
idleSpell | 0x0E | 0x0E |
idleStorm | 0x11 | 0x11 |
idleSwim | 0x0D | 0x0D |
InventoryHandToHand | 0x92 | 0x8A |
InventoryWeaponOneHand | 0x93 | 0x8B |
InventoryWeaponTwoHand | 0x94 | 0x8C |
InventoryWeaponTwoWide | 0x95 | 0x8D |
Jump | 0x43 | 0x3E |
Jump1h | 0x61 | 0x5C |
Jump2c | 0x70 | 0x6B |
Jump2w | 0x7F | 0x7A |
Jumphh | 0x52 | 0x4D |
KnockDown | 0x22 | 0x1F |
KnockOut | 0x23 | 0x20 |
Loop Start | 0xA7 | |
Loop Stop | 0xAF | |
PickProbe | 0x91 | 0x89 |
RunBack | 0x3C | 0x37 |
RunBack1h | 0x5A | 0x55 |
RunBack2c | 0x69 | 0x64 |
RunBack2w | 0x78 | 0x73 |
RunBackhh | 0x4B | 0x46 |
RunForward | 0x3B | 0x36 |
RunForward1h | 0x59 | 0x54 |
RunForward2c | 0x68 | 0x63 |
RunForward2w | 0x77 | 0x72 |
RunForwardhh | 0x4A | 0x45 |
RunLeft | 0x3D | 0x38 |
RunLeft1h | 0x5B | 0x56 |
RunLeft2c | 0x6A | 0x65 |
RunLeft2w | 0x79 | 0x74 |
RunLefthh | 0x4C | 0x47 |
RunRight1h | 0x5C | 0x57 |
RunRight2c | 0x6B | 0x66 |
RunRight2w | 0x7A | 0x75 |
RunRighthh | 0x4D | 0x48 |
Self Release | 0xD4 | |
Self Start | 0xCC | |
Self Stop | 0xDC | |
Shield | 0x90 | 0x88 |
Shoot Attach | 0xD1 | |
Shoot Follow Attach | 0x101 | |
Shoot Follow Start | 0xF9 | |
Shoot Follow Stop | 0x109 | |
Shoot Max Attack | 0xE1 | |
Shoot Min Attack | 0xD9 | |
Shoot Min Hit | 0xE9 | |
Shoot Release | 0xF1 | |
Shoot Start | 0xC9 | |
Slash Hit | 0xED | |
Slash Large Follow Start | 0x115 | |
Slash Large Follow Stop | 0x11D | |
Slash Max Attack | 0xDD | |
Slash Medium Follow Start | 0x105 | |
Slash Medium Follow Stop | 0x10D | |
Slash Min Attack | 0xD5 | |
Slash Min Hit | 0xE5 | |
Slash Small Follow Start | 0xF5 | |
Slash Small Follow Stop | 0xFD | |
Slash Start | 0xCD | |
SneakBack | 0x40 | 0x3B |
SneakBack1h | 0x5E | 0x59 |
SneakBack2c | 0x6D | 0x68 |
SneakBack2w | 0x7C | 0x77 |
SneakBackhh | 0x4F | 0x4A |
SneakForward | 0x3F | 0x3A |
SneakForward1h | 0x5D | 0x58 |
SneakForward2c | 0x6C | 0x67 |
SneakForward2w | 0x7B | 0x76 |
SneakForwardhh | 0x4E | 0x49 |
SneakLeft | 0x41 | 0x3C |
SneakLeft1h | 0x5F | 0x5A |
SneakLeft2c | 0x6E | 0x69 |
SneakLeft2w | 0x7D | 0x78 |
SneakLefthh | 0x50 | 0x4B |
SneakRight | 0x42 | 0x3D |
SneakRight1h | 0x60 | 0x5B |
SneakRight2c | 0x6F | 0x6A |
SneakRight2w | 0x7E | 0x79 |
SneakRighthh | 0x51 | 0x4C |
SpellCast | 0x80 | 0x7B |
SpellTurnRight | 0x82 | 0x7D |
SpellTurnLeft | 0x81 | 0x7C |
Start | 0x96 | |
Stop | 0xD3 | |
SwimAttack1 | 0x86 | |
SwimAttack2 | 0x87 | |
SwimAttack3 | 0x88 | |
SwimDeath | 0x24 | 0x21 |
SwimDeath2 | 0x25 | |
SwimDeath3 | 0x26 | |
SwimDeathKnockDown | 0x27 | 0x22 |
SwimDeathKnockOut | 0x28 | 0x23 |
SwimHit1 | 0x18 | |
SwimHit2 | 0x19 | |
SwimHit3 | 0x1A | |
SwimKnockDown | 0x2A | 0x25 |
SwimKnockOut | 0x29 | 0x24 |
SwimRunBack | 0x30 | 0x2B |
SwimRunForward | 0x2F | 0x2A |
SwimRunLeft | 0x31 | 0x2C |
SwimRunRight | 0x32 | 0x2D |
SwimTurnLeft | 0x33 | 0x2E |
SwimTurnRight | 0x34 | 0x2F |
SwimWalkBack | 0x2C | 0x27 |
SwimWalkForward | 0x2B | 0x26 |
SwimWalkLeft | 0x2D | 0x28 |
SwimWalkRight | 0x2E | 0x29 |
Target Release | 0x104 | |
Target Start | 0xFC | |
Target Stop | 0x10C | |
ThrowWeapon | 0x8C | 0x84 |
Thrust Hit | 0x19D | |
Thrust Large Follow Start | 0x1C5 | |
Thrust Large Follow Stop | 0x1CD | |
Thrust Max Attack | 0x18D | |
Thrust Medium Follow Start | 0x1B5 | |
Thrust Medium Follow Stop | 0x1BD | |
Thrust Min Attack | 0x185 | |
Thrust Min Hit | 0x195 | |
Thrust Small Follow Start | 0x1A5 | |
Thrust Small Follow Stop | 0x1AD | |
Thrust Start | 0x17D | |
Torch | 0x12 | 0x12 |
Touch Release | 0xEC | |
Touch Start | 0xE4 | |
Touch Stop | 0xF4 | |
TurnLeft | 0x39 | 0x34 |
TurnLeft1h | 0x57 | 0x52 |
TurnLeft2c | 0x66 | 0x61 |
TurnLeft2w | 0x75 | 0x70 |
TurnLefthh | 0x48 | 0x43 |
TurnRight | 0x3A | 0x35 |
TurnRight1h | 0x58 | 0x53 |
TurnRight2c | 0x67 | 0x62 |
TurnRight2w | 0x76 | 0x71 |
TurnRighthh | 0x49 | 0x44 |
Unequip Detach | 0xB9 | |
Unequip Start | 0xB1 | |
Unequip Stop | 0xC1 | |
WalkBack | 0x36 | 0x31 |
WalkBack1h | 0x54 | 0x4F |
WalkBack2c | 0x63 | 0x5E |
WalkBack2w | 0x72 | 0x6D |
WalkBackhh | 0x45 | 0x40 |
WalkForward | 0x35 | 0x30 |
WalkForward1h | 0x53 | 0x4E |
WalkForward2c | 0x62 | 0x5D |
WalkForward2w | 0x71 | 0x6C |
WalkForwardhh | 0x44 | 0x3F |
WalkLeft | 0x37 | 0x32 |
WalkLeft1h | 0x55 | 0x50 |
WalkLeft2c | 0x64 | 0x5F |
WalkLeft2w | 0x73 | 0x6E |
WalkLefthh | 0x46 | 0x41 |
WalkRight | 0x38 | 0x33 |
WalkRight1h | 0x56 | 0x51 |
WalkRight2c | 0x65 | 0x60 |
WalkRight2w | 0x74 | 0x6F |
WalkRighthh | 0x47 | 0x42 |
WeaponOneHand | 0x8D | 0x85 |
WeaponTwoHand | 0x8E | 0x86 |
WeaponTwoWide | 0x8F | 0x87 |