Morrowind:Thelsa Dral

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Thelsa Dral (Thelsa Dral)
Location Asha-Ahhe Egg Mine
Race Dunmer Gender Female
Level 10 Class Witch
Other Information
Health 70 Magicka 300
Alarm 90 Fight 90
Thelsa Dral

Thelsa Dral is a Dunmer witch who has gained quite the notoriety as a witch, far exceeding Khuul. The shrine sergeant Kaye at the Imperial Chapels in Ebonheart asks you to take care of this menace.

Thelsa's lair is located in the Asha-Ahhe Egg Mine. To find this mine, travel south out of Khuul past another egg mine and continue travling south.

Speaking with the miners there provides few details. The witch has two bodyguards and is also capable of summoning Daedra, so be careful.

She is wearing an extravagant shirt with a matching skirt, shoes, ring, and ruby amulet. She is carrying a steel spider blade, two cheap restore health potions, two quality restore fatigue potions, two potions of cure poison, and two potions of cure paralyzation. Aside from her natural resistance to fire and the sanctuary provided by her ancestors, she knows the following spells: Alad's Caliginy, Medusa's Gaze, Sanctuary, Far Silence, Sotha's Mirror, Summon Scamp, and Summon Dremora.

Related Quests

Imperial Cult