Morrowind:Mehrunes Dagon of the House of Troubles

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Renew the pact with Mehrunes Dagon by visiting his shrine.
Quest Giver: Tholer Saryoni in the Vivec, Temple Canton
Location(s): Ald Sotha
Prerequisite Quest: Malacath of the House of Troubles
Next Quest: Molag Bal of the House of Troubles
Reward: Blessings of the Second Corner
Reputation Gain: +1 Reputation
ID: TT_AldSotha
Required Rank: Diviner
The Statue of Mehrunes Dagon

Quick Walkthrough

  1. Talk to Archcanon Tholer Saryoni at the at the High Fane in the Vivec, Temple Canton for your duties.
  2. Travel to Ald Sotha to visit the Statue of Mehrunes Dagon as part of the Pilgrimages of the Four Corners.
  3. Find the statue in the Shrine and activate it to receive the poem Four Corners of the House of Troubles and the Blessings of the Second Corner.

Detailed Walkthrough


Archcanon Tholer Saryoni in his quarters in the Crosier of the High Fane in the Vivec's Temple Canton tells you that the Second Corner of the House of Troubles is Mehrunes Dagon. His shrine is in Ald Sotha, northeast of Vivec.

Mehrunes Dagon of the House of Troubles

This simple trip requires that you find and activate the shrine (get close and click when shrine name appears) for your poem and blessing (Fortify Destruction and Axe, and Fortify Attack 10 pts for 48 min). Actually surviving to reach the shrine is left as an exercise for the reader, since it has been taken over by the Dark Brotherhood, and you also risk meeting Daedra on the grounds - with any luck, they will already have been taken care of on a previous visit to retrieve the Shoes of St. Rilms.

Return to Archcanon Saryoni in Vivec for instuctions on the next Corner of the House of Troubles.


  • Due to something the developers overlooked, it is possible to do the Pilgrimages of the Four Corners and Mount Assarnibibi pilgrimage at any time - even if you aren't a member of the Tribunal Temple. Some of the Four Corners pilgrimages need to be done in order, and all four are required for the Mount Assarnibibi pilgrimage to get the Ebony Mail. There are no known issues with this, so if you later decide to finish the Temple you should be fine.

Quest Stages

These Codes can be used along with the Journal Console Command and Quest ID given within the chart to update the quest to a certain point.

{{ Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|!|Mehrunes Dagon of the House of Troubles|TT_AldSotha}}

{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=10|2=|3=Tholer Saryoni told me that the Second Corner of the House of Troubles is Mehrunes Dagon. I must find the statue of Mehrunes Dagon in Ald Sotha and read from Vivec's "Four Corners." }}{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=100|2=yes|3=I made the Pilgrimage to Ald Sotha and read a passage from the Four Corners of the House of Troubles. }}

Index Finishes Quest Journal Entry

Prev: Malacath of the House of Troubles Up: Tribunal Temple Quests Next: Molag Bal of the House of Troubles