Morrowind:Alchemy Apparatus

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< Items(Redirecionado de Morrowind:Master's Alembic)

The following is a list of all the alchemic apparatus used to help make potions.

  • Mortar and Pestles are the only required instrument and determine the initial potion strength.
  • Alembics decrease the magnitude and duration of all negative ingredient effects, as well as the weight of the resultant potion.
  • Retorts increase the magnitude and duration of all positive ingredient effects.
  • Calcinators increase the magnitude and duration of all ingredient effects.
  • A high object Quality indicates a better item.
  • The item Count in the below list gives the approximate number of that item in the game not including those sold by some merchants (such as the Secret Grandmaster apparatus).
  • The Locations for some of the apparatus are not exhaustive.

See also:

Object ID Name Type Weight Value Quality Count
Apprentice's Alembic apparatus_a_alembic_01 Apprentice's Alembic Alembic 10 50 0.5 28
Apprentice's Calcinator apparatus_a_calcinator_01 Apprentice's Calcinator Calcinator 25 10 0.5 29
Apprentice's Mortar and Pestle apparatus_a_mortar_01 Apprentice's Mortar and Pestle Mortar/Pestle 5 100 0.5 65
Apprentice's Retort apparatus_a_retort_01 Apprentice's Retort Retort 8 20 0.5 18
Journeyman's Alembic apparatus_j_alembic_01 Journeyman's Alembic Alembic 7 200 1 31
Journeyman's Calcinator apparatus_j_calcinator_01 Journeyman's Calcinator Calcinator 18 40 1 35
Journeyman's Mortar and Pestle apparatus_j_mortar_01 Journeyman's Mortar and Pestle Mortar/Pestle 4 400 1 38
Journeyman's Retort apparatus_j_retort_01 Journeyman's Retort Retort 6 80 1 35
Master's Alembic apparatus_m_alembic_01 Master's Alembic Alembic 5 1200 1.2 18
Master's Calcinator apparatus_m_calcinator_01 Master's Calcinator Calcinator 13 240 1.2 23
Master's Mortar and Pestle apparatus_m_mortar_01 Master's Mortar and Pestle Mortar/Pestle 3 2400 1.2 33
Master's Retort apparatus_m_retort_01 Master's Retort Retort 4 480 1.2 24
Grandmaster's Alembic apparatus_g_alembic_01 Grandmaster's Alembic Alembic 3 4000 1.5 4
Grandmaster's Calcinator apparatus_g_calcinator_01 Grandmaster's Calcinator Calcinator 8 4000 1.5 6
Grandmaster's Mortar and Pestle apparatus_g_mortar_01 Grandmaster's Mortar and Pestle Mortar/Pestle 2 4000 1.5 13
Grandmaster's Retort apparatus_g_retort_01 Grandmaster's Retort Retort 3 1600 1.5 5
SecretMaster's Alembic apparatus_sm_alembic_01 SecretMaster's Alembic Alembic 3 1600 2 0
Does not exist in-game, but can be brought into it with the construction set.*
SecretMaster's Calcinator apparatus_sm_calcinator_01 SecretMaster's Calcinator Calcinator 6 3200 2 0
Does not exist in-game, but can be brought into it with the construction set.*
SecretMaster's Mortar and Pestle apparatus_sm_mortar_01 SecretMaster's Mortar and Pestl [sic] Mortar/Pestle 1 6000 2 0
Does not exist in-game, but can be brought into it with the construction set.*
SecretMaster's Retort apparatus_sm_retort_01 SecretMaster's Retort Retort 2 1000 2 0
Does not exist in-game, but can be brought into it with the construction set.*
Good Skooma Pipe apparatus_a_spipe_01 Good Skooma Pipe Alembic 2 50 0.15 20
Tsiya's Skooma Pipe apparatus_a_spipe_tsiya Tsiya's Skooma Pipe Alembic 2 30 0.15 1

  • The reason why the secretmaster apparatus is not included in-game is unknown, but it exists fully in the construction set (Complete with function scripts, inventory images and world models) in the list of apparatus, just with a 0 count. This may have been an oversight on the developers' part, or the items may have been deliberately left out as a surprise or easter egg.