Morrowind:Gathering Marshmerrow

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Retrieve five pieces of this ingredient from a Pelagiad farmer.
Quest Giver: Synnolian Tunifus in Ebonheart
Location(s): Balur's Farmhouse in Ascadian Isles
Next Quest: Gathering Muck
Reward: Standard Restore Health Potion, Apprentice's Mortar and Pestle, The Cake and the Diamond
Disposition: +10 (Synnolian Tunifus)
+10/+30 (Balur Salvu)
Reputation Gain: +5 (Imperial Cult)
ID: IC1_marshmerrow (also IC1_marshmerrow_not)
Required Rank: Layman

Quick Walkthrough

  1. Talk to Synnolian Tunifus at the Imperial Chapels in Ebonheart for a new task.
  2. Visit Balur Salvu in the Ascadian Isles to get five pieces of Marshmerrow.
  3. Find Balur in his farm along Lake Hairan a little southeast of Pelagiad, and give him the Quality Fortify Strength Potion as a gift.
  4. Return to Synnolian to complete the quest.

Detailed Walkthrough


Synnolian Tunifus at the Imperial Chapels in Ebonheart will ask you to run an errand to fetch five pieces of Marshmerrow. He suggests that you visit the farmer Balur Salvu near Pelagiad to get it, and gives you a Quality Fortify Strength Potion to use as a gift.

Gathering Marshmerrow

You can get the marshmerrow anywhere, including Alchemist shops and in the wild (in which case you get to keep the potion). If you do visit Balur, you can get a copy of The Cake and the Diamond, an Alchemy skill book, in addition to the marshmerrow. Balur's Farmhouse can be found along Lake Hairan a little southeast of Pelagiad, on the north side of the road. Do not disturb the Bull Netch and Betty Netch in the area, and they will most likely leave you alone. (There are a few netch-herders about who will tell you this if you speak to them.)

If you give Balur the strength potion, his disposition towards you jumps by thirty; if not, it rises by only ten.

Return to Tunifus with the marshmerrow to receive a Standard Restore Health Potion in addition to an apprentice's mortar and pestle. You might also be eligible for a rank advancement.


  • If you fail to collect enough marshmerrow, Tunifus' disposition towards you drops by ten.


  • If you have talked to Balur Salvu before receiving this quest, you won't be able to give him the fortify strength potion or receive the skill book.

Quest Stages

These Codes can be used along with the Journal Console Command and Quest ID given within the chart to update the quest to a certain point.

{{ Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|!|Gathering Marshmerrow|IC1_marshmerrow}}

{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=1|2=|3=Synnolian Tunifus needs five units of marshmerrow for restore health potions. Balur Salvu, a farmer near Pelagiad, grows marshmerrow. If I bring him this Quality Fortify Strength potion as a gift, he'll tell me where to pick the marshmerrow. His farmhouse is south of Pelagiad, north of the road, west of the first bridge south of Pelagiad. When I have the marshmerrow, deliver them to Synnolian Tunifus. }}{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=5|2=fin|3=I told Synnolian Tunifus I would not be able to bring him the five units of marshmerrow he asked for. He was disappointed, and told me to take a day to reflect on my shortcomings, and attempt to amend them before I approach him again for a lay healer mission. }}{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=10|2=|3=I gave Balur Salvu the Quality Fortify Strength potion as Synnolian Tunifus requested. }}{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=15|2=|3=Balur Salvu gave me some valuable insights into the special properties of local plants. I'm sure that knowledge will come in handy in preparing better alchemical potions. }}{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=50|2=fin|3=I delivered five units of marshmerrow to Synnolian Tunifus. He gave me a restore health potion and a mortar and pestle as a reward. }}{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=!|2=|3=IC1_marshmerrow_not }}{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=1|2=fin|3=I told Synnolian Tunifus I would not be able to bring him the five units of marshmerrow he asked for. He was disappointed, and told me to take a day to reflect on my shortcomings, and attempt to amend them before I approach him again for a lay healer mission. }}

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