Dragonborn:Morag Tong Assassin

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Morag Tong Assassin
(RefID: )
Location Ashfallow Citadel
Race Dunmer Gender Radiant
Level Radiant (1-25) Class Bandit
RefID BaseID
Other Information
Health 35-489
Magicka 25
Stamina 70-246
Primary Skills One-handed, Two-handed, Block, Light Armor
Moral. Any Crime Aggress. Very Aggressive
Faction(s) Morag Tong Faction
Morag Tong Assassin
(RefID: )
Location Ashfallow Citadel
Race Dunmer Gender Radiant
Level Radiant (1-25) Class Bandit Archer
RefID BaseID
Other Information
Health 35-489
Magicka 25
Stamina 70-246
Primary Skills Archery, Light Armor, Sneak
Moral. Any Crime Aggress. Very Aggressive
Faction(s) Morag Tong Faction

Morag Tong Assassins are members of the Morag Tong guild encountered at Ashfallow Citadel in Solstheim during the quest Served Cold. They were hired by Vendil Ulen for use in his plot to assassinate Councilor Lleril Morvayn. After completing this quest, if you are a member of the Dark Brotherhood, you may be randomly attacked on Solstheim by one to three assassins, one of which will be carrying a writ explaining why the Morag Tong want you dead.

They wear Morag Tong armor, which is a variant of Chitin armor, and come in two varieties, a one-handed melee version and a missile version. Both variants can make use of a 20 second vampiric invisibilty spell similar to Embrace of Shadows, which they may use to escape if their health drops too low, as well as a 30 point Fortify Sneak spell. The melee variant can also cast Fast Healing.

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