Daggerfall:The Impostor

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You are promised Chrysamere if you complete a supposedly simple task.
Location(s): Any Merchant or Innkeeper
Reward: None
Reputation Gain: see Reputation Gain/Loss
ID: a0c0xy04
Required Reputation: 1-9 reputation
Difficulty: Hard
The daedric ingredient, a lodestone

Quick Walkthrough

  1. Talk to a Merchant or an Innkeeper.
  2. Head to the specified dungeon.
  3. Find the Daedra Seducer within.
  4. Attack her and listen to her offer.
  5. Either accept or reject her offer.
  6. Travel back to your employer's town and meet his master.
  7. Give the employer's master either the lodestone or the pearl.
  8. Kill the employer's master after he transforms into an Orc shaman.
  9. Be sure to follow the time limit.

Detailed Walkthrough

Quest Offer

This quest is one of several in the random pool of Merchants/Innkeepers quests.


My name is (questgiver's name). I represent a someone that needs to ... acquire something. Whoever delivers it will be rewarded with (Chrysamere). I don't know what that is, but I am told it is an item of power. Are you willing?

Quest Acceptance

The merchant/innkeeper goes on:

You must get the daedric (lodestone) from (dungeon). I don't know where that is, but I'm sure you can find it. When you have the daedric (lodestone) bring it to (building) here in town. There you will meet (questgiver's master), and (he/she) will give you the (Chrysamere).

Quest Decline

The merchant/innkeeper answers:

Forget you ever saw me. I have powerful friends. If you cause me any trouble, they will hunt you down like a rogue thief.

Quest Object

The Daedra Seducer's token, a pearl

Head to the specified dungeon. Within find the Daedric guardian (a Daedra Seducer) and attack her. She will offer you a deal:

I will fight you to the death to protect the daedric (lodestone). You should know that (questgiver's master's name) is not what (he/she) seems. The (Chrysamere) is a long lost item of great power that (he/she) has never owned. (He/She) means to kill you once (he/she) has possession of the daedric (lodestone). Cease this futile attack and I will give you a magical token that can render (questgiver's master) helpless. If you kill (him/her), I can see to it that the Mages Guild looks favorably upon you for quite some time. Do you accept my offer?

You have three choices:

  • Accept her offer
    • She will give you a pearl as a token, with which you will be able to destroy the magical illusion used by your employer's master.
  • Decline her offer
    • Send her back to Oblivion and get the lodestone from her body. Three Daedroths will appear after her demise.
  • Accept her offer, but kill her anyway
    • She will say once attacked:
      You have a truly devious mind. I admire that. But you should know that I am not to be trifled with. I take back my token and curse you to be mistrusted by my closest allies.
      The pearl will vanish from your inventory after the Daedra Seducer is gone. In addition, three Daedroths will appear. This approach will cost you a large amount of reputation with the Dark Brotherhood and its associated factions.

Return back to your employer's master with either the lodestone or the pearl. If you give him the lodestone he/she will say:

Fool! Did you really think that I would give you the (Chrysamere) for this daedric (lodestone)? The only reward I have for you is death! See me as I really am and tremble in fear. I am (Orc warlord's name). Kill him!

If you give him the pearl he/she will shout:

Wha ... I have been betrayed! You have broken the illusion and cast a spell of silence on me. That cursed (Daedra Seducer) (Daedra Seducer's name) put you up to this, didn't (she)? To arms! Help me! To arms!

In either case, he/she will transform into an Orc shaman. If you gave him the lodestone, it will cast a Shield and a Magic Reflection spell on the Orc shaman. If you gave him the pearl, it will cast a Silence spell on him. The Orc shaman will summon an Orc warlord to his assistance. Kill both Orcs.

Quest End

If you gave the Orc shaman the pearl and killed him, you will receive following message in your mind:

Well done, (player's name). Slaying (questgiver's master), or (Orc shaman's name) as (he/she) is known to (his/her) own people, has earned you a reward. Members of the Mage's Guild now trust you far more than before.

Reputation Gain/Loss

Regardless how this quest ends, you will always lose reputation according to the table below:

Faction/Person Reputation Gain
Questgiver's faction -2
Questgiver's associated factions -1

Additional Reputation

If you gave the pearl to the Orc shaman and killed him, you will gain/lose reputation according to the tables below.

Faction/Person Reputation Gain
The Mages Guild +25
Associated factions +12
Faction/Person Reputation Gain
Orsinium -10
Gortwog -10
Associated factions -5

If you betrayed the Daedra Seducer, you will lose reputation according to the table below

Faction/Person Reputation Gain
The Dark Brotherhood -75
Associated factions -38


  • Random dungeon monsters
  • Quest Target: One Orc Shaman
  • Guardian: One Daedra Seducer
  • 3x One Daedroth every one in-game minute after the Daedra Seducer has been disposed
  • One Orc Warlord after the Orc shaman has revealed his true identity

Ficheiro:DaggerfallOrcShaman.gif Ficheiro:DaggerfallDaedraSeducer.gif Ficheiro:DaggerfallDaedroth.gif Ficheiro:DaggerfallOrcWarlord.gif


  • According to the questfile, the quest's overall time limit is 90 days. There is a second time limit with a duration of 30 in-game minutes after the Orc shaman is killed, which will end the quest.
  • Even if you kill the Orc shaman, you will lose 2 reputation with The Merchants, this cannot be avoided.
  • If you keep the lodestone, it will remain in your inventory and won't vanish once the quest is over, unlike most quest items.
  • The Orc shaman will call himself using the Orc warlord's name because the quest variables are interchanged. Since all Orcs have similar random names, this only becomes evident when the questfile is examined in detail.
  • You will always lose reputation with the Dark Brotherhood when you kill the Seducer, whether you betrayed her or not. This is clearly an oversight since it seems more logical to lose reputation only if you betrayed her.