Bloodmoon:Holly Berries

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Value 5 Weight 0.1
Alchemy Effects
1st Resist Frost
2nd Frost Shield Frost Shield
3rd Frost Damage Frost Damage
4th Weakness to Fire
# Samples 0
Plant Holly Bush  % 90
# Plants 131
Holly Bushes

Holly Berries are a very common ingredient that grows in bushes all across Solstheim.

Holly Beries is one of only two ingredients which can be used to create Weakness to Fire potions, the other ingredient being Heartwood. Since Heartwood is very rare, it is unlikely such potions will ever be created.

Plants can be found in the following locations:

  • Hirstaang Forest, [-24,16] (14 Plants)
  • Hirstaang Forest, [-23,16] (13 Plants)
  • Hirstaang Forest, [-19,18] (9 Plants)
  • Hirstaang Forest, [-23,19] (9 Plants)
  • Hirstaang Forest, [-22,18] (8 Plants)
  • Isinfier Plains, [-20,20] (7 Plants)
  • Isinfier Plains, [-22,20] (7 Plants)
  • Isinfier Plains, [-23,21] (7 Plants)
  • Hirstaang Forest, [-19,17] (6 Plants)
  • Hirstaang Forest, [-20,18] (6 Plants)
  • Isinfier Plains, [-20,21] (6 Plants)
  • Isinfier Plains, [-22,23] (6 Plants)
  • Isinfier Plains, [-22,21] (6 Plants)
  • Hirstaang Forest, [-20,17] (5 Plants)
  • Hirstaang Forest, [-23,17] (5 Plants)
  • Hirstaang Forest, [-24,17] (5 Plants)
  • Hirstaang Forest, [-26,20] (5 Plants)
  • Isinfier Plains, [-20,22] (5 Plants)
  • Isinfier Plains, [-21,19] (5 Plants)
  • Isinfier Plains, [-24,21] (5 Plants)
  • Felsaad Coast Region, [-21,24] (4 Plants)
  • Hirstaang Forest, [-21,17] (4 Plants)
  • Hirstaang Forest, [-23,18] (4 Plants)
  • Hirstaang Forest, [-25,18] (4 Plants)
  • Fort Frostmoth, [-22,17] (3 Plants)
  • Hirstaang Forest, [-21,18] (3 Plants)
  • Hirstaang Forest, [-24,20] (3 Plants)
  • Isinfier Plains, [-19,20] (3 Plants)
  • Isinfier Plains, [-24,22] (3 Plants)
  • Isinfier Plains, [-25,21] (3 Plants)
  • Altar of Thrond, [-23,23] (2 Plants)
  • Hirstaang Forest, [-22,19] (2 Plants)
  • Hirstaang Forest, [-25,20] (2 Plants)
  • Hirstaang Forest, [-26,19] (2 Plants)
  • Hvitkald Peak, [-25,23] (2 Plants)
  • Isinfier Plains, [-21,21] (2 Plants)
  • Isinfier Plains, [-22,22] (2 Plants)
  • Isinfier Plains, [-23,22] (2 Plants)
  • Lake Fjalding, [-21,23] (2 Plants)
  • Felsaad Coast Region, [-20,24] (1 Plant)
  • Felsaad Coast Region, [-19,24] (1 Plant)
  • Felsaad Coast Region, [-18,24] (1 Plant)
  • Felsaad Coast Region, [-18,25] (1 Plant)
  • Brodir Grove, [-23,20] (1 Plant)
  • Hirstaang Forest, [-24,18] (1 Plant)
  • Isinfier Plains, [-19,21] (1 Plant)
  • Isinfier Plains, [-19,19] (1 Plant)
  • Isinfier Plains, [-20,19] (1 Plant)
  • Isinfier Plains, [-21,22] (1 Plant)
  • Isinfier Plains, [-21,20] (1 Plant)
  • Isinfier Plains, [-25,22] (1 Plant)
  • Raven Rock, [-25,19] (1 Plant)
  • Raven Rock, [-24,19] (1 Plant)