Battlespire:Clarentavious Valisious

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Clarentavious Valisious is an elderly male dunmer located in the Weir Gate. He greets you joyously, which is soon followed by apprehension, as he realizes that you have not brought allies. At this point, he declares the situation hopeless, and requests that the last of the anchors be loosened. If you returns with Lord Methats' Steel Pauldron, however, he will grant aid by bestowing the staff of Typos Sophia.

First Greeting

At last! O, joy! Saved! Saved! Oh, I knew you'd come, I've waited SO LONG in all this desperate, terrible nightmare.

Player Response Result
Hang on. Who in Mara's hat are YOU? Reply 1
[Journal] Ah. You look old and wise to me. So. You must be the wizard Clarentavious. Right? Reply 2
Keep your voice down! These Daedra DO have EARS you know! Reply 1

Reply 1

What? Do you know who you're talking to, you whelp? I am Clarentavious, the Emperor's chief artificer, and the only battlemage left alive in this Powers-forsaken wasteland.

Player Response Result
Forgive my -- curiosity -- but -- by what coincidence do you alone remain unharmed? Reply 2
Hah. So what kind of a deal did you have to cut with the daedra to keep your skin? Reply 2
[Journal, Female] Have you seen Josiah Kaid? Reply 3
[Journal, Male] Have you seen Vatasha Trenelle? Reply 4

Reply 2

I persuaded them I was Taken and BOUND to them, ensorceled, ONE of them. But I'm not, I'm not...and now you're HERE! And safety, sweet escape, and an END to the nightmare, and the darkness -- erm, but -- where are the legions, to cleanse this realm of its infestation?

Player Response Result
Legions? Well. Well. Uh. I ehr um. Well. No legions. Just. Well. You see? I'm all there is. Here. At the present. Reply 5

Reply 3

Kaid? They wanted Kaid, they sought him here but it's just me, just old Clarentavious, in the dark. But. Where are the LEGIONS to rid this place of its infestation?

Player Response Result
The legions will be here quite soon. Certainly. They sent me on ahead, of course, to, well, scout out things. A bit. Reply 6

Reply 4

Trenelle? They wanted Trenelle, they sought her here but it's just me, just old Clarentavious, in the dark. But. Where are the LEGIONS, to rid this place of its infestation?

Player Response Result
The legions will be here quite soon. Certainly. They sent me on ahead, of course, to, well, scout out things. A bit. Reply 6

Reply 5

No legions? Just you? And what use are you? USEless! USEless! All is lost! The Weir Gate is barred, and the Star Galley; that can only bear us deeper into the darkness and the madness. Well. That's the end, then. Here. The password to my chambers is "boustrophedon." It's on a piece of parchment somewhere around here. Take the password, and go to my chambers. Sever the last anchor, and we shall be done. You will reach them through a Mystic Conveyor, if you can get past Methats, that is.

Player Response Result
EEE-Easy, friend. What's all this about a star galley? A stove for cooking stars? Reply 7 &MethatsName

Reply 6

I'm not that far off in the weeds, young whippersnapper! You've got no legions, and none are coming. The Weir Gate is barred, and the Star Galley, that can only bear us deeper into the darkness and the madness. Well. That's the end, then. Here. The password to my chambers is "boustrophedon." It's on a piece of parchment somewhere around here. Take the password, and go to my chambers. Sever the last anchor, and we shall be done. You will reach them through a Mystic Conveyor, if you can get past Methats, that is.

Player Response Result
Erm -- exactly what is implied by the significant phrase -- we shall be DONE? Reply 7 &MethatsName

Reply 7

You come strolling through here, you don't have a legion, and you know jack-all! Nothing! Go to my chambers. All your questions will be answered there. Then you'll taste of utter despair. Now begone, and let me make my peace with my ancestors.

Player Response Result
Right. I'm off to your chambers straight away, where all will be made clear. I'm sure. Perhaps I'll check back later to share your utter despair. END &Dismissed

Greeting: if &Dismissed

You again! Why is the anchor still intact? Have - you - learned - NOTHING?

Player Response Result
Look, there has to be SOME way out of here. Reply 8
Just what did you mean about all that er, sever the anchor and we'll be DONE business? Reply 8
What was it I was supposed to do, again? Reply 8
[Cog Page] I've been to your rooms and I've read your note. Where are the rest of the cogs? Reply 9

Reply 8

Are you DEAF as well as WITLESS? Let me try very small words. Use. The. Password. Use. The. Teleporter. Go to my chambers. Go to my chambers. Go. To. My. Chambers. ALL YOUR QUESTIONS WILL BE ANSWERED THERE. Now GO!

Player Response Result
Right. Thank you. END &Dismissed

Reply 9

So now you see. They are too strong, and the Star Galley just delivers us among more powerful foes. As for the cogs? Gone. Lost. Scattered into the hands of the Enemy. It matters not. Make your peace with the Great Powers, and sever the final anchor. Hope is lost. All that remains is an honorable death.

Player Response Result
Ahah! You little conceive with whom you speak. For I have just recently been awarded SECOND PLACE in the Imperial Martial Arts competition. Reply 10
Well, age brings wisdom, they say. Suit yourself. I have other fish to fry. END &Dismissed2
Consider, Aged Father. I might have a chance against these fiends if you were to lend me the TYPOS SOPHIA! Reply 11

Reply 10

Second place? Oh, good. Good. That's very encouraging. Now. Please. Set free the last anchor, and we can end this tragedy with stoic dignity.

Player Response Result
I've had just about enough of your sunny disposition. Go pop the anchor yourself, old man. I've got some valiant servants of the Emperor to avenge. END &Dismissed2
Consider, Aged Father. I might have a chance against these fiends if you were to lend me the TYPOS SOPHIA! Reply 11

Reply 11

You must be MAD! That Methats! HE'll be in my MIND! Drawing my soul through TORMENT! Sucking me DRY! He'll PEEL MY SKIN FROM MY BONES!

Player Response Result
Okay, okay. Take it easy. I'll get along fine without it. Goodbye. END &Dismissed2
Look. What if I did Methats for you? Knocked him into Oblivion, or the Thirteen Hells, or wherever Daedra go when you smack their spirits right out of time and space? Reply 12

Reply 12

You're priceless! So naive! Yes. Cast Methats from the world, and I'll give you the Typos Sophia! Absolutely. Why not? While you're about it, bring me his right pauldron, where he wears his seal, as proof of your deed. Might as well grab the seals of the Thirteen Patrons and the Eight Powers while you're at it. Hah-hah-ha! Hah-hah-hah!

Player Response Result
That's better. Cheer up. No need to be gloomy. I'll be right back with the dingus. Goodbye. END &Dismissed2
[Pauldron] What, you mean, like THIS pauldron HERE? Reply 13

Reply 13

By the Powers! You amaze me! Very well. Take the Typos Sophia. Much good may it do you in the Colleges. But you shall see. Yes, you'll see soon enough. These creatures you see here are but pups compared with their masters. As you dangle for eternity in some daedric pit of horrors, you'll wish you'd taken my advice and died gloriously with me in the ruins of Battlespire.

Player Response Result
Look, old man. Hide here in closet if you must, but don't kill yourself and don't set Battlespire drifting off to ends of time. SOMEone has to stick around here and report to the legions. So tighten up. I'll see you later. END Put 13_1010 &ClarenDone

Greeting: if &Dismissed2

What now? Have you finally seen sense? Are you ready to put an end to it? Or perhaps you have Methats' PAULDRON AND SEAL? Hah-hah-hah! Hmmmm?

Player Response Result
I see I'll get no more sense out of you until I DO have it. Goodbye for now. END
[Pauldron] What, you mean, like THIS pauldron HERE? Reply 13

Greeting: if &ClarenDone

[He seems to have withdrawn deep within himself and won't be talking with anyone for quite a while.] END